

........................................................... CCC

Cabbage (hakusai) , broccoli, brussle sprouts, carrots and more winter vegetables
..... Wild cabbage (habotan) Brassica oleracea. Japan

Cactus (saboten) Dry areas

Calabash (hyootan) Kalabasse Japan, Kenya. Lagenaria siceraria
Caladium (Elephant Ears) Tropics
Calendar and its related KIGO (koyomi, ...goyomi) Japan. Calendar used in daily life.

..... Calendar Systems, Asian Lunar Calendar, 12 Zodiac Animals, 24 Seasons
Helpful reference to understand Japanese Haiku Seasons.

Calla lily (karaa) Japan. Zantedeschia family
Calligraphy (shodoo)

Camel, Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) Yemen
Camellia (tsubaki) Sasanka, Sazanka, yabutsubaki, ochitsubaki
Camp, camping (kyanpu), tent (tento) Japan, North America

..... ..... Canada Saijiki
Canada Day, July 1
Canadian Thanksgiving

Candle (roosoku) Japan, worldwide
..... Candle Night Japan

Canna Lily Yemen
Card Games (karuta) Japan. hanafuda, uta karuta.

Carnation, Nelke Japan. Wild Carnation (nadeshiko)
Carneval (Carnival) see also Shrovetide
Carp (higoi, koi) family Cyprinidae fish Japan
Carp Streamers (koinobori, Japan)
Carpet, rug (juutan, dantsuu) Japan
Carrot (ninjin) Karotte Japan
Cassia Blossoms (Cassia afrofistula) Kenya. (Cassia fistula) India . Golden Shower Tree
Castle (shiro) Mountain Castle (yamashiro)Japan
Cat (neko, Japan)

Caterpillars worldwide
..... Including : hairy caterpillar, woolybear, kemushi 
..... looper, inchworm, shakutori
..... ..... Caterpillar, Hairy Caterpillar of Kenya

Catfish (namazu) Japan. Wels
Cauliflower, broccoli, komatsuna, naganegi leek, and more winter vegetables

Cause and Effect ... C&E ... some theory

Cease Fire Day (shuusen kinenbi) Japan. End of WW II
Cedar (sugi) cryptomeria Japan. Cryptomeria japonica
Cemetery Sunday Ireland (Roman Catholic parishes)

Centipede, Millipede (mukade) Japan

Chair (isu) Japan
Chameleon, Veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) Yemen
Chapati bread, papaad bread India
Cheese Europe, worldwide

Cherry Blossoms (sakura) hanami ... and many related kigo
Cherry Blossom Time ... Food Kigo

..... ..... Chesapeake Bay Saijiki (USA)

Chestnut, sweet chestnut (kuri) Japan. Castanea sativa
..... Horse Chestnut (tochi) Aesculus hippocastanum

Chicken and cock (niwatori) Japan
Chidambaram Dance Festival India, Tamil Nadu

Children, teaching Haiku to children ... many tips on HOW TO
Child, Children (kodomo) of all kinds. abandoned child (sutego). orphan (minashigo, koji)
..... Chigo (temple acolytes) Japan. Temple Children.

Chill, chill wind worldwide
Chimney Sweeping, chimney sweep, Schornsteinfeger England, Germany
- - - China, haiku in Chinese - - -
Chinese Food, Chuka Ryori Japan
Chinz, calico (sarasa) Japan
Chirping, twittering, warbling of spring birds (saezuri) Japan

Chittorgarh Fort (Rajasthan) India

Chocolate (chokoreeto) with many tasts Japan. Schokolade
Cholera (korera) Japan

Chopping board, cutting board, chopping block (manaita, mana-ita) Japan
Chopsticks (hashi) Japan

Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo

Christmas (Japan, Guyana, Europa). Jesus Christ イエス,イエズス,イエス‐キリスト
... Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) Weihnachtskaktus
...Christmas Moon
...Christmas Tree

Christian Celebrations as KIGO

Chrysanthemum kiku, chiyomigusa (Japan)
..... Wild Chrysantheumu (nogiku) Japan
Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo, kiku matsuri) Japan

Church, Cathedral, Chapel (Dom) worldwide

Cicada (semi) Japan, other areas
Cider, apple cider (saidaa) Japan, Europe, Australia
Citrus fruit (kankitsurui) in all seasons. Japan

Clam shell, hamaguri, venus clams Japan. Venusmuscheln
Cleaning the home, broom and more Japan
Cleaning in spring, spring cleaning, Osterputz Europa, America

Clear Autumn Sky (ten takashi, Japan) ... high autumn sky, spacious sky
Clear and cold winter season (sayuru) Japan. a KIGO list

Cleavers, cleaver weeds (mugura) Galium aparine and others. Japan

Clock (tokei) and Time (jikan) Japan. Uhr und Zeit
Cloud, clouds(kumo) Japan, worldwide. Various Kigo.
Clover, Alfalfa, Milk VetchJapan. genge, Astragalus etc.

Coal (sumi), charcoal (mokutan, binchotan) kigo around the charcoal fire.
. . . Cock fighting ritual (tori awase) Japan. also ritual bull fighting (toogyuu), ritual nightingale singing competition (uguisu awase)
Cock and chicken (niwatori) Japan
Cockatoo Australia. Kakadu, Parrot. Lorikeet
Cockroach (gokiburi, aburamushi) Japan
..... and more summer insects and little animals ... gnat, slug, leech ...
Cockscomb (keitoo) Japan
Coconut, Coconut palms Philippines, India
Cod fish (tara) Japan

Coin, coins, money (zeni) Japan Worldwide. Cent, dollar, dime . . .

Cold (samusa, samui), cold wave, cold spell (kanpa, kanpa) Japan, worldwide
..... Cold in Spring, Cold in Autumn and other COLD kigo combinations
..... Cold Dew (kanro) Japan
..... "Cold Mountain", Han Shan, Kanzan and Jittoku Zen Hermits

..... Colors in Haiku Traditional Japanese Colors

Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), Europa Butterbur Dandelion, fuki tanpopo (Japan)
Columbus Day America

Comets (suisei) Comet McNaught ...
Common cold and flu (kaze) influenza, swine flu, coughing, sneezing, God of the Cold. Japan, worldwide
Computers and Haiku , online as a topic

Conch trumpet plant (horagai soo) Japan. Impatiens textorii. Jewelweed
Confucius, Sekiten, Sekisai, Kooshi, Kung Fu ... Japan
Conger eel (anago) Congriscus megastomus. Japan. Meeraal.

. . . Cool, cold, chilly ... a feeling and related kigo during all seasons.
Coolness (in summer)(suzushi)   Japan. Feeling cool (in summer). Cool breeze (ryoofuu) and many more.
..... including: Coolness in Autumn (aki suzushi) 
Cool dry season Kenya

Cooking rice (kashigi) Japan. using the hearth fire
Cookie, bisquit and more cakes and sweets Japan
Coral berries (manryoo :Ardisia crenata, senryoo : Sarcandra glabra,) Japan. kind of Japanese laurel (aoki no mi) and more red berries
Coral Tree Blossoms (Erythrina indica) Tiger's claw, Sunshine Tree. India
Corbicula clams in miso soup (shijimijiru, shijimi jiru) Japan. (Corbicula japonica)
Cormorant Ireland
.... Cormorant fishing (ukai) Japan
Corn shucking, corn husking USA. maize, tomorokoshi, Mais
Cornflower Ireland, Europe

Corpus Christi Procession Trinidad & Tobago, Germany (Fronleichnam)

Cosmos Flowers (Japan)
Cotoneaster Ireland

Cotton (wata, momen) Japan. Georgia. many related kigo about the plant and cotton cloths.
Cotton fly (watamushi) Japan. Snow fly (yukimushi), snow firefly (yuki hotaru, yukibotaru)
Cottonwood Populus deltoides (Midwestern US)
Cotton rose, Rose-Mallow (fuyoo, fuyo, fuyoh) Hibiscus mutabilis. Japan

Couple’s Day (fuufu no hi, Japan) February 2. wagimoko, my beloved wife

Cow, Oxen (ushi) Japan
..... Cow (Pashu, Gai) The Holy Cow of India
..... Cowbells (Kuhglocken, Germany)

Crab (kani) Japan. Chesapeake Bay, USA King Crab (tarabagani), Queen Crab (zuwaigani), swamp crab (zawagani)
Crabapple, Sibold crabapple, "mountain pear" (yamanashi, yama-nashi) Japan
Crane, Grus japonensis (tsuru) Japan
Crape myrtle (sarusuberi) Japan, North America
Crappie (Pomoxis), North America
Cricket (koorogi)Japan   and other autumn insects   
Crisp, cool autumn weather .. sawayaka, Japan

Crocodile (wani) and shark (same) Japan
Crocodile mating season Australia

Crocus (Europe, worldwide)
Crow, Raven karasu (Japan)
Crucian carp (buna) Japan. Fish fam. Carassius

Cuckoo (kankodori), little cuckoo (hototogisu) Japan

Cucumber (kyuuri) Japan
..... also: see cucumber (namako)
Culture day (bunka no hi), art festival Japan. Culture events in autumn

Curry (karee), Indian curry dishes

. . . CUT and Cut marker (cutting words), kire and kireji ... juxtaposition (toriawase)

Cut glass (kattogurasu, kiriko, biidoro, gyaman) Japan

Cyclamen (shikuramen) Japan. Alpenveilchen

Cypress, Japanese cypress (hinoki) Chamaecyparis obtusa. Japan


Anonymous said...

Your Valentine page is great...customs that I never knew about!

Also, your February page... my grandchildren would love to do that bean-throwing ceremony!

You are one amazing compiler!


Anonymous said...

I love having a place to look for so much detailed information about the seasons in other parts of the world.
And I will definitely feature a link to your website from mine.

Waverly Fitzgerald
School of the Seasons

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Many thanks Gabi-san.
I admire your profound knowdlege of Japanese Culture and Art
I feel lucky to have you as a friend.
And many thanks also for sharing your knowdlege with all of us, so generously.


Anonymous said...

thanks for all that your are doing for the world haiku community.
You rock!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Gabi,

Your pages are real blessing to us.
Best wishes


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