Christmas, Weihnachten
***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Mid-Winter
***** Category: Observance
Christmas is the celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated in Christian Communities all over the world.
Here we can only highlight some of the different customs and activities during this time.
Gabi Greve

kigo related to Christmas
kurisumasu クリスマス Christmas, Weihnachten
kirisuto kootansai キリスト降誕祭(きりすとこうたんさい)
birth of Christ
..... kootansai 降誕祭(こうたんさい)
..... seitansai 聖誕祭(せいたんさい)"holy birthday"
..... gokootansetsu 御降誕節(ごこうたんせつ)
kurisumasu oo-uridashi
Christmas sale
seiju 聖樹(せいじゅ)"holy tree", Tannenbaum
kurisumasu ibu クリスマスイブ Christmas eve
seiya 聖夜(せいや)Holy Night
seiyageki 聖夜劇(せいやげき)"Holy Night performance"
kurisumasu kaado クリスマスカード Christmas card
kurisumasu kyaroru クリスマスキャロル Christmas carol
seika 聖菓(せいか)"Holy Cake", Christmas cake
. Christian Celebrations in Winter
Some nice Christmas web pages...
Winter Santa Scene (with music)
Singing Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree site has all my favorite carols you can sing with including, I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus! This will be found at the Mistletoe .
Michael Baribeau

church window --
Christ reaching out through
metal bars
Photo and Haiku : Isabelle Prondzynski
a vigil candle
drowns its flame ...
wooden Jesus
first day of Ghost Month ...
will Jesus and Buddha dwell
as my neighbors?
Chen-ou Liu : Poetry in the Moment
my Jesus ...
sitting by my side
as I weep
Wilfredo R. Bongcaron Manila, Philippines
Worldwide use
Australia and Southern Hemisphere
kigo for mid-summer
The main festival of the year in Denmark is Christmas. Danes celebrate Christmas Eve on December 24 and prolong the Christmas through December 25 and 26. Though many longstanding traditions have disappeared over the years, many traditions such as the family gathering at Christmas, lighting Christmas tree candles, and the month-long calendar candy are still celebrated today.
On Christmas Eve, after a splendid of traditional goose, Danish families light candles on the beautifully decorated Christmas tree. After dancing round the tree, singing traditional songs, the members of the family exchange gifts. Some of the family will probably have attended church services in the afternoon.
Christmas in Danish is called Jul, an old Nordic word for "feast", and it is the biggest holiday in Denmark with traditions that go back centuries.
My family celebrates our Danish heritage with Chicken and dumpling soup for Christmas Eve dinner...I learned how to make it when I was eight years old. Every year, we bring out my great grandmothers letter to my mother with the recipe on it, even though we know the recipe by heart.
Kate Steere
kigo for the wet season
Christmas is consider in Guyana as the Season of Goodwill.
hard rain
in the Season
of Goodwill
Kenneth Daniels, Guyana, 2009
Shingō (新郷村, Shingō-mura) Shingo village
is a village located in the Sannohe District of south-central Aomori Prefecture in the Tōhoku region of Japan.
The village promotes itself as the home of the
Grave of Christ (キリストの墓, Kirisuto no Haka) after a local legend.

Entrepreneurs sell memorabilia and Jesus souvenirs to the tourists. Another tomb in Shingō is said to contain an ear of the brother of Jesus and a lock of hair from the Virgin Mary. The claims started in 1933 after the discovery of supposed "ancient Hebrew documents detailing Jesus' life and death in Japan" that was supposedly the testament of Jesus. These documents were allegedly seized by the Japanese authorities and taken to Tokyo shortly before World War II and have not been seen since.
The English text on the sign explaining the legend of the Tomb of Christ reads:
When Jesus Christ was 21 years old, he came to Japan and pursued knowledge of divinity for 12 years. He went back to Judea at age 33 and engaged in his mission. However, at that time, people in Judea would not accept Christ's preaching. Instead, they arrested him and tried to crucify him on a cross. His younger brother, Isukiri casually took Christ's place and ended his life on the cross.
Christ, who escaped the crucifixion, went through the ups and downs of travel, and again came to Japan. He settled right here in what is now called Herai Village, and died at the age of 106. On this holy ground, there is dedicated a burial mound on the right to deify Christ, and a grave on the left to deify Isukiri. The above description was given in a testament by Jesus Christ.
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Trinidad and Tobago
Here in T&T iwe are in the 12th day of what our radio stations call One Hundred Days of Christmas.
Gillena Cox
Things found on the way
Haibun by Isabelle Prondzynski
Christmas greetings from Ireland!
We decorated the Christmas tree, fresh from our woods, on 23 December, ready for Christmas Eve festivities the following night :
Christmas tree
among sweets and tinsel
a spider's web
It was the first white Christmas for years -- we woke up on Christmas Day to gently falling snow. This has thawed slowly and frozen over, so the Christmas moon tonight is reflected by what remains of it -- a beautiful sight.
Christmas moon
dogs out sniffing
in the snow
More than one billion people live in India. The most common religion is the Hinduism (about 80 per cent of the population is Hindu) and the Islam (about 11 per cent). Other religious sects, for example Christian denominations, are not very important in per cent. But expressed in figures are quite a few Christians in India and so there are certain Christmas customs on the subcontinent as well.

Christmas around the World
Deus sama jiten shite iru hana no niwa
Dear God !
the garden with flowers
is going in circles
Nakamura Yasunobu 中村安伸
flowers, refers to cherry blossoms
Danish dumplings
made from scratch
every year
Kate Steere
Heiligabend -
keinen Parkschein
Christmas eve -
forgot to get
a parking ticket
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
Gerd Börner
after Christmas
she gives a used card
to her co-homeless friend
Vic Gendrano
Christmas mass
bells boom at midnight
Christ is born
Christmas service
children hugging their
parents and toys
Isabelle Prondzynski
christmas morning
the full moon sets
at dawn
christmas eve
a smiling moon
susan delphine delaney
car wreckage--
'Christmas' scribbled on
the dust film
at the bus stop--
his family and a barking
puppy in a cotton
festive month--
Christmas tones from the
blind beggar's flute
December dusk--
mall's Santa dances to
two laughing girls
a colourful night--
flickering fruits hang loose
on the stall window
Caleb David Mutua, Kenya, 2009
Kenya Saijiki Forum
Christmas alone ...
above the old elm
a moonless sky
(Tr. Nakamura Sakuo)
Joshua Sellers
December 2009
Translating Haiku Forum
Christmas day--
myriad colours of feathers
at the chicken stand
Christmas morning--
she cuts dangling threads
off her son's new suit
Read more of the impressions from
Caleb Mutua, Kenya 2010
Related words
***** > . Christmas Tree
***** > . Christmas Moon

christmas cake クリスマスケーキ
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI
Weihnachtsstollen, Stollen
***** . Christian Celebrations in Winter
Asia celebrates Christmas with a twist
By Nur Dianah Suhaimi Sun Dec 18, 2005
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Few Asians are Christian but people across the
vast continent are embracing the holiday as a great excuse for shopping, partying and even romance.
Come December, Christmas lights brighten shopping streets in cities from Beijing to Colombo, while images of Santa Claus and Rudolph adorn office buildings, shops and restaurants.
Gabi, part of my remarks appear to be missing and the mistole link I don't think is mine. -Michael Baribeau
stifling heat . . .
lying belly-up, full of
Chistmas cheer
Season word:
Christmas cheer (summer)
Richard Kay from Australia
Christmas --
a queue
at the ATM
- Johannes Manjrekar, India
suzumushi o kau kirisuto no shiroki hige
pet bell crickets
the white beard
of Jesus Christ
Tsushima Yasuko 対馬康子
(tr. Fay Aoyagi)
kuribotchi クリボチ Christmas hitori bochi -
to spend christmas eve all alone
a new way in 2014 to spend the night.
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