........................................................... NNN
Nail (kugi, kui) Japan
Nail, nails, cutting the fingernails (tsumekiri) Japan
Nairobi Bomb Day (Kenya)
Nairobi Int. Trade Fair (Kenya)
naked (hadaka, hadanugi) Japan
Naked Festivals (hadaka matsuri, hadaka mairi ) Japan. a LIST
Namasu vinegar dressing (namasu) Japan
. Names of persons used in haiku LIST
Namib desert beetle
Nandina (Nanten, Japan)
Nantaisan, Mount Nantai ... and its festival. Japan
Nara, the ancient capital
..... Nara pickles (narazuke) and other tsukemono pickles. Japan
National Day Worldwide
National Holidays of Japan
Nebuta Festival (Nebuta matsuri) Japan. Aomori
Needle, Sewing needle memorial service (hari kuyoo) Japan
Neem blossoms, neem tree, margosa (Azadirachta indica) India. And Ugadi Pachadi
Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s Memorial Day, Children's Day India
..... Nepal, Haiku Information INDIA SAIJIKI
Netherworld, the other world (meido) Japan
Nettle tree (enoki) Chinese hackberry tree. Celtis sinensis var. japonica. Japan
Nettle plants, Nesseln
. . . . . NEWS, NEWSLETTER latest articles of the WKD
News, Newspaper headlines, Haiku News worldwide
...................... inclucing
New Year (shinnen, shin nen) Worldwide
..... First Things done at the New Year . a KIGO list . Japan
..... New Year Ceremonies of Japan A topical Saijiki
..... Ancestors New Year (Hotoke Shoogatsu) Japan
.....Little New Year .. ko shoogatsu (January 15) Japan. Women's New Year (onna shoogatsu, me shoogatsu)
..... New Year's Day (ganjitsu) Japan
New Year's Food ... KIGO LIST
..... New Year's Decorations (o-kazari) Japan. Kadomatsu, Shimenawa and more
..... New Year's Soup (zooni)
..... New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea, lucky tea (fukucha) Japan
Newspaper vendor, newspaper boy Kenya
..... New Zealand and Tasmania Haiku "Kiwi Haiku"
..... NHK HAIKU ... NHK 俳句
Nichiren / Saint Nichiren (1222 - 1282). Japan
. . . Night (yoru) Japan. a KIGO list
Night of Power, Lailatul Qadr / Lailat-Ul-Qadr Yemen
Nightingale, bush warbler (uguisu) Japan
Night school (yogaku, yogakkoo) Japan
Night stories (yobanashi) and diorama toys (tatebanko) Japan
Night work (yonabe) Japan
Nine Eleven 2001, USA 9/11. September Eleven
Nirvana Ceremony Nehan-E, Jooraku-E (Japan)
Nobel Prize Europe, worldwide
Noh-Performance at night (Takagi Noo)Japan. yugen (yuugen).
Noodle Soup (kama-age udon) Japan
Noon, daytime (hiru) a KIGO list
..... North America Saijiki Introduction
Nose (hana) Japan. blowing your nose
November (juuichigatsu) Japan. Worldwide.
Nozaki Pilgrimage, Japan
. . . . . Numbers used in Kigo Japan
Numbers .. used in Japanese Haiku
Nuts, fruits and seeds of trees (konomi) Japan. KIGO list
........................................................... OOO
Oak trees of Japan (Quercus) and acorns (donguri)
October (juugatsu)
Octopus (tako) Japan. Also squid (ika)
Oden hodgepodge stew Japan
Official, minor official (yakunin, koyakunin) Japan, Edo period
..... Oklahoma Saijiki
Oktoberfest Germany
Okra (okura) : Abelmoschus esculentus vegetable. Japan
Oleander (kyoochikutoo) Japan. Yemen
Olive, olives (oriibu) Japan. Yemen
Olympics, Olympic Games Worldwide. Special Olympics, Paralympics.
O-Mizutori, Omizutori Ceremony) Shuni-E Ceremony Nara, Japan
One Day Saijiki, a KIGO list
Morning, Midday (daytime), Evening, Night
Onion (tamanegi) and many other summer vegetables
Onomatopoetic Words used in Haiku Repetition of words
Opera ball (Opernball) Germany, Austria
Oranges, Mandarin Oranges, Tangerines Kenya. Mikan (Japan). Florida (USA)
Orchid, orchids (ran) Japan
Origami, folding paper Japan, worldwide
Otter, fishotter (kawauso) Japan
Outdoor activities in Summer Japan
Outdoor enjoyments in autumn (aki no no-asobi) Japan. some activities, outings, picnics
Owl (fukuroo) mimizuku. Snowy Owl (Japan) Eule, Uhu
Oysters (kaki) Japan Including Pearls (shinju) and mother-of-pearl
........................................................... PPP
Paddy, Fields, rice paddies (ta, hatake) Japan
Pagoda (too, tou), stone pagoda (sekitoo) Japan
Pain (itami), suffering Japan
. . . . . Pakistan ... Haiku in Pakistan
Palanquin, sedan chair (kago) Japan
Palm Tree Yemen. Royal palm, Kenya.
Palm Sunday Kenya, Europe
Pampas grass (susuki) during the year Japan
Panchatantra, a Fable India
Pansy, Pansies Europe, sanshoku sumire (Japan)
Pantaloons flower (hotarubukuro, hotaru-bukuro Campanula punctata
Papad Bread (papadam, poppadom, papadum, and appalam) India
Papaya fruit. Carica papaya India, Yemen
Paper, "pocket paper" (kaishi) Japan. and more about Japanese paper (washi)
Paperbark tree, Melaleuca honey myrtles, punk tree. Australia
Paper clothing, paper robes (kamiko) Japan
Paper mulberry leaf (kaji no ha) and Tanabata rituals
Parade of the bands (Trinidad and Tobago)
Paradise (gokuraku) Japan
Parang .. Serenaders (Trinidad and Tobago)
Parrots Southern California
Passion Flower (tokeisoo) Japan. Other regions.
Patrick's Day (Ireland) St. Patrick's Day
Paulownia (kiri) Japan. P. tomentosa
Peace Festival (heiwa matsuri) Hiroshima Japan. Peace and War Haiku.
Peace (Swahili : Amani) Kenya
Peach fruit (hakutoo, momo) Japan
Peach blossoms (momo no hana)Japan
Peacock, Kujaku and Haiku Japan, peacock butterfly (kujakuchoo)
Peanuts Japan, Philippines
Pear, Japanese pear, Asian pear (nashi)Westeern pear, yoonashi
Pelican Australia, Kenya
Pemmican (Romania)
Pencil (enpitsu) Japan
Peony (botan, Japan Winter Peony (kan botan)
PEPPER, (togarashi, toogarashi) red hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi and more, Chili pepper, paprica Paprika (piiman), sweet green pepper (shishitoo) and more
Peppermint (hakka) Japan
Perfume (koosui), eau-de-Cologne Japan
Perry Festival (Perii sai) Matthew Calbraith Perry in Japan. Black Ships Festival (Kurofune Matsuri)
..... Persia
. Personal Names used in Haiku . LIST
Personification (gijinka), anthropomorphism and KIGO
Perilla, beefsteak plant (shiso) Japan
..... Periods of Japanese History Reference Material
..... Periods and eras of Japanese History (nengoo, Nengô) Reference Material
Persimmon (kaki, hoshigaki) Japan
Phallus, the male symbol
Pheasant (kiji) Japan, worldwide
Pheasant's Eye (fukujusoo) (Japan)
PHOENIX in Asian Art and Haiku (ho-o, hoo-oo)
..... Philippines Saijiki
..... Philosophical Haiku India
Pickerel weed, pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata) America
Picknick (pikunikku) and outdoor enjoyment Japan. playing in the mountains
Pigeon, pidgeon, dove (hato) Japan dove whistling (hatobue)
Pig, pigs Kenya
Pig and Pork (buta, ton)
Pike, pike conger, pike eel (hamo) Muraenesox cinereus. dragontooth. Japan
Pilgrimage(henro, junrei)Pilgrims. Japan and worldwide
Pillow (makura) in all seasons Japan
Piment, bell pepper, green pepper, Paprika (piiman) Japan. Capsicum annuum
Pine (matsu, Japan)
..... Pulling Pine Seedlings (komatsu hiki) Japan
Pine mushroom (matsutake) Japan. Kiefernpilz
Pineapple, Ananas comosus Kenya
Pinewood Derby North America
Pink, fringed pink (nadeshiko). Wild carnation Japan. Rock Carnation (ganpi)
Pipal tree (Ficus religiosa) Peepul or Bo tree. Fig Tree, figs (ichijiku) Japan. bodhi tree, bodaiju
Pissing, pee, pipi (shooben) Japan and worldwide
..... PLACE NAMES used in Poetry and Haiku (utamakura) Japan and Worldwide
Place names used in KIGO
Plain, plains, wild fields, marsh (nohara, no) Japan
..... PLANTS in all seasons . . . SAIJIKI
Planting, harvesting and preparing food in SPRING kigo
. . . . . Planting, harvesting and preparing food in AUTUMN kigo
Platanus (sycamore) Europe, other areas. Momijiba-suzukake (London plane tree)
Pleiades (matariki) Maori, New Zealand. (subaru, Japan)
Plover (chidori) Japan
Plough, hoe (kuwa) Japan
plowing (tagayashi)Japan
Plum blossoms (ume) Japan. Dried plums (ume boshi) and any related UME kigo.
..... Plum blossom fragrance (ume ga ka) Japan
Plum fruits and ripe peaches Kenya
Plumbago <> KIGO
Poacher's Moon
. POETS ... Introducint Japanese Haiku Poets
Polar bear = ours polaire (ou « ours blanc » ) Canada
Polar Night Polar Circle
Pomegranate (zakuro). Granatapfel Japan
Pond, small lake (ike) Japan. a KIGO list ... even the OLD POND ...
Pool cage Florida,USA
Poppy flowers (keshi no hana) Japan. Poppy Day.
Portions, large food portions (yamamori, oomori) Japan
Postcard, postcards for the New Year (nengajoo) Japan
Potato, potatoes (jagaimo, jaga imo) Japan. Kenya
Pottery, Pots and Plates (yakimono) Japan
Poui Tree (Tropics)
Pounding Rice (mochi tsuki) Japan, Philippines
..... New Year's Rice Dumplings (toshi no mochi, kagamimochi, zoonimochi) and a few more
..... The Hare/Rabbit in the Moon
Power failure, power cut, electricity rationing, blackout ... Kenya
Power Stone, Strenght Stone (chikara ishi, Japan) weight lifting competition
Praise, flattery (homekotoba, o-joozu) Japan
Prayer (kitoo) Japan
Prayer Flags, prayer flag Tibet, Japan
Praying Mantis, Mantid (Japan) kamakiri,tooroo
.. .. .. Prairie : North American Prairie Saijiki
Presents (seibo, chuugen) in all seasons Japan
Prickly Pear Cactus, Opuntia FamilyYemen, North America
Priest, Buddhist priest or monk (oshoo) Japan
Primula, Japanese primrose (sakura-soo) Japan. Japanese primrose . . .
..... Evening primrose (tsukimisoo) Japan
..... Provinces of Old and Prefectures of Modern Japan Reference Material
Puddle, puddles Tropical regions, Japan
Pumpkin, squash (kabocha, nankin) Japan. Kürbis
Puppeteer (kairaishi) and performances at New Year Japan. puppets and dolls
Puzzle, a game
........................................................... QQQ
Quail (uzura) Japan. quail eggs, uzura no tamago
Queen's Day in the Netherlands
. . . . . Question mark ? ... KA か and more about punctuation.
Quilt coat, bedtime coat (yogi) Japan
Quince (boke) Japan. Yemen. Cydonia oblonga and others. Marumero, Chinese quince (karin)
. . . . . Quotes with Haiku ... to enjoy on a rainy day !
Quran, Qur'an, Koran, Kur'an
........................................................... RRR
Rabbit, hare (usagi), snow rabbit (yukiusagi) Japan
Racoon, racoon dog, badger (tanuki) Japan
Radio Day (denpa no hi) Japan
Radish (daikon) Japan. Pickled radish, takuan.
Raft (ikada) rafting timber Japan
Rail, water rail (kuina) Japan. Rallus aquaticus
Railway Haiku Train station, Platform ... related words.
.. .. .. .. Rain in various KIGO (Japan)
... Rain on Cherry Blossoms (hana no ame) Japan
... Rainbow (niji) Japan
... Raincoat, straw raincoat (mino) Japan
... Rain Gutters Cleaning North America. (eavestroughs)
... Rain Rituals (amagoi) Japan. Rain Dance, Rain Prayer, Regenzauber
... Rainy Season (tsuyu) Japan
Rakugo, comic storytelling performances Japan
..... Ramazan, Berat Kandil Turkey Leylatul Berat, Laylatul Barat
..... -- Ramadhan in Kenya
..... Ramadan ends (Idd ul Fitr) Kenya. Ramadhan
Rapeseed blossoms (na no hana) Japan. rapeseed harvest and more
Rattan chair (too isu) rattan mats ... Japan
Raw fish, sashimi, sushi and .. rice balls (onigiri) Japan
Red, the color red (kurenai, akai) Japan. cinnabar, akane . . .
Redcurrants Ireland, Europe. Rote Johannisbeeren
Redwing, Red-wing (Turdus iliacus) North America
Reed cutting (ashikari) Japan
Reed warbler (yoshikiri, gyoogyooshi) Japan
Refrigerator (reizooko) Japan
Reformation Day (Reformationsfest, Germany)
Renku ... linked poetry
Republic Day January 26 (India)
Retreat for monks (ango) Japan. varshika or vassa
Rhinoceros beetle (kabutomushi) Japan
Rhode Island USA
Rhododendron (shakunage, sekinan ) Japan
Ribbon (ribon) Japan
..... Rice plants (ine) Japan. A list of kigo. New rice (shinmai)
Rice fields(tanbo, tanada) Japan. A list of kigo.
Rice (gohan, meshi) as food. Japan
Rice balls (nigiri, o-nigiri, musubi, yaki-onigiri
Rice cake offerings for the New Year (kagami mochi) Japan
Rice cakes (mochi) for SPRING a KIGO list
Rice gruel (kayu) Japan. rice porridge, congee in many kigo. Oatmeal porridge. Reisbrei, Haferbrei
Rice wine (ricewine) sake, Japan Reiswein
River(kawa) Japan, worldwide. rapids, waterfall ...
River mist Ireland
Road (michi) path, way. Japan
Roadside sanctuaries, wayside shrines (tsujidoo) Japan
Robin, the Bird American Robin (Turdus migratorius) . European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
Rock, boulder (iwa) and stones Japan
Roe, fish roe dishes (sujiko and many others) Japan
Rollerskates (India, worldwide) Rollerblades
.. .. .. .. .. Romanian Saijiki
"Rosary Beads Plant" : Juzudama "Beads of the Rosary" Job's tears, a plant. And more about the rosary (nenju, juzu) in Japan!
Rose (bara) Japan. Worldwide
Rose of Sharon (mukuge) / Hibiscus (bussooge) Japan . Yemen
Roundness (hito-marume), round things Japan
Rubber plantIreland
Rumpot (Rumtopf) Germany
Running of the Bulls (El Encierro) Spain
. Russia, Russland .
Ryokan Day .. Ryokan-ki, Ryokan Memorial Day (Japan)
Contents from A to J
Contents from K to M
Contents from N to R
Contents of S
Contents from T to Z