
New Year (shin-nen)

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New Year (shin-nen, shinnen)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: a Haiku season of its own
***** Category: Season


The New Year is the day that marks the beginning of a new calendar year, and is the day on which the year count of the specific calendar used is incremented. The Roman new year is on March 1. In many cultures, the event is celebrated in some manner.

The New Year of the Gregorian calendar, today in worldwide use, falls on 1 January, continuing the practice of the Roman calendar. There are numerous calendars that remain in regional use that calculate the New Year individually.

With the expansion of Western culture to the rest of the world during the twentieth century, the 1 January date became global, even in countries with their own New Year celebrations on other days (e.g., China and India).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Outside of Japan,
the NEW YEAR is not a season in itself and usually placed in the same season as January.

kigo for late winter in the Northern Hemisphere
kigo for summer in the Southern Hemisphere


Please read more in Part one with the basic information here:
NEW YEAR ... introduction

New Year, shinnen shin nen 新年

Akemashite O-medetoo gozaimasu!

The greeting when seeing a person for the first time in the New Year.
AKE ... what does it mean? The "opening" of the New Year?
No, it olden times it meant to open the small bag with the toshidama お年玉which the Deity of the New Year (Toshitokujin 歳徳神) has brought. It contained grains of rice (tama 稔玉 treasures) to multiply in the coming year and bring a good harvest.

Synonyms with "FIRST SPRING" (hatsu haru 初春)



First view of Mt. Fuji,初富士 lit. First Fuji

First sky, hatsuzora 初空

Lion dance, shishimai 獅子舞. Kagura, 神楽

Rice cakes for the New Year (kagami mochi)

New Year Arrow (hamaya) Japan

Sacred rope, shimenawa 注連縄
shimekazari 注連飾、kadokazari 門飾、wakazari 輪飾 (round rope)

Read more about these beautiful decorations here.
In many shrines, they are renewed for then New Year
to last until the next.

Introducing Shimenawa, Gabi Greve

Pines at the gate, kadomatsu 門松


First Religious Ceremonies of the Year in Japan

First temple visit, first shrine visit, hatsu-moode 初詣で

hatsu-moode yama no kami ni wa dare mo kon

Fiste Shrine visit -
to our Mountain God
nobody comes

Gabi Greve 2004 : Hatsu Mode

shizukesa ya mori no naka no hatsu-moode

so quiet !
walking in the forest for the
first Shrine visit

Gabi Greve 2005

More about First Ceremonies of the Japanese people


First sparrow, hatsu-suzume 初雀 はつすずめ

Fern, shida 歯朶 Fern and the Seven Herbs of Spring

Pheasant's Eye (fukujusoo 福寿草)


fukuwara ふくわら【福藁】"auspicious straw"
New straw that is placed at the entrance and in the garden of a mansion. It serves to purify the place for the coming year and is a gesture of respect for the visitors on the New Year.

fukuwara ya juu bakari naru tomo yakko

straw for the new year -
about ten fellows working
in the garden

Kobayashi Issa
Tr. Gabi Greve

fukuwara ya gomi sae kesa no utsukushiki

new auspicious straw -
this morning even the dirt
looks beautiful

Chiyo 千代
Chiyo-Ni (Chiyoni), Kaga no Chiyo jo (1703-1775)


Fasting day, sixteenth day, sainichi 斎日,さいにち
yabuiri, yabu iri, yabu-iri 薮入 servant's holiday in Edo


"Little New Year", Ko Shoogatsu, koshogatsu 小正月
January 15

kigo for humanity
a long KIGO LIST

A few more kigo are listed below.

Worldwide use

Outside of Japan,
the NEW YEAR is not a season in itself and usually placed in the same season as January.

kigo for late winter in the Northern Hemisphere
kigo for summer in the Southern Hemisphere



For New Year's here in Southern California, we have the
Rose Parade in Pasadena.

Deborah P Kolodji


Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.

The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese insert an extra month once every few years (seven years out of a 19-yearcycle). This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.

New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.

The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals, united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of the family.

Chinese New Year's Eve ...
staring at the mirror
long before

tenth New Year
Chinese fried dough
... and black coffee

A traditional Chinese breakfast menu consists of the following two sets:

1 Mantou (Chinese steamed bun/bread) and Dou Jiang (sweet/salty soybean milk)
2 You Tiao (fried dough), Shaobing (baked, layered flatbread), and Dou Jiang (sweet/salty soybean milk)

Chen-ou Liu
Year of the Snake, 2013



In Hawaii we celebrate New Years with a feast and lots of music...with many firecrackers to chase away all the bad spirits at midnight.. It is a wonder to see in the morning all the red paper from the fire works... is like snow... we never get snow so anything that resembles it we pounce on it.......

the dragon roars
at midnight for...
mornings blanket of red

children play in
of firecracker paper




. Marathi New Year's Day
Ugadi, Yudadi, Gudi Padva



Christ Church Cathedral saved by bell
Joe Humphreys

Christ Church is the traditional venue for Dubliners to mark the coming of the New Year and a large crowd is expected there tonight.
But the campanologists feared the annual event would be spoiled after the 2.25 tonne tenor bell broke during practice a fortnight ago.
A piece of the bell's tongue, or clapper, fell off, leaving Christ Church with the prospect of ringing in its first new year for decades without the sound of the "Great Tenor". Disappointment was averted however, thanks to the generosity of nearby St Patrick's Cathedral, which has given Christ Church a spare five-foot clapper for the occasion.
Mr Lesley Taylor, ringing master at Christ Church, said: "We always like to ring the Great Tenor bell, and there was a prospect of us not being able to do so. That would, of course, have meant we couldn't have done the full 19 either.
"We're very grateful to our friends at St Patrick's. They had a clapper of similar weight and size, and thankfully it works."
Mr Tony Reale, a civil engineer and one of Christ Church's 28 campanologists, has been given the honour of ringing the "Great Tenor" tonight after helping to install the new tongue.
Christ Church increased the number of bells in its tower from 12 to a world record 19 as part of its Millennium celebrations five years ago. Since then, however, the tenor bell has gone through three tongues - each of which has failed.
Mr Taylor said all three tongues had been made of spheroidal graphite, a modern substitute for wrought-iron. As a result, the bell-ringers were now seeking to design a clapper in wrought-iron, which "gives a better sound too".
However, Mr Taylor said: "as far as we can see there is a dearth of workers in wrought-iron. If there are any manufacturers in Ireland, we would like to hear from them." The tenor will swing into action shortly before midnight tonight with 12 strokes to mark the passing of 2004.
There will be 10 minutes' silence before midnight when another 12 strokes will ring out, followed by a cascade of all 19 bells - due to last about 20 minutes.
"Ringing large number of bells like that is prone to disaster," said Mr Taylor. "If one person messes up their timing it can produce chaos. "We are always striving for perfection," he added with a note of confidence. "All our ringers are very well trained."
Isabelle Prondzynski


New Year in Kenya 2010

New Year 2012

men secure
spaces on top of the bus -
new year rush

Mango Junior


In Russia, families also get together in parents' home usually, to celebrate New Year. And a buckwheat porridge which I like very much, is a very common meal (now, it's usually a side-dish, or a stuffing).

new-year's goose
with a buckwheat porridge --
grandma smiling



Russian New Year
by Zhanna P. Rader

Things found on the way



Awaiting welcome
midst the same old worries
the new samvat

R.K.SINGH, India


is a traditional song to say good -bye to the old and usher in the new year. Traditions of the season include the making of New Year's resolutions.The tradition of using a baby to signify the new year was begun in Greece around 600 BC.
Many people believe that one could be affected in luck by what theyate on the first day of the year. Here in Trinidad and Tobago; black-eyed pease and rice is a traditionally good luck menu for ending the old year and starting the new.

Other words that can be kigo in Trinidad and Tobago:
Black-eyed peas, Tournament of Roses, Whistles, Party hats, Auldlang syne, New Calander, Champagne, Kisses, Hugs, Fire works.

Gillena Cox


haru tatsu to warawa mo shiru ya kazari nawa

spring has finally come
even the children will understand this -
ritual rope decorations

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in 寛文11年, Basho age 28, while he lived in Iga Ueno.

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

pun with wara, warawa 童 child, children


a new year---
the old dog
runs out of tricks

andrew riutta 12.30.04


new year
old load still
in the washing machine

Ella Wagenmakers, WHCworkshop


ring out the old
embrace your near and dear ones
ring in the new

Isabelle Prondzynski, Ireland


new year born
fire-works all over
I sit alone ~

new year midnight ~
through wild fireworks
troubled bird songs ~

new year dawn
the sun blooms again
in cool breeze ~

Narayanan Raghunathan, 2004


hoorai ya tada sammon no miyo no matsu

my eternal youth ornament --
just three cents
of emporer's pine

Kobayashi Issa
Hoorai is a mythical island of eternal youth. On New Year's Day offerings are set on a special table in its honor. Literally, miyo no matsu signifies "reign's pine." Issa is referring to a rather cheap pine decoration on the table in honor of the new imperial year.
Tr. David Lanoue

hoorai kazari 蓬莱飾 hoorai decoration
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. New Year 2010
Akita International Haiku Network
Hidenori Hiruta 蛭田秀法

Related words

***** Little New Year .. ko shoogatsu (January 15) Japan.
Women's New Year (onna shoogatsu, me shoogatsu)

***** Ancestors New Year (Hotoke Shoogatsu) Japan


***** New Year's Food, o-setchi ryoori おせち料理
CLICK here for the New Year Food SAIJIKI!


***** First Calligraphy, kakizome 書初め、Japan

taking the brush
365 days
first calligraphy

Gabi Greve
Read about Zen Master TANCHU TERAYAMA and Zen Calligraphy: Hitsuzendo


***** New Year's Concert Vienna Austria

One of my favorite events to celebrate a worldwide New Year is the life concert, which starts around seven thirty on Japanese TV. This year, January 2005, the famous Radetzki March was not played with respect to the events in the Indian Ocean.

The New Year's Concert (in German Das Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker) of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is a concert which takes place each year on January 1 in Vienna, Austria. It is broadcast around the world to an estimated audience of one billion in forty-four countries.

The music is mostly that of the Strauss family (Johann Strauss I, Johann Strauss II, Josef Strauss and Eduard Strauss). The flowers that decorate the Wiener Musikverein concert hall are a gift each year from the city of San Remo, Liguria, Italy.
The concert always ends with several encores after the main programme. The musicians then collectively wish the audience a happy new year, and close with Johann Strauss II's Blue Danube Waltz followed by the Radetzky-March. During this last piece, the audience claps along in time and the conductor turns to conduct them instead of the orchestra.

The concert was first performed in 1939 (paradoxically on December 31st of this year) conducted by Clemens Krauss.


Neujahrskonzert -
mit geschlossenen Augen
bin ich dabei

New Year's Concert -
with closed eyes
I am right there

Gabi Greve, Japan


***** January First, Neujahrstag , ganjitsu 元日
New Year's Day

Globally January first (Jan. 1st.) is celebrated as the start of the new calendar year; New Year's Day ; with pomp and festivity. The pomp and festivity associated with this observance is both
secular and religious. But this date is not the only observance of New Years Day.

In adition to this global New Year's Day there are other New Year's Day observances of other global sub cultures. For Example there is Samvat; April 9th of the Hindu New Year, there is the Chinese New Year Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year; The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days and ends on the full moon 15 days later, there is First Sunday of Advent the beginning of the church's new year of the Catholic Faith.

The Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon (actually the first visible cresent)
after the Vernal Equinox (first day of spring).
The Romans continued to observe the new year in late March (Ides of March), but their calendar was continually tampered with by various emperors so that the calendar soon became out of synchronization with the sun. In order to set the calendar right, the Roman senate,
in 153 BC, declared January 1 to be the beginning of the new year.

Gillena Cox

January first
the bride and groom exit
into a new life

2004 Gillena Cox

a drizzle~
backdrops the birds twitter
January first
2005 Gillena Cox


The Actor Ichikawa Danjūrō VII Preparing New Year's Gifts
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)






Digest January 2006

nnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnn

..................................................................... January 2006

Caterpillars worldwide
..... Including
hairy caterpillar, woolybear, kemushi 
looper, inchworm, shakutori

Ice, Icicle (koori, tsurara) (Japan)

..... Kaniparambil Ramesh Poet from India

Start of School Year, School Year starts(Kenya)
..... Including
form one (form 1), new term, new textbooks, school fees, new uniform

..... Bahati Haiku Poetry Club, Kenya

..... Hawaii Saijiki

..... EUROPA Saijiki

Buddha's Seat (hotoke no za)(Japan) 05.
.................... Two flowers with the same name !

Seven Herbs of Spring (haru no nanakusa) (Japan) 05
..... Including Seri (Japanese parsley or dropwort), Nazuna (shepherd's purse), Gogyou (cottonweed), Hakobera (chickweed), Hotoke-no-za (Japanese nipplewort), Suzuna (Japanese turnip), Suzushiro (Japanese radish)

Fern (shida)(Japan) 05

Pheasant's Eye (fukujusoo) (Japan) 05

Vog (Volcanic Smog) (Hawaii, Big Island)

New Year's Day (ganjitsu)Japan, Worldwide. First day of the Year, January 1.

..... Korean Haiku

..... African Haiku

Kagura Dance (Japan)

Graduation Ceremony, Kenya

Last Fudo Ceremony of a year(osame-Fudo) (Japan)
Last Daishi Ceremony of a year (osame no Daishi) (Japan)

Whales, kujira (Japan)

Cow (Pashu, Gai) The Holy Cow of India

Bhagavad Gita (India)

Number of Entries December 2005 : 328


Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
worldkigo .....

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Mulled wine (gloegg)

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Mulled wine (Gløgg / Glühwein)
Mulled Mead (Honey wine, Honigwein)

***** Location: Scandinavia, Germany and elsewhere
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Humanity


Glögg is a Swedish drink for a cold winter evening. It is heated, spiced and sweetened wine, a bit like the German Glühwein. Below is a recipe, though maybe the measurements don't make sense outside Sweden, and some of the ingredients may not be standard stock. But it will be nice even if it's not exactly like the original, so it doesn't really matter!

What to use:

3 sticks cinnamon
2-3 pieces dried Seville orange peel
2-3 pieces dried ginger (not ground)
some 10 cardamom seeds (whole)
some 10 cloves (whole)
1 cup (2.5dl) water

Also: sugar

1 bottle of wine (or similar amount of black currant or grape juice for a non-alcoholic alternative)

Some of these things are hard to find in some places, such as dried whole ginger (and how big is "a piece" anyway?). When in doubt, use fresh rather than powdered dry, as the powder makes it nigh well impossible to sieve/filter it all at -- the whole thing just clogs up. If you can't find dried peels of Seville orange (this has been known to happen), it is possible to substitute a smaller quantity of the thin orange part of the peel of an ordinary orange. In the end you'll probably have substituted just about everything, but that will work too, I've tried it.
Isabelle Prondzynski

What to do:

* Heat spices and water to boiling, then turn off heat and let stand overnight
* Sieve/filter out the spices
* Add the wine (or juice)
* Add sugar to taste (that should be a minimum of one decilitre (=2/5 of a cup); we're talking Swedish cooking here!). You probably have to heat it first so that the sugar dissolves, then see if you want to put some more
* Heat. Note that alcohol evaporates at 72 degrees Celsius (or is it 78?) so you want to be a bit careful!
* Some naughty people would spike the whole thing with a splash of vodka... (optional)

Serve hot with raisins and blanched almonds (dropped into the cups after serving). Glögg is normally served in tiny cups (the cups from your Turkish/Japanese/etc. souvenir tea set will be perfect), and some tiny spoons are useful for fishing out the raisins and almonds.

The socio-cultural context for glögg is either as a pre-dinner drink in the winter, or as a separate event, usually at about 4 or 5 pm, a bit like a cocktail party. On the side, pepparkakor is the kind of thing to nibble, but you'll have to look for the recipe for them somewhere else!

The extract keeps very well (that's why they used to sail all the way to Indonesia to get spices -- they work as preservatives), so you can make more and keep it in a bottle, handy for whenever you fancy a glögg on a cold evening (which is probably only about four times in a season; it's rather sweet); it will keep for a year at least.



Danish recipe, with English translation


Every family has its own recipe -- including the secret ingredient to raise the alcohol level. It becomes easy to have an extended chat outdoors by minus 15 degrees C -- if one keeps one's temperature (and spirits!) up with the help of glögg... and perhaps follows it up in the sauna!

This would be the case particularly in Finland (web site below, where we also find recipes for the Christmas biscuits and buns which go nicely with glögg...)...

** ** ** Glögg Party at Christmas

1 bottle red wine
2-3 tablespoons Madeira (optional)
1/2 cup raw sugar, or to taste
1/3 cup raisins
1-2 sticks cinnamon
5-6 whole cloves peelings of I orange
1/4 cup blanched, slivered almonds
1/4 cup vodka to spike it up (optional)

In a large kettle, combine all the ingredients except the vodka. Heat slowly, until the drink is steaming hot. Stir every now and then, and taste with a spoon whenever you feel like it. Do not let the drink get even close to boiling. Just keep it warm. Before serving, add vodka if you wish. Servings: 1 to 6.

Read some more Finnish recipies here:

Worldwide use

Glögg has a definite relationship to the German Glühwein (see below).

Glühwein (Traditional Glow Wine)

1 litre good red wine
1/8 litre water
60 grams sugar (approx 2oz)
1/4 stick cinnamon
3 cloves
Peelings of half a lemon or two lemon slices

Bring the sugar, spices and water to a boil (instead of the water experts say that you really should use red wine for a better flavor) Then let this mixture steep for 30 minutes. Finally, mix in the remainder of the red wine and carefully reheat to just under the boiling point.

If desired, flavor with lemon or orange juice to taste.
Glühwein is sometimes also made from raspberry, blueberry and blackberry wines.

Below are Variations of Glühwein :

1. French Glow Wine : Use Bordeaux with cinnamon, rubbed nutmeg and bay leaves as the spices.

2. Seehund (Sea Dog) : Substitute white wine for the red, and prepare as traditional glow wine. Depending on the acidity of the wine, a little lemon juice can be added to taste.

3. Negus : Prepare with port wine (1/2 wine, 1/2 water) and use rubbed nutmeg and lemon peelings for the spices.

4. Honig Glühwein (Honey Glow wine): prepare with red wine, 150gm honey (5oz), some cinnamon stick and two lemon slices. Heat to just under boiling.




** ** ** Mulled wine

In Frank Capra’s holiday film, It’s A Wonderful Life, a guardian angel walks into a bar and asks for mulled wine “heavy on the cinnamon, easy on the cloves.” For many, hot wine, which would be unthinkable in any other season, is a heavenly drink at this time of year.

It has been a wintry favourite for a long time with almost as names as it has recipes: glögg in Scandinavia, gluhwein in Austria, a bishop in England when made with port, and the Medieval drinks of Clarrey which included honey and spices, Caudell which was thickened with eggs and Ypocras which comes closest to the mulled wine or cider we know today.

However the drink is made, the spices always include the highly aromatic ones common in Britain and Northern Europe hundreds of years ago: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, mace, perhaps cardamom and a citrus peel. Honey or sugar is often added for a sweeter drink but these aren’t always used. What used to be a common drink, however, now seems exoctic. Although fancy packaging has made the ingredients in mulled wine spice sachets seem esoteric and expensive; most of us probably have everthing we need on our spice shelves.

You can experiment with the spices mentioned above but a typical recipe for mulled wine would be a tablespoon of honey or sugar, a stick of cinnamon, and a large pinch each of ginger, nutmeg, mace, cloves and cardamom for each cup of wine or cider or even apple juice. Fortunately the wine does not have to be expensive. Most red depanneur plonk works quite nicely thank you.

It is important not to boil the wine, but simply heat the spices in the wine over a low heat and stir occasionally until the sugar or honey is completely dissolved. For a clearer drink, strain the hot wine through a coffee filter before serving. As you raise a glass, you might consider proffering this heart-warming toast:

Beaujolais, Beaujolais, appellation controllée
Beaujolais est joli, parfumé et chaud
Bonne santé et cheerio.



The word "mulled" simply means heated and spiced. Many liquids can be mulled - mead, cider, and of course wine. Mulled wine is a traditional favorite in cooler locations, and goes well with the various celebrations that come around the end of the year.

Mulled wines have a long history. In medieval times these wines were called Ypocras or Hipocris, named after the physician Hippocrates. They were thought to be very healthy, and indeed, with wine at the time being far more sanitary than water, these heated drinks probably did keep people healthy through the cold winters.

Moving forward to the 1500s, cookbooks listed methods of mulling "Clarrey", or Bordeaux. Recipes involved honey, cinnamon, cardamon, galingale and of course French wine. Mulled wine was a favorite in Victorian England, and Negus - a type of mulled wine - was even served to children at their birthday parties. Today, mulled wine is a staple at many holiday parties.


Things found on the way

German Poem about Christmas Problems because Santa had too much Gluehwein. His sledge went off the road and he could not deliver the presents to the kids in time. He promises never to have too much mulled wine... :o)


Lauthals am Fluchen
Der Schlitten liegt im Graben
Rentiere fliehen

Nur einmal nicht aufgepaßt
Und die Weihnacht war versaut

Nie wieder Glühwein
Bevor die Tour zu Ende,
Die Kinder glücklich

Schwört der Weihnachtsmann
In den Trümmern des Schlittens



a toast
to this millennium
mulled wine



by the fire visiting
with old friends
cups of mulled wine

Maureen Yates


Short days, cold dark nights,
Frost sparkles and breathing steams,
Mulled wine by the fire.

© Elfstone 20/8/03


Advent Kerzenschein
Heimlichkeiten Vorfreude
Nüsse und Glühwein



sugar plum fairies--
enjoying mulled wine
with Tschaikowsky

Ed Schwellenbach

Related words

***** Mulled Mead (Mulled honey wine)

Often drunk at small stalls during the Christmas fairs inGermany. Sometimes fruit is included, for example souer cherries. Mead is good for your health too and brings you sweet dreams.
Heisser lieblich Met oder der Met mit Sauerkirsche heiss ....


More about mead:

Mead is a fermented alcoholic beverage made of honey, water, and yeast. It is sometimes known as "honeywine" (for obvious reasons) and is generally pronounced "meed", though South Africans usually pronounce it "med", to rhyme with "red". The word mead refers to the sugary fluid excreted by flowers. In symbology mead is the tipple of the gods.

A mead that also contains spices (like cloves, cinnamon or nutmeg) or herbs (such as oregano or even lavender or chamomile) is called metheglin. The etymon of this word is possibly "medicine" as healing herbs were often stored as metheglin so they would be available over the winter (as well as making them much easier to swallow).

A mead that contains fruit (such as strawberry, blackcurrant or even rose-hips) is called melomel and was also used as a delicious way to "store" summer produce for the winter.

Mulled mead is a popular winter holiday drink, where mead is warmed (traditionally by having a hot poker plunged into it) and flavoured with spices.
Hippocras is spiced grape wine sweetened with honey. A grape-based wine with added honey is called a pyment.
Cyser is made with apple juice and honey; braggot or bracket is made with malted barley and honey.

Mead was very popular in Northern Europe where grapes could not be grown, but it faded in popularity once wine imports became economical. Mead was especially popular with the Slaves and was called in Polish miód (pronounced myoot), meaning honey. Mead was a popular drink among the Polish szlachta. During the Crusades Polish prince Leszek the White explained to the pope that Polish knights couldn't participate in the crusades because there is no mead in Palestine.

In Finland a sweet mead called Sima (cognate with zymurgy), is still an essential seasonal brew connected with the Finnish Vappu festival. It is usually spiced by adding both the flesh and rind of a lemon. During secondary fermentation raisins are added to control the amount of sugars and to act as an indicator of readiness for consumption — they will rise to the top of the bottle when the drink is ready.
Mead is probably also the origin of the word honeymoon as the father of the bride was said to give as a dowry a month's supply of the liquor. Mead is mentioned in many old north Anglo-Saxon stories, including Beowulf.

Mead can have a wide range of flavors, depending on the source of the honey, additives (including fruit and spices), yeast employed during fermentation, and aging procedure. Mead can be difficult to find commercially, though some producers have been successful marketing it.

Many meads retain some measure of the sweetness of the original honey, and some can even be considered as dessert wines. Drier meads are also available, and some producers offer sparkling meads, which (like champagne) can make for a delightful celebratory toast.

A common toast when drinking mead is WASSAIL! Wishing you Health !

steam from the glasses
around the punch bowl

Haiku from Chibi


Recipe for Wassail Mead

The History of the Word "Wassail"
Apple tree wassailing is a ceremony which involves drinking to the health of the apple trees.
The Anglo-Saxons used the phrase Wæs hal! as an everyday greeting. Wæs is a form of the verb "to be" related to modern English was. Hal is the ancestor of the modern English words whole and hale. Thus, Wæs hal! literally meant "Be healthy!". The Vikings who later settled in Northern England used a dialectal varient of the same phrase: Ves heill!. Since the Anglo-Saxons and Norse shared a custom of welcoming guests by presenting them with a horn of ale (or cup of mead, or goblet of wine), the greeting evolved into a toast.

The phrase was eventually contracted into one word,wassail, and came to refer to the act of toasting to someones health, wassailing, and to a type of alcoholic beverage (spiced ale or punch) used to toast people's health on special occasions. The use of wassailing to mean "caroling" (as in "Here we go a-wassailing...") stems from the habit of singing songs whilst drinking from the "wassail-bowl" during Christmas and New Year celebrations.


Thus Wassail itself is also a kigo for winter.

xx xx xx xx

Mead is one of the oldest alcoholic beverages of humankind. It has been made in Ethiopia for many thousand years. There it is called Tej.

In Ethiopia, T'ej is made in private homes for family consumption and is not sold commercially. Each household has its own family recipe and variations in taste result from the type of honey used, temperature, climate, materials and utensils and the time involved in making the mead. Ethiopians purchase gallons of honey at a time to produce the mead and the taste can be as individual as the imagination of the person making it. The same recipe can vary from mother to daughter, for the mead is made from instinct as much as from a recipe.

The extract of a native Ethiopian tree, the Gesho (similar to Hazel) imparts a bitter quality to the T'ej making it the ideal drink to complement the spicy food of the Ethiopians. The honey- sweet, bitter, dry tone of T'ej is enhanced by the food. Ethiopian meals often consist of pureed vegetable greens, lentils, peas, cabbages, bean sprouts, squash and meat - chicken, seafood and lamb. This is all served on a communal plate with injera, a sourdough, uncooked, unleavened bread. Injera is rolled and folded in the manner of a napkin and placed on the rim of the dinner plate or on a side plate.

Read a lot about Ethiopian Tej here:


***** Rumpot (Rumtopf) Germany

***** Hot Drinks, a List


Bratapfelmet -fruchtiger Honigwein
feinster Druidenfeuer (Kräuterschnaps)
Mjedpiir - Biermischgetränk aus Bier und Honigwein
Drachenglut in Replik-Flasche

und mehr


***** Honey
Non-seasonal Topic

unless specified with the name of a seasonal flower.

heather honey, Ireland
kigo for autumn

Heather, Erika Europa.


***** Winter honey from YEMEN

***** Bee (mitsubachi)

***** Honey Spas   Russia
Kigo for Autumn

honey spa
our savior savors
honey comb

"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes) 


Back to the Worldkigo Index

WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI



Mountains alive in all seasons

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

This is a set of kigo with a personification.

This personification of the mountains goes through the four seasons,
in fact is is a quote from Gayuu Roku 臥遊録, a Chinese work from the Northern Sung dynasty by the painter Gaku Ki
Guo Xi 郭煕画譜 (c. 1023 - c. 1085)


Early Spring

Guo Xi (Chinese: 郭熙; pinyin: Guō Xī; Wade–Giles: Kuo Hsi)
(c. 1020–c. 1090) Chinese landscape painter from Henan Province who lived during the Northern Song dynasty. One text entitled "The Lofty Message of Forest and Streams" (Linquan Gaozhi 林泉高致) is attributed to him. The work covers a variety of themes centered around the appropriate way of painting a landscape.

The following is an excerpt from his treatise, "mountains and waters":

The clouds and the vapours of real landscapes are not the same at the four seasons.
In spring they are light and diffused,
in summer rich and dense,
in autumn scattered and thin,
in winter dark and solitary.

When such effects can be seen in pictures, the clouds and vapours have an air of life.
The mist around the mountains is not the same at the four seasons.

The mountains in spring are light and seductive as if smiling:
the mountains in summer have a blue-green colour
which seems to be spread over them;
the mountains in autumn are bright and tidy as if freshly painted;
the mountains in winter are sad and tranquil as if sleeping.

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

In Japan, people used to call the nearby mountain forests and groves "yama", they were part of the satoyama system, that sustained the life of a mountain village.

. Satoyama 里山 (さとやま) .


Mountains asleep (yama nemuru)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Earth


mountains and hills are sleeping,
yama nemuru 山眠る

sleeping mountains, nemuru yama 眠る山(ねむるやま)

It evokes a quiet atmosphere of things coming to a well-deserved rest.
Gabi Greve


water is dripping down a mountain
yama shitataru 山滴る

yama shitatari 山滴り(やましたたり)
kigo for summer
moss dripping with water, shitatari 滴り (したたり)
kenteki 涓滴(けんてき)、
dripping from rocks, iwa shitatari 巌滴り(いわしたたり)
dripping from cliffs, gake shitatari 崖滴り(がけしたたり)
dripping from moss, koke shitatari 苔滴り(こけしたたり)
This kidai is difficult to translate in a short version in English. It refers to the freshness of cool water dripping down a mountain over moss.
It is not used for raindrops or dewdrops.

mountains take on make-up and color,
yama yosou 山粧う (やまよそう)

kigo for autumn
..... yama yoso-ou 山粧う(やまよそおう)
..... yama irodoru 山彩る(やまいろどる
..... yoso-ou yama 粧う山(よそおうやま)

shitatari ya futto kuuki o kamu roojin

water dripping over moss -
the old man bites
a bit of air 

Ishida Yoshihiro 石田よし宏

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


yama nemuru mabayuki tori o hanachite wa

Yamada Mizue 山田 みづえ


yama nemuru waga ude ni tsuma nemurikeri

la montagne dort...
et ma femme dort aussi,
là, entre mes bras

mountains asleep ...
and in my arms my wife
also asleep
(Tr. Gabi )



山眠る 尾根ゆく人の 見え隠れ

mountains sleep -
people walking on the path
sometimes hidden, sometimes seen
(Tr. Gabi)



yama nemuru kangofu to futari nobe no michi

mountains asleep -
I walk with the nurse
on a nature path


mountains asleep
in my white coat
I visit my patients
(Tr. Gabi)

Written by Mahara sensei, a local doctor in the area of Mt. Aso. He writes haiku for his patients and himself to feel some relief from harsh reality.

Link with more of his haiku and pictures from Mr. Aso in Kyushu and light effects.

Related words

***** mountains smiling, yama warau 山笑う - 山笑ふ
kigo for spring

Spring 2007 , Okayama, Japan

The plants and trees start to bud in all shades of green, pink, white, the sound of birds fills the mild spring air and as people smile, so they see their sourrounding mountains reflecting their onw emotion of joy.

山笑う わたしだって 笑いますよ
yama warau - watashi datte waraimasu yo

.. .. .. mountains smiling-
.. .. .. and me of course
.. .. .. smiling too


Mt. Daisen in April 2005

© Photos and Haiku by Gabi Greve
with more photos


furusato ya dochira o mite mo yama warau

my hometown
wherever I look
mountains laugh with vendure

... shiki/kim/shikispring.html

my hometown -
wherever I look
mountains are smiling

Tr. Gabi Greve


akasugi o sukku to tatete yama warau

with its redwoods
springing to their height
the mountain laughs

Kiyoko Tokutomi



this child
always painting a sun -
mountains smiling
(Tr. Gabi Greve)

高田 風人子


whisking eggs
to a heavy-metal riff
the mountains smile

Susan Shand, April 2009


. MOUNTAIN ... related kigo for all seasons  

. Chinese origin of Japanese kigo .


Mosquitoes (ka)

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Mosquitoes, mosquitos (ka)

***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: All Summer and see below
***** Category: Animal and Humanity


mosquito, ka 蚊
"column", swarm of mosquitos, kabashira 蚊柱

"mosquitos in the underbrush, country mosquitos"
..... yabuka, "thicket mosquito", striped mosquitos 藪蚊
CLICK for more photos !
a rather unpleasant variety when working outside, Stegomyia fasciata.

to hit a mosquito, swat a mosquito, ka o utsu 蚊を打つ

. "fly squatter", mosquito squatter, hae tataki


gaganbo ががんぼ crane fly, daddy-longlegs
ka no uba 蚊の姥(かのうば) "grandmother mosquito"
katonbo, ka tonbo 蚊蜻蛉(かとんぼ)"dragonfly mosquito"
ooka 大蚊(おおか)"big mosquito"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

A crane fly is an insect in the family Tipulidae.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

I tweet my words
a cranefly settles
on the door

- Shared by Clive Oseman -
Joys of Japan, 2012


makunagi 蠛蠓 (まくなぎ) midge
mematoi めまとい, memawari めまわり、metataki めたたき
"eye disturber"
nukaga 糠蚊(ぬかが)"rice bran fly"
namagusa 蠓(なまぐさ)
yusurika 揺蚊(ゆすりか)"swaying fly"

tobu 蚋 (ぶと) gnat
buto 蟆子(ぶと),buyu ぶゆ、buyo ぶよ

yume no yo to kame o warau ka buyu no koe

hey, the world's
a dream
-- are the gnats
laughing at the turtle?

Tr. Chris Drake

. Full comment by Chris Drake .

. . . . . . . . . . .

humanity kigo for late summer

kusa kageroo 草蜉蝣 (くさかげろう) lacewing fly


humanity kigo for all summer

CLICK for more photos

mosquitonet, mosquito net, kaya 蚊帳
..... one of the best things in an old Japanese farmhouse in summer, to sleep cool in the night breeze, all doors open

There are quite a few kigo releted to this most important item of old !

..... kaya 蚊屋(かや)
..... kachoo 蚊帳(かちょう)
..... kabukuro 蚊袋(かぶくろ)

furugaya 古蚊帳(ふるがや)old mosquito net

asagaya 麻蚊帳(あさがや)mosquito net made from hemp
momengaya 木綿蚊帳(もめんがや)mosquito net made from cotton

aogaya 青蚊帳(あおがや)green mosquito net
(usually a mixture of hemp and cotton, dyed in this color)

shirokaya 白蚊帳(しろかや)white mosquito net

kaya no te 蚊帳の手(かやのて)hanger of a mosquito net
there were four "hands" to hang the net on the four corners of the room.

hatsu kaya 初蚊帳(はつかや)first use of the mosquito net
..... kaya no tsuri hajime 、蚊帳の吊り初め(かやのつりはじめ)
..... kaya hajime 蚊帳初め(かやはじめ)

misumigaya 三隅蚊帳(みすみがや)mosquito net with three corners

Oomigaya 近江蚊帳(おうみがや)mosquito net from Omi (near lake Biwa)
Naragaya 奈良蚊帳(ならがや)mosquito net from Nara
These two regions were especially famous for the fine mosquito nets.
The nets from Omi were green with a red seam to bring a bit of color to the bedroom.

makuragaya 枕蚊帳(まくらがや)pillow mosquito net
..... horogaya 母衣蚊帳(ほろがや)
mostly usef for small children

mengaya 面蚊帳(めんがや) mosquito net for the face
Used by the army when luggage was limited. 

CLICK for more photos
kayauri, kaya uri 蚊帳売(かやうり)vendor of mosquito nets

They used to walk in the town of Edo, the master with a hat and hanten coat including the name of his shop, and a servant with just a straw hat. He carried a pole with two baskets full of nets.
The master shouted "moegi no kayaaa" もえぎのかやーー "green mosquito nets", stretching the AAA sound while walking almost 50 meters in a narrow road, so all could hear him. His strong, beautiful voice was one of his advertisements of the trade and he had to take lessons to be able to produce the call.

shichoo 紙帳 ( しちょう) mosquito net made of washi Japanese paper
shichoo uri 紙帳売(しちょううり) vendor of the above

The net could be in a triangular or square form and was usually white. Some were painted with black ink paintings. Some parts of the paper were cut and nets of fine silk inserted to let the wind come in.
These were used by poor people who could not afford all-meshed nets. They also used these nets in winter for a bit of warmth.

ko wa gochoo oya wa shichoo o tsurite neru

the daughter sleeps in Gocho
the parents sleep
under a paper net

The daughter had been sold to the Yoshiwara pleasure district (Gocho-Machi) and her poor parents had to make do with a paper net. This senryu expressed the poor living conditions of so many people in Edo.

This is also a pun with GO 5 and SHI 4.

. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .

Mother breastfeeding a child under a mosquito net
Utagawa Toyokuni I (1769-1825)

source : loc.gov/pictures/collection
Fujin tomarikyaku no zu / Woman with a visitor.
Kitagawa Utamaro


observance kigo for mid-summer

gihoo o kaku 儀方を書く writing GI HO
..... gihoo o shosu 儀方を書す(ぎほうをしょす)
writing a spell
A custom of China, on May 5.
n ancient China it was custom to write the two characters GIHO 儀方 on a piece of paper and paste this onto the four main pillars of the home to ward off mosquitoes and flies during the summer time. In Japan, this tradition was followed for some time too.

. Calligraphy and Kigo


kigo for late spring

haru no ka 春の蚊 はるのか mosquito in spring
..... haruka, haru-ka 晩春 春蚊(はるか)

hatsu ka 初蚊(はつか)first mosquito


kigo for all autumn

aki no ka 秋の蚊 (あきのか) mosquito in autumn
wakare no ka 別れ蚊(わかれか)"good bye mosquitos"
nokoru ka 残る蚊(のこるか)mosquiots still left
..... ka no nagori 蚊の名残(かのなごり)
okurega 後れ蚊(おくれか) late mosquitos

kigo for mid-autumn

abureka 溢蚊 (あぶれか)
mosquitos beyond their prime

..... aware ga 哀れ蚊(あわれか)"pitiful mosquitos"
hachigatus ka 八月蚊(はちがつか) mosquitos of the eighth lunar month


kigo for all winter

fuyu no ka 冬の蚊 (ふゆのか ) mosquito in winter
..... fuyuka 冬蚊(ふゆか)

Worldwide use


. Mosquito and mosquito net  



mosquito net
kigo for all summer

bright smile
over and under the mosquito net -
new born

Heike Gewi


Things found on the way

kabashira hyakku 蚊柱百句
100 verses about swarming mosquitoes

. Nishiyama Soin 西山宗因 .
(1605 - 1682)

He was the first to introduce mosquitoes, fleas and other low insects into haikai poetry, since "every living creature has a heart".


at Temple Toshodai-Ji (Tooshoodaiji 唐招提寺)

Legend relates to saint Kakujoo shoonin 覚盛上人 (1194 - 1249).
When he was sitting in Zazen, many mosquitoes came to disturb him and suck his blood.
His disciples hurried on to hit the mosquitoes and kill them.
But Kakujo held them back:
"Right now I am practising making offerings (fuse gyoo 布施行)
and offer my blood to the mosquitoes."
Only after his death did the disciples and the nuns offer fans at his grave.

Even now they are made by hand and sold at the temple.

. Temple Toshodaiji .


Oomi-gaya ase ya sazanami yoru no toko / Oomigaya

mosquito net from Omi -
my sweat - gentle waves
my bed at night

Written in 1677 延宝5年 Basho age 34.

When using this famous mosquito net in Edo, the poet can remember the gentle waves of Lake Biwa.
sazanami is a makurakotoba "pillow word" of Lake Biwa 琵琶湖.

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 Issa in Edo .
Tr. Gabi Greve

kaze fuku ya ana darake demo waga kachoo

wind blows -
even with lots of holes this is
my mosquito net

hototogisu kiki dokoro tote yabu ka kana

a good place
to hear the hototogisu
but all these mosquitoes . . .

The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.


a mosquito
aiming noisily -
the sound of one hand


the sound
of one hand clapping >
a dead mosquito

While I was having my bout with the enemy, little Haiku-kun (my kitten) had his encounter with one of Karls children (Karl is the general name of our large mini-tiny Frog-Family, you can see one of his brothers in the picture in the following link).

the sound
of one paw tapping >
a dead frog


Gabi Greve


my old ears
hear less and less -



By Soji


tailors' bazaar --
tea and mosquito coils
on the evening air

Norman Darlington, (Timbuktu, Mali)


昼寝時 一匹だけの 蚊の音色
hirunedoki ippiki dake no ka no ne-iro

Mittagsschlaf -
das Geräusch von nur EINER

naptime -
the sound of just ONE

Gabi Greve, June 2006          


ka no koe no naka ni shisaku no ito o eshi

Takeshita Shizunojo (1887 - 1951)

amid the buzz of mosquitoes
a thread of ideas is enfolding

(tr. Gabi Greve)

Through the mosquito's voice
I started a thread of poetic thought.

Read an interesting interpretation of this haiku by
Hugh Bygott, July 2006


from deep inside
the pretty flower...
thicket mosquito

utsukushiki hana no naka yori yabu ka kana

by Issa, 1808
Tr. David Lanoue

Related words

boofura, boofuri 孑孑 ぼうふら - ぼうふり mosquito larva

. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

boofuri ga tenjoo suru zo kado no tsuki

a larva flies, now
a mosquito, up to heaven --
moon above the gate

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is a later (1822) variation of a hokku written in 1819, the year evoked in Year of My Life:

boufuri ga tenjou suru zo mika no tsuki

a larva flies, now
a mosquito, up to heaven --
thin crescent moon

In the original version a third-night crescent moon shares heaven with the newly matured mosquito. When Issa put this hokku into Year of My Life he changed three syllables to make it a little softer, but the difference isn't major. See my April 10, 2013 post.

Of course Issa knows larvae can't fly, and he is not suggesting that the larva here is flying up toward heaven. His concise verse implies that the larva has at last turned into a mature mosquito that is able to fly. The term "flying/rising up to heaven" seems to have three meanings here. First, the mature mosquito takes off for the first time into the evening sky. Second, the mosquito must be so glad to have left behind its larva and pupa stages that it's as happy as if it were in heaven. And third, Issa celebrates the mosquito's growth from a mere larva and then pupa and its discovery that it can fly. Momentarily he seems to feel none of the ordinary aversion humans have toward mosquitoes. Instead, he seems to be imagining what it must feel like to be a newly mature mosquito that believes it can fly anywhere, even to heaven. However, the moon rising above the gate suggests that heaven is a actually a bit higher than the mosquito thinks it is.

Chris Drake


***** Bat 蚊喰鳥 kakuidori, bat [literally "mosquito-eating bird"] Fledermaus

***** Mosquitoes in Kenya

***** WKD : Fly-swatter, Mosquitoe Swatter
katori senkoo 蚊取り線香 mosquito coil

*****  aki no kaya 秋の蚊帳 (あきのかや)
mosquito net in autumn


plant kigo for late summer

kayatsurigusa 蚊帳吊草 (かやつりぐさ)
"plant to hang in the mosquito net"

Cyperus microiria. Zypergras
Grows wild on abandoned fields. It has a strong fragrance against mosquitoes.

no ni fuseba kayatsurigusa mo tanomu beshi

when lying down in the wilderness
we should also get some
mosquito net grass

Kobayashi Issa 一茶

Illustration by : www.kyoko-kirie.jp






[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]


***** Location: India, South Asia
***** Season: See below

***** Category: Seasons


In the India Saijiki
we have MONSOON (july-august) as an extra season within a set of six seasons.

Bill Higginson in HAIKU WORLD suggests to use the word
MONSOON or WET SEASON as a kigo for
“All Summer” in South Asia.

Different tropical climates have monsoons at different times. The southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, experiences the southwest monsoon from late May through October, as does the southwest coast of India. The monsoon season features heavy rains and southwest winds that sometimes cause severe flooding, mudslides and the like, especially in coastal areas. Necessary for agriculture, and a welcome relief from the HOT DRY SEASON of February through early May, when temperatures rise into the mid-90s F (mid-30s C) with high humidity, the storms can still create a grim, gray time.
in some tropical areas, for example Central America, the WET SEASON is called 'winter' (Spanish invierno) but it is also a very fertile time. Other tropical areas will differ as to the timing of wet and dry seasons.
I recommend that any renku written in the tropics, or involving natives of the tropics, include seasonal topics appropriate to the 'monsoon' or wet season, and the hot or DRY SEASON once each in place of summer or winter in the mid-section of the renku-- and in the hokku, if the poem is written there.
Future attempts at international saijiki may contain a substantial number of wet- and dry-season phenomena, warranting the creation of these as new seasons in the saijiki.
Bill Higginson in HAIKU WORLD


The Japanese rainy season, tsuyu 梅雨 with all its related words are part of the summer kigo.

Monsoon Sunset and other Photos by Kim Richards


Here are some meteorological explanations:

The word 'monsoon' appears to have originated from the Arabic word 'mausim', which means season. It is used to describe seasonal reversals of wind direction, caused by temperature differences between the land and sea, which occur in a number of countries around the world.

The cause
In some respects it is a large version of the 'land-sea breeze', where on a sunny day at the beach, the land warms more quickly than the ocean. As the hot air rises over the land, it is replaced by the cooler air over the water.
At night, however, the land cools at a quicker rate than the water, so the wind shifts, blowing from the land to the warmer water.
So our two key ingredients for the Asian Monsoon are a large land mass and a large ocean - namely southern Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) and the surrounding Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

When does it start?
From April, the pre-monsoon heat builds over the land and with time will result in continuous rising of less dense air (as the land warms faster) and form areas of low pressure, most commonly over North India and the Himalayas.
Meanwhile, over the oceans the air is cooler and denser so it is linked to areas of high pressure. The temperature difference between the land and sea can be as much as 20°C - land temperatures in India can even exceed 45°C, while the surrounding water in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea remain in the low 20s.

To maintain the energy balance the air starts flowing from the oceans (high pressure) to the land (low pressure) bringing in the moisture rich southwest winds across southern Asia - the 'wet' phase.
When the 'wet' phase starts, around 25 May, it has two arms. One coming into Sri Lanka and the other one moving up from the Bay of Bengal into parts of NE India and Bangladesh.

The retreat
As the land and ocean begin to cool in late summer and into autumn, the land loses heat quicker than the ocean. The wind reverses during this 'dry' phase, becoming a northeasterly.
From the diagram we can see the movement of this monsoon across southern Asia and then its withdrawal, usually completed by late December.

Here is a map that shows the southwest monsoon, showing onset- and withdrawl dates.

Monsoon Rainbust by Kim Richards


Gujarat, India

"Oh, it's the naked rain,"
so say the Gujarati people on the first rainfall.
Typically the first rainfall around the state of Gujarat is accompanied by sunshine peeping on and off through the monsoon clouds sweeping through the western region of India in late June or early July.

The naked rain, as it is referred to in Gujarat, is a harbinger of the monsoon and is received like the much-awaited guest that is mildly taunted by the hosts with "What took you so long?"

While children sing folksongs of rains in kindergarten, college students study monsoon romance in classics such as Meghdoot (the messenger of monsoon), written by Kalidas, one of the most acclaimed Indian poets from fourth century A.D.
Every living being, relieved from the heat, now craves love.

Read more here:


Monsoon On Line

Following the Great Indian Drought of 1877, H.F. Blanford, who had established the India Meteorological Department in 1875, issued the first seasonal forecast of Indian monsoon rainfall in 1884. Later, in the early part of the 20th century, Sir Gilbert Walker initiated extensive studies of global teleconnections which led him to the discovery of Southern Oscillation. Walker introduced, for the first time, the concept of correlation for long-range forecasting of the Asian summer monsoon and his findings are relevant even today.

More than 100 years later, forecasts and hindcasts (backcasts) of the Asian summer monsoon are still being made using statistical regression, often with remarkable success.

© Monsoon On Line
by D.B. Stephenson & K. Rupa Kumar

Worldwide use


we have MONSOON (july-august) as an extra season within a set of six seasons.

It includes words like like floods, flooded streets, heavy showers, lightning, raincoat, thunder, umbrella, many of which are kigo in the Japanese saijiki too.


Northern America

Pineapple Express (also known as Pineapple Connection)
is a non-technical, shorthand term popular in the news media for a meteorological phenomenon which is characterized by a strong and persistent flow of atmospheric moisture and associated heavy rainfall from the waters adjacent to the Hawaiian Islands and extending to any location along the Pacific coast of North America.
A Pineapple Express is driven by a strong, southern branch of the Polar jetstream and is usually marked by the presence of a surface frontal boundary which is typically either slow or stationary, with waves of low pressure traveling along its axis. Each of these low pressure systems brings enhanced rainfall.

The Puget Sound region from Olympia, Washington to Vancouver, BC received several inches of rain per day in November 2006 from a series of successive Pineapple Express storms that caused massive flooding in all major regional rivers and mudslides which closed the mountain passes.

The unusually intense rain storms that hit south-central Alaska in August 2006 were termed "Pineapple Express" rains locally.

In British Columbia especially, Pineapple Express systems typically generate heavy snowfall in the mountains and Interior Plateau, which often melts rapidly because of the warming effect of the system.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !



Amihan and Habagat monsoon



NE-Monsoon, SW-Monsoon  

Things found on the way

It is possible to identify seasons, although these do not occur uniformly throughout South Asia. The Indian Meteorological Service divides the year into four seasons:

the relatively dry, cool winter from December through February;
the dry, hot summer from March through May;
the southwest monsoon from June through September when the predominating southwest maritime winds bring rains to most of the country;
the northeast monsoon, or retreating, monsoon of October and November.



I fall asleep when l meet you,
The hapless sleep of infants
Or animals or violent sleep
Of winter when life goes under
Redically: so quiet,hearing

Abstract poems of Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Monsoon History

- Shared by Mokhtar Sah Malik -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013


Monsoon clouds
Framed by rectangle
Gray above green



wrath of the monsoon
lightning displays with heavy wind
here fast, gone faster

Bernard Howe


monsoon rain-
the finger-painted poster

monsoon rain –
worn tights
caught on the old clothes-pole

monsoon rain –
the pigeons peck
on a discarded guava

Harsangeet Kaur Bhullar


Remembering Bombay 30 years ago,
three weeks in Monsoon showers, whoff, wondering how we survived that one !

monsoon shower –
the smell of Bombay
in our hair

The moist air, the endless smell of incense to kill the penetrant smell of mold.
The smell of curry bubbeling in the street stalls.

monsoon shower –
holding on to
black umbrellas

The babus in their white doti, pulling up the legs, balancing with one hand the huge black umbrellas - all in vain, the rain pours from all directions !

Bombay in the Rain !
a place to dance ?
such was youth !

Gabi Greve


paddy flooded---
herons pace proudly
on monsoon clouds

Izabel Sonia Ganz


after the monsoon
their nest on the cobbles
the death birdies

by the monsoon
her umbrella

Geert Verbeke


monsoon --
the sound of
my own sobs

© Ella Wagemakers

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2005

silver clouds
with dark lining -
parched ground looks up

onset of monsoon in time (june 1st week) is critical for the farmers and the nation too

M.R. Vinodh, 2005

It is almost normal in India to have floods in one part of the country and drought conditions in another! Isn't it ironical that while normally when speaking of 'hope' we talk about 'dark clouds with silver lining' while pre-monsoon its the other way round? wishing that the rains here do stay a little longer...



In Kenya, the rains were late this year, and we are praying that they might last a bit longer than usual... every day, we have been looking upwards...

rain clouds --
where will they shed
their load?

rain clouds --
are they heading for
my mum's home?

So often, one part of Nairobi might be washed away with torrential rain, while other parts have none. Travelling in the front seat of a bus, one might see a clear dividing line -- thus far, the rain came, and no farther...

Isabelle Prondzynski


monsoon dawn
flowers and greens
just turn visible

June 2005, Narayanan Raghunathan
Read more of his monsoon haiku here:

Monsoon by Narayanan


Two Monsoon Haiku from the Mainichi Haiku Files
Oct. 1, 2005 (No.676)

monsoon fury
a child’s doll floats past
the second floor window

Angelee Deodhar; Chandigarh, India

.. .. ..

bombay rains…
wade through the water

Kala Ramesh; Pune, India



monsoon rain...
street dogs following
a female's heat

Kameshwara Rao, India


> the road under water
> I still don't know
> all the potholes

> cloudburst -
> the flies are already
> in the house

> cloudburst -
> two men in the doorway
> chat about war

Johannes Manjrekar, India, September 2006


monsoon rain ...
between two thunderclouds
our catamaran

Ella Wagemakers
July 2009


first rains...
the child loads innocence
in the paper boat

Kumarendra Mallick
Hyderabad, India, July 2009


Monsoon water rising
Cipher machines up on bricks
A canoe ride home

Memories of Malaysia, long ago

A cipher machine is similar to an electric typewriter but is designed to encode or rather encrypt secret messages. At this time I was in the Army, we were protecting Malaysian Borneo from the Confrontation declared by the President of Indonesia. Therefore there was a great need for secrecy in our communications.
As the flood waters rose all electric equipment had to be propped up on bricks to keep them out of the water. After going off duty that morning I borrowed a canoe and went to help local neighbours to carry their refrigerators upstairs too.

- Shared by Res John Burman -
Joys of Japan, 2012

Related words

***** . Rain in India .


Long Rains, a season (Kenya)

***** World Kigo Database : Rain in various kigo

Cloud, clouds(kumo) Various Kigo.

WIND in various kigo

Typhoon  台風  Japan




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