Summer (natsu 夏 - なつ)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Heavens and others
The Summer season in Japanese Haiku
is fixed according to the Asian lunar calendar from the beginning of summer around the sixth of May until the eighth of August. In reality the summer in Central Japan lasts roughly from June to the end of August. There are many kigo with relation to "Summer", see
. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI .. Introduction and list
the reading of GE for the kanji 夏(げ) refers to the
. natsu ango 夏安吾(げあんご)summer retreat for monks .
..... gegomori 夏籠(げごもり), gekomori, gegyoo 夏行(げぎょう)
ge-iri 夏入(げいり)beginning the summer retreat
ge no hajime 夏の始め(げのはじめ)beginning of the summer retreat
kigo for late summer
banka 晩夏 ばんか late summer
. . . kika 季夏(きか)(name for the 6th lunar month)
bankakoo 晩夏光(ばんかこう) sunshine in late summer
reika 冷夏 (れいか ) cold summer
natsu samushi 夏寒し(なつさむし)cold in summer
midori no fuyu みどりの冬(みどりのふゆ)winter in the green season
reigai 冷害(れいがい)damage by coldness
kyoorai 凶冷(きょうれい) unfortunate cold
seika 盛夏 (せいか) midsummer
..... manatsu 真夏(まなつ)
natsu sakan 夏旺ん(なつさかん)
The rainy season is now over and summer comes with all its might, daily temperatures well over 30 degrees centigrade, which are called "midsummer days" (manatsubi真夏日) in the weather forecast. Sometimes they last for about 50 days in Kyushu.
natsu fukashi 夏深し (なつふかし) "summer is deep"
..... natsu fukamu 晩夏 夏深む(なつふかむ) summer deepens
..... natsu sabu 夏さぶ(なつさぶ)
natsu takenawa 夏闌(なつたけなわ) summer at its best
summer holidays, natsuyasumi 夏休み
mostly to describe the school holidays
.....shochuu kyuuka 暑中休暇(しょちゅうきゅうか)
break during the strongest heat
..... shochuu yasumi 暑中休(しょちゅうやすみ)
. to return home in summer, kisei 帰省
during the summer holidays or O-Bon
humanity kigo for late summer
As sommer lasts, people get tired and worn out by the heat. They try with many thinks, like medicine or alcohol like plum wine, to get over the hot days ...
shokibarai 暑気払 (しょきばらい) warding off the heat
..... shokikudashi 暑気下し(しょきくだし)
koojusan 香薷散 (こうじゅさん)
pulver medicine against summer weariness
made from naginata kooju ナギナタコウジュ
Elsholtzia ciliata
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
koojusan inu ga nebutte kumo no mine
Kikaku 其角
hiyake 日焼 (ひやけ) sunburn
hiyakedome 日焼止め(ひやけどめ)sunscreen, cream against sunburn
shioyake 潮焼(しおやけ)sunburn on the beach
humanity kigo for mid-summer
soojutsu o yaku 蒼朮を焼く (そうじゅつをやく)
burning Okera
..... ukera yaku うけら焼く(うけらやく)
..... okera yaku おけら焼く(おけらやく)
soojutsu o taku 蒼朮を焚く(そうじゅつをたく)
A plant of the Chrysanthemum family, Atractylodes japonica Koidz. et Kitam. is dried and burned to ward off heat and sweat.
The roots are also used in Chinese Medicine.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
tooyootoo 桃葉湯 (とうようとう)
bath with (dried) leaves of the peach tree
Said to help with too much sweating in summer and rashes because of sweat.
biwayootoo 枇杷葉湯 (びわようとう)
drink from dried loquat leaves
This is also sold in powder-form, and the vendor is also a kigo
biwayootoo uri 琵琶葉湯売(びわようとううり)
vendor of loquat leaf medicine
humanity kigo for all summer
nomitoriko 蚤取粉 (のみとりこ) powder against lice
Traditionally made from ジョチュウギク Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium Boccone
jochuugiku じょちゅうぎく【除虫菊】 insect powder plant, pyrethrum
tenkafun 天瓜粉 (てんかふん)
yellow snake gourd powder
..... tenkafun 天花粉(てんかふん)
ase shirazu 汗しらず(あせしらず) "without sweat"
Made from the roots of キカラスウリ, 黄烏瓜 Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. var. japonica, one of the essential plants used in Chinese Medicine.
"yellow snake gourd"
A white fine powder. Put on the skin when rashes from sweat start to appear. Especially used for small children.
tenkafun tokoro kira hazu utarekeri
Hino Soojo 日野草城
Hino Sojo (1901-1956)
. MORE medicine-related kigo
Worldwide use
The Summer in Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden
This is the season that trees are verdant.The trees newly in leaf are getting more verdant.Then branches and leaves are growing up toward the sky.Flowers are blooming getting warm sunlight.Dragonflies are flying above the lawn and cicadae are singing in chorus, they are all bustling.The summer in Shinjuku Gyoen comes with a breath of nature.
source : Shinjuku Gyoen
Things found on the way
Pages of summer haiku, although the word SUMMER is not mentioned specially.
Natukusa ya Tuwamonodomo ga Yume no ato
(Matsuo Basho)
Where summer grasses now
grow thick once soldiers fought,
the shadow of a dream
waking to sunshine
summer like weather today
humid clouds roll in
Anne Johnson
dry brushes -
summer's portrait
almost done
summer's flight
the brief wing-stretch
of memory
Laryalee Fraser
Look at the beautiful haiga by Ashe to go with these:
Related words
***** heat, hot, atsushi, atsusa 暑し (あつし)
category of humanity
atsusa 暑さ(あつさ)heat (feeling hot)
hisho 避暑 (ひしょ) summering,
pass the summer in a cool region
hishoki 避暑期(ひしょき)time for summering
hishochi 避暑地(ひしょち)region for summering
hisho nagori 避暑名残(ひしょなごり)
hisho no tabi 避暑の旅(ひしょのたび)travelling for summering
..... hisho ryokoo 避暑旅行(ひしょりょこう
hisho no yado 避暑の宿(ひしょのやど)lodging for summering
hisho kyaku 避暑客(ひしょきゃく)guest for summering
..... hisho no kyaku 避暑の客(ひしょのきゃく)
hisho sanpo 避暑散歩(ひしょさんぽ)walk for summering
hishodayori 避暑便り(ひしょだより)news about summering
shooka 銷夏(しょうか)"getting rid of summer"
..... shooka 消夏(しょうか)
. . . . .
jaki ga fumu Yamato bonchi no atsusa kana
as if the demons
tread on the Yamado plains -
this heat
Kadokawa Haruki 角川春樹 (1942 - )
category of season
atsushi 暑し (あつし) heat
sweltering, atsukurushi 暑苦し(あつくるし)
heat, sho 暑(しょ), feeling hot, shoki 暑気(しょき)
hot month, shogetsu 暑月(しょげつ)
summer heat, shonetsu 暑熱(しょねつ)
atsuki hi 暑き日 (あつきひ) hot day
atsuki yo 暑き夜(あつきよ)hot night
kigo for late summer
taisho (大暑 / たいしょ): July 23—Large heat
taisho kuru 大暑来る(たいしょくる)great heat is coming
taisho no hi 大暑の日(たいしょのひ)day of the great heat
gokusho 極暑 (ごくしょ) extremely hot
..... gokusho 酷暑(こくしょ)
jokusho 溽暑 (じょくしょ) humid and hot
..... mushiatsushi, mushi-atsushi 蒸暑し(むしあつし)
..... shitsusho 湿暑(しつしょ)
ensho 炎暑 (えんしょ) intense heat
ennetsu 炎熱(えんねつ)burning heat
moyuru 炎ゆる (もゆる) burning (whith heat)
..... yakuru 灼くる (やくる)
nessa 熱砂(ねっさ)burning hot sand
hiyake hama 日焼浜(ひやけはま)burning hot beach
yakeiwa 灼岩(やけいわ)burning hot rock
..... hiyake iwa 日焼岩(ひやけいわ)
. Feeling COOL in SUMMER
strange heat -
a week to my birthday
the red ferrari passes again
Alan Summers, UK
1. Raku Teapot: Haiku Book and CD pub. Raku Teapot Press 2003 in association with White Owl Publishing Book: ISBN 1-891691-03-1 CD: ISBN 1-891691-04-X
2. haijinx http://www.haijinx.com/I-1/haiku/pageh12.html haijinx volume I, issue 1
3. Bristol Evening Post 2002

Recently I was at a poetry reading in Bryant Park, behind the New York Public Library building (the one with the lions in front).
Bryant Park is ringed by many London Plane trees, which are very tall. Bored with the poetry, I was looking up, and high overhead were myriad leaves--so many, that the bits of blue sky showing through were like blue leaves interspersed with the green ones.
The first thing that popped into my head was how it was like being inside of a George Seurat painting.
summer in the park:
pointillist leaves dotting
a pointillist sky
--Larry Bole
Happy Haiku Forum, June 2011
this heat
after the first beer
even worse ...
Tomislav Maretic
- WKD - facebook -
the slow turn
of a barber's pole -
afternoon heat
- Shared by John Wisdom -
Joys of Japan, August 2012

***** Spring (haru, Japan)
****** Autumn (aki, Japan)
***** Winter (fuyu, Japan)
. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI
Kigo for Summer
whiff of clouds
in my morning tea ~
Himalayan summer
Narayanan Raghunathan
summer winds ~
twilight sky augurs
the last silences
Narayanan Raghunathan
bookshop -
the discolored covers
of summer novels
Damien Gabriels
fourteen summers
the glue remains
of a paper heart
Alan Summers, UK
1. The Haiku Calendar 2004 Snapshots Press ISBN 1-903543-07-X 2004
2. Disclaimer magazine, Bath Spa students featuring poetry, prose and artwork from Bath Spa students and alumni March 2008
summer wind
a sparrow re-rights itself
at the peanut cage
Alan Summers, UK
1. "Wing Beats: British Birds in Haiku" Snapshot Press ISBN 978-1-903543-24-5 (2008)
2. "Haiku Friends Vol.3" Ed. Masaharu Hirata Osaka, Japan (2009)
3. Dru Marland illustration May 2010 (commissioned for Alan Summers and With Words for children's and young persons contest 2010)
keine Klimanlage
ist mir zu viel -
die blutige Hitze
can't have it
without an air cooler -
that bloody heat
Kobayashi Issa
monoshiri no mane shite komoru natsu kokoro
he pretends to know much
and joins Buddhist retreats
thinking summer vacation
This hokku is from the fifth month (June) of 1821, when Issa was in his hometown taking care of his wife, who had come down with a severe case of gout -- she wouldn't recover until September. In this hokku he refers to the summer retreats held by many Buddhist temples each year for three months in summer, usually from lunar 4/16 to 7/15. These retreats, known as ge-ango, ge-gomori, or simply ge (夏, literally 'summer'), were the Japanese version of the summer rainy season retreats held for Buddhist monks and nuns in ancient India. During retreats monks and nuns concentrated on studying and copying out sutras and various writings about Buddhism, listening to sermons and lectures, chanting, praying, meditating, carving statues of Buddhas, and many other activities that were difficult to do during their normal busy lives. Lay believers sometimes visited the temples or even stayed in a temple room and joined in some activities, such as listening to lectures, chanting, saying prayers, and singing Buddhist hymns.
It's not clear from the hokku who the person is who pretends to be a learned expert about Buddhism and takes part in summer retreats without much real enthusiasm. The hokku might be a comment about a certain monk, but several other hokku near the above hokku in Issa's diary also deal with Buddhist retreats, and one of them speaks of a man not earning his salary while he spends three months at a winter Buddhist retreat even though he isn't devout. The man seems to have gotten a paid leave to take part in pretended religious study. I take the person in this hokku to be somewhat similar. Though he knows little -- and perhaps knows nothing at all about Amida Buddha's compassion -- he acts as if he knew much about Buddhism, and he no doubt uses big words and abstract phrases while he stays at a temple during the summer months, but his mind (kokoro) is actually filled with ordinary thoughts about how to get away from home and keep cool during the summer. Issa here seems to be making a contrast between humble, devout thoughts and words based on actual experience at a summer retreat (ge) and ordinary self-centered utilitarian thoughts about how to get through the summer (natsu), though both words are written with the same character, the character for summer.
Chris Drake
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