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History of Japanese Saijiki
The origines come from the Chinese chronicles of regional yearly events, called Fuudoki 風土記 in Japanese. These local records of regional specialities started to be writtin in Japan in 713, with the "Almanac from Izumo, Izumo Fudoki 出雲風土記" being one of the oldest.
Saijiki 歳時記 means
saiji no kiroku 歳時の記録 "almanac about things going on in one year",
almanach about the four seasons.
The KI 記 in saijiki is not the same as the KI 季 in kigo, season word.
(The sound of KI does have quite a lot of different meanings in Japanese, all expressed with different Chinese characters. 木 a tree. 気 life energy. 忌 memorial day and so on. )
hon-i 本意 - "the real meaning" (honto no imi 本当の意味)
poetic essence, “essential implications”
“genuine purports” (Kawamoto)
The cultural context establishes this "true meaning" of a kigo within Japanese poetry. The WKD tries to add as much of this cultural context as possible.
(Please bear in mind that I am only one person with limited time . . .).
When adding new season words of other parts of the world, I try to explain its cultural context as best as I can with my haiku friends from the region.
A great thank you again to all who contributed.
Chinese Saijiki 中国歳時記
Keiso Saijiki 荊楚歳時記
written in China in the 6th or 7th century.
Since China was a rather large place even at that time, the author wrote about the customs, festivals, food and other specialities of his area, Keiso. It is a valuable chronicle of anthropology rather than poetry.
In the Nara period, this was introduced to Japan and a
Japanese Saijiki 日本歳時記 was then compiled under the supervision of Kaibara Ekiken 貝原益軒 and his nephew Kooko 好古.
Kaibara Ekken (Ekiken) (1630 - 1714)
Chinese Poetry for Beginners
Shinju heikō aimotorazaru ron - Treatise on the Non-Divergence of Shinto and Confucianism
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
The influence of botanical studies for medicinal purposes increased the interest in nature.
honzoogaku 本草学 medicinal botany
. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other early almanacs are
花火草 Hanabigusa
by Nonoguchi Ryuuho 野々口立圃 Nonoguchi Ryuho[1595~1669]
(He is often called "the father of haiga")
斎藤徳元『俳諧初学抄』 Haikai Shogakushoo
"Instructions for haikai beginners"
by Saitoo Tokugen , [1559~1647] comp. 1641
including 770 season words
話草 Hanashigusa comp. 1636
about 590 seasonal words
毛吹草 Kefukigusa, "Blownfur grass" comp. 1645
about 950 seasonal words for haikai and
550 seasonal words for renga
by Matsue Shigeyori 松江重頼 [1602 - 1680]
- maybe the same with a different Chinese character
嚔草(はなひぐさ, はなひ草)Hanahigusa "Sneeze Grass" (comp. 1636)
Matsue Shigenori (1602 - 1680). almost 600 kigo.
(hanahirigusa 嚔草 / ハナヒリグサ Centipeda minima, 吐金草 tokinsoo)
北村季吟『山之井』 Yama no I
by Kitamura Kigin [1624 -1705]comp. 1647-8
It contained 1300 kigo.
............... later republished as
Zoo yama no i "Expanded Mountain Well "Yama no I" 1667
- Text samples from Waseda University :
source : www.wul.waseda.ac.jp
Kigin was the teacher of Matsuo Basho.
. Kitamura Kigin Memorial Day
Kigin Ki 季吟忌 (きぎんき)
and Zoku Yama no I 続山の井, 7 volumes
edited by Kitamura Kojun 北村湖春, published in 寛文7年刊. It included hokku from 36 poets from Iga Ueno and 28 poems by Matsuo Basho 宗房(のちの芭蕉).
Kojun was the son of Kigin.
(1650 - 1697)
His haikai name was Kijun 季順 "the order of season words", as they are used in renku writing.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Binsenshuu comp. 1669
including 2000 seasonal words.
Ruisenshuu 類船集 comp. 1677
including 7 volumes, 俳諧辞書 Haikai Dictionary
From the Teimon school of Haikai
source : www.wul.waseda.ac.jp
Takase Baisei 高瀬梅盛 ?(1619 - 1702) ?(1611-1699)
With the dramatic growth of haikai in the seventeenth century, the number of new seasonal words grew rapidly.
- snip - ... while the number of seasonal words grew at an astounding pace, the number of seasonal topics remained relatively limited.
source : Haruo Shirane
Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons:
Nature, Literature, and the Arts
seasonal words - read kigo
seasonal topics - read kidai
tatedai 縦題 - 竪題 "vertical dai"
classical season words like plum, cherry, hototogisu, autumn leaves, used in waka and renku poetry.
yokodai 横題 "horizontal dai"
mostly new dai concerning the human beings, like manzai, yabu-iri, kotatsu . . .
A term used for haikai poetry.
quote - Richard Gilbert
After haiku became a fully independent genre,
the term "kigo" was coined by Otsuzi Ōsuga (1881-1920) in 1908.
"Kigo" is thus a new term for the new genre approach of "haiku."
So, when we are looking historically at hokku or haikai stemming from the renga tradition, it seems best to use the term "kidai."
. WKD : Kigo and Kidai .
These books have most probably been used as guides for writing linked verse, renga, at their time.
In 1803 the first Haikai Saijiki Shiorigusa (Kanzoo) 俳諧歳時記栞草 was compiled by Takizawa Bakin, with about 2600 seasonal themes and topics (kidai) and 3300 kigo.
滝沢馬琴 (1767-1848) Takizawa Bakin :
other names : 曲亭 馬琴 Kyokutei Bakin, 澤興邦 Takizawa Okikuni
In 1933, the first four seasonal volumes of the modern Haikai Saijiki were published.
Katoo Ikuya 加藤郁乎
Edo haikai saijiki (1983) 江戸俳諧歳時記
For a modern haiku poet, a small saijiki to carry around during the haiku walk, ginkoo, is an essential.
And the Nihon DAI saijiki 大歳時記, the big saijiki, is a constant companion on the study desk.
カラー図説 日本大歳時記
It contains many local kigo from all the regions of Japan.
online 日本大歳時記
季語と歳時記 (Kigosai)
長谷川櫂, Kigo to Saijiki no Kai. Online Saijiki
and a Korean Saijiki 韓国歳時記
Hasegawa Kai
Enjoy Old Kigo ! 古季語と遊ぶ
by Uda Kiyoko 宇多喜代子
- not a saijiki but
ひとたばの手紙から―戦火を見つめた俳人たち hitotaba no tegami kara
宇多 喜代子 Uda Kiyoko
ザ・俳句十万人歳時記 春
Saijiki written by 10.0000 people - SPRING
宇多喜代子 (監修) Uda Kiyoko
松田ひろむ (編集) Matsuda Hiromu
有馬朗人, 廣瀬直人, 金子兜太
with Arima Akito, Hirose Naoto and Kaneko Tohta
Versions for the other seasons are available.
The New Year
These books include 18.0000 haiku over 400 years.
We have local saijiki of various regions of Japan
Furusato Dai Saijiki ふるさと大歳時記
角川版. Regional Saijiki
8 volumes in A4-size, richly illustrated, from Hokkaido to Okinawa
Editors : Yamaguchi Seison, Takaha Shugyo et al.
Published in Heisei 4 (1992)
. "Local kigo" (chibo kigo, chiboo kigo 地貌季語)
Katarikakeru kigo
yuruyaka na nihon
by Miyasaka Shizuo 宮坂静生
Published in 2006
Satoyama Saijiki
by Uda Kiyoko
里山歳時記 . 宇多喜代子
(Published in 2004)
The Traditional Rural Landscape of Japan
. Edo Saijiki 江戸歳時記 - The Four Seasons in Edo .
Haiku Publications in the Edo Period
Edited by the Monk Chomu.
Edited by Buson, with contributions by Chiyo-Ni and Denjo
quote from Simply Haiku
Kaneko Tôta:
"Takahama Kyoshi said kigo must be a rule,
Bashô wrote seasonless poems.
Before Kyoshi kigo was only a promise not a rule."
That kigo before Kyoshi was not a rule but a “promise“ is a statement of Tôta Kaneko similarly, in various places and texts. If you look at the history of haikai literature, it will become clear. There were no authorized “rulebooks” in Bashô's time and only a few compilations of keywords; in fact, there was only a single case of a limited season-keyword compilation, from the unique haikai poet Kitamura Kigin (b. 1625-1705) of the Teimon school.
Bashô himself recommended a different haikai “rulebook” to his disciples, the Haikai mugonshô [Haikai book without words] published in 1676, which presented the techniques and philosophy of haikai, rather than being a dictionary of keywords.
And Bashô included haiku without kigo in his haiku philosophy. Even the founder of modern haiku, Masaoka Shiki (b. 1867-1902) accepted haiku without kigo and wrote such haiku himself. Shiki’s treatment of non-kigo haiku follows the example of Bashô, and other haiku poets of the Edo period. In the last years of Shiki’s life Kyoshi, one of his main disciples, became de facto chief editor of Hototogisu.
© Itô Yûki / Simply Haiku Summer 2008
Haikai Glossary
俳諧無言抄 Haikai Mugon Sho
promise, yakusokugoto 約束事
WKD : Kitamura Kigin 北村季吟
haikai sho 俳諧書 "Haikai Books"
- 俳諧七部集大鏡
- Haikai Na no Shiori, Haikai Na Shiori 誹諧名知折 Guide to Haikai Names
Haikai Guide to Names, 1780
by Kitao Shigemasa, 1739–1820
List of Season Words
Kiyose 季寄せ
Haiku Appreciation Almanach
Haiku Kansho Saijiki 鑑賞歳時記
kanshoo kanshou / kanshô
Edo no Saijiki 江戸の歳時記
source : wheatbaku.exblog.jp
. 信州歳時記 online
Shinano Mainichi Shinbun
A collection of local festivals, ceremonies and specialities.
Boosai Saijiki of Disasters and Catastrophies
Here are some more Saijiki from AMAZON.COM, they have a
list of more than 1500 saijiki books:
男の俳句、女の俳句 For Men and Women
色好み江戸の歳時記 Love and Colors of Edo
酒場歳時記 Places to Drink
フランス歳時記―生活風景12か月 French Saijiki
ヨーロッパ歳時記 Europe
旅の歳時記 (春) Travelling in the Seasons
料理歳時記 Food
食のことわざ歳時記―伝承の食生活の知恵120 Food and Proverbs
旬菜歳時記 Fresh Vegetables of the Season
うたの歳時記 (1) Songs (many volumes)きもの歳時記 (242) Kimono
俳句の鳥・虫図鑑―季語になる折々の鳥と虫204種 Birds and insects
唐詩歳時記 Chinese Poetry
里山歳時記 田んぼのまわりで Local Mountains and Fields, Village Saijiki
北国俳句歳時記 Hokkaido
山の歳時記 (1) Mountains
鉄道歳時記 (1) Railway
お天気歳時記― Weather
ことばの歳時記 Words
勘九郎ひとりがたり―中村屋歳時記 Kabuki and Kankuro Nakamura
歌舞伎歳時記 Kabuki
..... WKD : Kabuki Saijiki
オペラ歳時記 Opera
江戸風俗 東都歳時記を読む Customs of Old Edo
江戸たべもの歳時記 Food of Old Edo
京都歳時記 Kyoto
おむすびの祈り―「いのち」と「癒し」の歳時記 Prayers and Healing
宗教歳時記 Religion and Saijiki
昭和歳時記 The Showa Period Saijiki
元禄歳時記 The Genroku Period Saijiki
There are many many many more here:
Input 歳時記。
Tooto Saijiki 東都歳事記 Saijiki of the Eastern Capital
5 volumes 5冊 - 1838
All about the customs of Edo - Toto Saijiki
Read the full text here:
source : www2.kokugakuin.ac.jp
kigo 季語(きご)
a word that represents the season in haikai and renga poetry.
KI means season
GO means word
In olden times, these words were simply called
ki 季, season or
ki no kotoba 季の詞(ことば)word of the season or
shiki no kotoba 四季の詞 word of the four seasons
The meaning is almost similar to kidai 季題, a seasonal theme, which comprises various kigo, season words.
The utamakura 歌枕(うたまくら) "poetic words" of the Heian period were already divided into the 12 months.
In the renga book of 1672 連歌至宝抄 (renga shihooshoo) by Satomura Joha (Jooha) 里村紹巴(じょうは)there were 270 kigo mentioned.
Since the Edo period, the number of kigo has grown rapidly and kiyose and saijiki have been compiled, see above.
Modern saijiki contain more than 4000 kidai and more than 9000 kigo.
The ONLINE Nyūmon Saijiki of the University of Virginia Library includes approximately 800 kidai, or headwords, and 2,100 kigo, or subtopics.
The Japanese text is intended for the Japanese readers. The English is a translation.
utamakura 歌枕 poetry pillow words" utamakura
Placenames used in Haiku
Nature, Literature and the Arts
Haruo Shirane
By the eighth century, "a larger grammar of seasonal poetry" began to emerge, according to which emotions were not expressed directly, but implied through seasonal references instead.
This required a sophisticated understanding of their usage and became what we think of now as Japan's traditional poetic art.
..... The cycle of the seasons represented there "is not a reflection of the natural environment," the book explains, but part of a developing aesthetic.
..... Shirane makes an important distinction between "primary" and "secondary" nature, the latter referring not to the forests, rivers and mountains given so much attention in the writings of conservationists, but to the representation of nature in the arts.
Read the full article HERE
quote book review by David Burleigh
Time in Saijiki
In the traditional lunar calendar,
spring was from the first month through the third month,
summer from the fourth month through the sixth,
autumn from the seventh month through the ninth, and
winter from the tenth month through the twelfth.
Even after 1873, new saijiki were edited one after another.
The saijiki of the new era, however, could not just attach the season words to similar dates of the solar calendar, so that, for example, an observance of the ninth day of the ninth month (old style) would be attached to 9 September (new style). Events and customs that were firmly bound tothe old calendar still remained throughout the country.
Read more :
. Time in Saijiki - - - by Hasegawa Kai
A type of book derived from haiku and kyooka 狂歌 Kyoka, comic "crazy verses"
Kibyooshi Kibyōshi 黄表紙 "Yellow Cover Books"
is a genre of Japanese picture book kusazōshi (草双紙) produced during the middle of the Edo period, from 1775 to the early 19th century. Physically identifiable by their yellow-backed covers, kibyōshi were typically printed in 10 page volumes, many spanning two to three volumes in length, with the average number of total pages being 30. Considered to be the first purely adult comicbook in Japanese literature, a large picture spans each page, with descriptive prose and dialogue filling the blank spaces in the image.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. WKD : Books of the Edo Period .
. seihonshi 製本師 bookbinder .
***** Seasons and Categories
Learn the Basics of World Kigo.
Izumo Fudoki (Izumo Fuudoki 出雲風土記) Records of Ancient Izumo
New Year Collection
. Kidai and Kigo 季題と季語
. WKD : The use of kigo in worldwide haiku
. WASHOKU ... Japanese Food Saijiki
. Chinese origin of Japanese kigo .
Kigo used by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
General Information
General Information
! WKD ... Read this first !
Seasons and Categories for haiku
The use of kigo in worldwide haiku
Bill Higginson
For haiku composition, on a superficial level whether a season word refers to early, middle, or late in a given season--or to the whole season--means little; presumably a single haiku reflects the events and emotional values of a particular time. But as we connect more and more with the depths of the haiku tradition, we begin to understand that a great haiku makes use of seasonal themes in a deeper way.
Each of the more important seasonal themes has a long history of not just physical associations, but emotional tone as well. The more skilled the haiku poet, the more the poem works with or plays against these associations.
A good haikai saijiki (almanac of seasonal topics and season words used in haiku and linked-poetry composition) explains these traditional associations. For the haiku poet, this list simply represents those few seasonal topics that have deeply engaged Japanese poets for centuries, and, in some cases, for a millennium or more.
Such a list can also help poets to know what to look for when they want to write a seasonal poem. In a saijiki, the systematic seasonal ordering of topics serves mainly to collect related phenomena together, and to arrange finished poems in a rational and aesthetically pleasing order.
The seasons of traditional Japanese poetry are not the same as our common notion of each season today. Rather, as in earlier times in Europe, each season centers on its solstice or equinox. We know that the European view used to accord with the Japanese tradition because even in English today "midsummer" and "midwinter" refer to times near the solstices of their respective seasons. (The same is true of "Mittsommer" in German and its cognates in other Germanic languages; the Feast of Saint John [le Saint-Jean in French, il San Giovanni in Italian, 26 June] is understood as comparable to Midsummer's Day in England.)
If we abandon the traditional view and insist on understanding "spring" as running from the spring equinox to the summer solstice, one-third to one-half the items in the traditional seasonal arrangement will be out of place. Since the progress of a renku normally involves not only the seasons, but movement within the seasons, I believe renku poets will be best served if we adhere to the traditional arrangement, which will keep our renku in accord with all the linked poems of hundreds of years past as well as others being written today.
Bill Higginson
(Posted with permission)
Comments of members of the WHCworldkigo Discussion Forum
on an article about KIGO in the Wikipedia
By Michael Baribeau
There is much debate as to what is haiku, most of which is due to the divergent Western style from the Japanese style and the confusion of which style is being defined. Except for a few exceptions (muki), JAPANESE haiku have kigo. The Japanese culture has a much greater affinity and emphasis on the seasons than the West does. When the West adopted haiku, their
interpretation of Japanese translated haiku was that they were about nature in general instead of about seasons in specific.
Being that many Japanese kigo are too subtle by Western standards, Western readings of JAPANESE haiku usually missed the seasonal association. So WESTERN haiku are free form in that they don't require kigo and although the WESTERN haiku were once required to be about nature instead (which often had kigo incidentally) they don't anymore and now the focus is placed on the topics being chaste.
However, if you intend to use a definition that WESTERN haiku require a kigo then may I suggest labeling the haiku a style of haiku such as neo-classical haiku. I wouldn't recommend the terms classical or traditional which might also suggest the 5-7-5 form. Although Western haiku originally had a syllabic form of 5-7-5 most are now written in free verse.
The article speaks that kigo are culture/region specific and uses pumpkins for an example but than goes to describe Japanese seasons in detail. I don't sense a clear distinction between Japanese and other region's kigo.
In the West the 'harvest' moon or 'autumn' moon is an autumn kigo but not the moon in general, while depending on adjectives and phrasing it is actually a kigo used in all four seasons by the Japanese.
Although the article is very informative and clear for the most part, I would like to see it clarify when it is speaking of Japanese kigo or some other region's.
Michael Baribeau
"Kigo - go or no go"
by Dennis Holmes
I was a student of the late Fujita Akegarasu (1934 - 2004).
Akegarasu sensei believed kigo is essential to the art of haiku. Kigo to the Japanese writer of haiku is part of the foundation of the poem. From my (non-Japanese studying Japanese haiku) view, what this means is a melding of feeling using the kigo as an anchor.
I am not sure if "anchor" is the right word, perhaps, "catalyst" is better, in that, kigo, does not itself change, but, rather acts to help the reader feel the depth of the verse. That is, the "heart" of the haiku. As has been mentioned earlier in previous discussions on haiku being from the beginning of a "renga" sequence, then, more stand-alone as Shiki sensei believed, it became haiku from the hokku. The hokku gives a strong hint as to what haiku should be.
Hokku was the "greeting" to get the linked verse started. In this, hokku set the framework, season and setting for the group to continue. These aspects were retained in what became haiku. In fact, if you take the hokku by itself, you essentially have haiku.
This is still very valid in haiku of Japan today. If you want to confirm that assessment, just look at any collection of haiku from the proliferation of haiku circles (haiku writer groups) in Japan today. I would like to see the rest of the world adhere as closely as possible to this Japanese spirit when writing poems that represent the haiku art.
Retain both kigo and kireji in spirit and practice as essential components of any haiku. The techniques I currently feel sound are: developing a world seijiki; and using equivalent punctuation for the Japanese kireji. Also, there are many more reusable components such as kakekotoba (word play) that may cross the translation bridge between English and Japanese.
As with any literary congress between two diverse cultures... something will inevitably be lost in translation, but, the essential spirit of the haiku art supported by "ARTifacts" such as kigo and kireji (to mention just two) will limit that loss to a minimum, I do so hope.
"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)
By Carlos Fleitas
I read the Wilkipedia article and i liked it, especially when it raised the issue: Must haiku include a kigo? In my view that question leads to a more general one, at least if one observes what is going on today, particularly in the international internet haiku community: This question could be What is haiku?
This shouldn't be so suprising to us. In the 20th. century in the West due to the amazing revolution in the arts, the question was: What is Art? All the aesthetics, technical and traditional rules were just tossed away. Let's take for example music. Beginning with Schoenberg, Berg, Von Webern, Varese, later with Pierre Schaffer, John Cage, Ligetti etc. Many musicians, even now, think that modern and contemporary music is not "music" at all. Some go a little bit furhter saying that they are just "noises".
But this has happened age after age in music. Bach's early pieces where sometimes doomed because they accused him of introducing "shocking variations (viele wunderliche Variationen) and strange notes (viele fremde Tone)", in the church hymns (Malcolm Boyd) and finally he lost his job! (Arnstad period). Music of the Middle Ages, which is so extraordinarily rich, went through periods of intense confrontation. "Romantics" where suspicious of "destroying" the meaning and quality of music. Therefore, in the entire history of arts debate of opposing argument was normal, and often very passionate.
At some point, elder generations thought popular music such as rock was not music and that it was just "noise". Therefore we have two sets of opinions: traditional and contemporary in music and art in general.
Back to haiku. Let me point out some ideas. Some are obvious, but that helps me express my thoughts.
1) Haiku was born in Japan.
2) Ancient or traditional or classical haiku (Basho, Issa, Buson) was a fixed form that included kigo and kireji, except for some few exceptions.
3) As time went by, frontiers were pushed, for example by Santoka, Ogiwara Seisensui, Ozaki Hosai, Nakatsuka Ippekiro and many others. Even metaphor was widely used in classic (Haruo Shirane) and "free haiku" in Japan .
4) Shiki restored haiku to it's origins as you well know. He kept kigo and 5.7.5 and also freshend it up. He gave new life to it.
Bottom line:
From its Japanese origins, haiku has gone a long way and some haijin write a totally different kind of haiku compared with the classical or neo-classical ones. I.e. with no kigo, no 5.7.5. They also explore new subjects unknown to classic haiku
5) Haiku was introduced to the West.
6) In the West something very similar happened, although some Spanish and LAm haijin started directly writing a very diferent kind of haiku. Even religious nuns and monks wrote what they called "religious haiku" (Ty Hadman) The first haiku written in Spanish was by Tablada. This great poet surprisingly called them haikai. It was because he felt they where closeer to the "spirit of haikai" (he meant some humorous detail in the poems), but they where as Octavio Paz stated haiku in themselves.
Other great Latin American writers such as Borges wrote haiku which he identified as such, with no kigo but for few exceptions (i recall one), or kireji, although he mantained the 5.7.5 syllable issue. And other writers did this also. But it is true that they did not consider themselves as haijin, i mean, they wrote haiku as an exception.
7) If we observe what is going on in the Haiku International Community nowadays, there are haijin who write neo-classical haiku, and think that not keeping to the 'rules' makes a composition unworthy of being called haiku.
8) On the other side, there are haijin who claim they are writing true haiku, but do not use kigo or any fixed form at all.
9) Things are going so far that we nowadays can read "urban haiku" and even "sci-fi haiku". No kigo at all, no 5-7-5. And sci-fi haiku!!! This influence has come from the USA as far as i know.
10) So now in the West we have the same division of opinions - traditional and contemporary.
My opinion these days is that both of them are right. It is just that they are different styles of haiku. My main concern is trying to express rationally what is the essence of haiku, the so called "spirit of haiku" that is present in neo-classical, free, urban, sci-fi, vanguard haiku, and others to come. Haiku today is a polysemic term, it has multiple meanings.
This sort of "crisis" from my point of view is healthy, because it fosters diversity.I do not know what Japanese haijin think of Western haiku, but sometimes i have found that Western haijin are more "japanese" than Japan's haijin. There is an extraordinary article by Serge Tome (Belgian editor and haijin) who compares contemporary japanese haiku with western haiku. One issue is the use of the personal pronoun "I" in haiku. In the West, the great majority of haijin have banned it, (at first i did also) and if you submit a haiku with it, they decline to consider it a haiku. Maybe this comes from the influence of zen in the West, particularly in the States, but this is a guess.
In his article Tome finds out that in Japan nowadays the use of "I" in a haiku is not banned at all if i remember well.
The difference between Western Haiku is cultural, not a poetic or a literary one. (See below paragraphs of Haruo's Shirane.)
Maybe we should call it "Western haiku" instead of haiku in this part of the world. I think this would be more accurate.
Spanish and LAm haijin are getting used to calling their work: "haiku written in spanish" to emphazise the cultural environment where it began.
I do remember Kerouac fostering what he called "American haiku".
Bottom line:
I think we should face the questions: Must haiku include a kigo? What is haiku? with an open-mind reminding ourthelves that haiku has an extraordinary reach in the world today. The diversity of haiku now is something that enriches it and maybe a new idea is wating to be born in haiku. Also i think we should keep close to what is happennig at the present time. I mean, a new kind of haiku, that may be developing throughout the world, even sci-fi haiku. Maybe we are living in an age of transition. I can't tell, but it would not be impossible if we look to history.
Here are several magnificent paragraphs excerpted from a paper by Haruo Shirane :
"Beyond the haiku moment" but although it focus on the USA, i think it could be applied to all international haiku communities.
I was once told that Ezra Pound's famous metro poem first published in 1913, was not haiku.
The apparition of these faces in the crowd: Petals on a wet, black bough .
If I remember correctly, the reason for disqualification was that the metro poem was not about nature as we know it and that the poem was fictional or imaginary. Pound's poem may also have been ruled out since it uses an obvious metaphor: the petals are a metaphor for the apparition of the faces, or vice versa. This view of the metro poem was based on the three key definitions of haiku - haiku is about direct observation, haiku eschews metaphor, and haiku is about nature - which poets such as Basho and Buson would have seriously disputed."
"One of the widespread beliefs in North America is that haiku should be based upon one's own direct experience, that it must derive from one's own observations, particularly of nature. But it is important to remember that this is basically a modern view of haiku, the result, in part, of nineteenth century European realism, which had an impact on modern Japanese haiku and then was re-imported back to the West as something very Japanese. Basho, who wrote in the seventeenth century, would have not made such a distinction between direct personal experience and the imaginary, nor would he have placed higher value on fact over fiction."
"In short, while haiku in English is inspired by Japanese haiku, it can not and should not try to duplicate the rules of Japanese haiku because of significant differences in language, culture and history. A definition of Engish-language haiku will thus, by nature, differ from that of Japanese haiku. If pressed to give a definition of English-language haiku that would encompass the points that I have made here, I would say, echoing the spirit of Basho's own poetry, that haiku in English is a short poem, usually written in one to three lines, that seeks out new and revealing perspectives on the human and physical condition, focusing on the immediate physical world around us, particularly that of nature, and on the workings of the human imagination, memory, literature and history. There are already a number of fine North American haiku poets working within this frame so this definition is intended both to encourage an existing trend and to affirm new space that goes beyond existing definitions of haiku."
"One consequence of a narrower definition of haiku is that English-language anthologies of haiku are overwhelmingly set in country or natural settings even though ninety percent of the haiku poets actually live in urban environments. To exaggerate the situation, North American haiku poets are given the alternative of either writing serious poetry on nature (defined as haiku) or of writing humorous poetry on non-nature topics (defined as senryu). This would seem to discourage haiku poets from writing serious poetry on the immediate urban environment or broader social issues. Topics such as subways, commuter driving, movie theaters, shopping malls, etc., while falling outside of the traditional notion of nature, in fact provide some of the richest sources for modern haiku, as much recent English-language haiku has revealed, and should be considered part of nature in the broadest sense."
"However, if haiku is to rise to the level of serious poetry, literature that is widely respected and admired, that is taught and studied, commentated on, that can have impact on other non-haiku poets, then it must have a complexity that gives it depth and that allows it to both focus on and rise above the specific moment or time. Basho, Buson and other masters achieved this through various forms of textual density, including metaphor, allegory, symbolism and allusion, as well as through the constant search for new topics. For North American poets, for whom the seasonal word cannot function in the fashion that it did for these Japanese masters, this becomes a more pressing issue, with the need to explore not only metaphorical and symbolic possibilities but new areas - such as history, urban life, social ills, death and war, cyberspace, Haiku need not and should not be confined to a narrow definition of nature poetry, particularly since the ground rules are completely different from those in Japan."
In Basho's day, haikai was two things:
1) performance and social act, and
2) literary text.
As a social act, as an elegant form of conversation, haikai had to be easily accessible; it had to be spontaneous; it had to perform social and religious functions. Thus, half of Basho's haiku were greetings, parting poems, poetic prayers. They served very specific functions and were anchored in a specific place and time, in a dialogic exchange with other individuals. For Basho, however, haikai was also a literary text that had to transcend time and place, and be understood by those who were not at the place of composition.
To achieve this goal, Basho repeatedly rewrote his poetry, made it fictional, gave it new settings, added layers of meaning, emphasized the vertical axis (linking it to history and other literary texts), so that the poem would have an impact beyond its original circumstances. One hopes that more North American haiku poets can take inspiration from this complex work."
Post Scriptum:
Two or three years ago, some haiku concerning Windows failures spread all over the Net. They were 5-7-5 and awesome!
Carlos Fleitas
Chibi answers:
Dear Carlos san
Kigo is essential to the art of haiku. Also, I disagree with Shirane sensei, respectively. I have to take a strong stance in this because I see transfering the art form to another language can retain artifacts such as kigo and kireji. These are at least two essential components to retain haiku form, fit, and function. If there is divergence, then, I contend, the result is not haiku.
We should take advantage of the amount of direct communication that the internet allows. The internet is a tremendous connectivity tool and can afords us with a tigher (closer cultural proxsimity) understanding and association with teachers and practisioners of Japanese haiku. Given our modern technology, perhaps, this will facsilitate a deeper understanding. Regional kigo can be allowed and readily understood as we become aware of more of the world.
I fully support the idea of the "World Saijiki". Though, historically, as is my understanding, the saijiki was sanctified by a sensei or group.
Kireji, the cut, the pause, is essential to the form of haiku. I look at it as one of the touthstones. I also feel if you allow any errosion of this... you are not writing haiku.
I feel I am not skilled to explain deeper, but, the cut is very much Japanese and intrinsically "natural".
CARLOS answering
Dear friend:
I appreciate your sincerity. Diversity of opinions from my point of view enrich us and make us feel we are an active part of this wonderful kigo project lead by our dear Gabi-san, and also as members of the worldwide haiku community.
There maybe a misunderstanding.
*) I just uploaded parts of Shirane's article because i thought it was a different, diverse approach to haiku and kigo issue that may interest gk, and also i wanted to share with all the members of this list.
*) I am not a Shirane's partisan, although i admire his work.
*) What i like most about Shirane's paper is that it "shook my ideas", but that is something concerning my personal style. The core of what i learned reading his paper is this: haiku is more subtle than i thoughr it was. And that encourages me to perfect, if i am able to, my haiku in the future.
*) I understand your point of view in fact i am a "neoclassical haijin (or at least i hope i am a haijin), therefore i foster the use of kigo and kireji. (Kireji is different in spanish haiku than in japanese haiku. We do not have the cutting syllable "ya", so we use another kind of caesura, mainly the natural pauses in language). I have written many essays in Spanish and English and they are full of my great concern and support for kigo in haiku.
*) I have been writting since a a sort of haibun, in Spanish for a couple of years in Spanish, titled Cuaderno de Haiku (Haiku Notebook). All the haiku there have kigo and kireji (as we use it in Spanish) My haiku in Spanish and the ones in English (except some few exception) also contain kigo and kireji. There are other reasons why i am very fond of kigo in haiku, but this would go beyond the limits of our subject.
*) I support strongly the idea that there are regional kigo, and that is why i joined WHCkigo.
*) Now i am open to explore new frontiers in haiku, such as vanguard haiku. Recently i wrote a mandala "haiku" and send it to WHCvanguard.
Maybe it is not haiku, i can not claim it is. If it is not, at least i think haiku has inspired it. Furthermore, nowadays i have changed my previous opinion and consider "urban haiku" which is evolving rapidly in Spain and LAm community, genuine haiku, although many of them do not have kigo. Some of them maybe are senryu, that is true also.
*) The issue whether this is or is not haiku, depends in my view, on what one considers haiku to be. I.e. if one considers that haiku has to have its essential axis on kigo and kireji. Of course everything that is out of the definition will not be considered haiku. I understand it. And i find it is not only a good point, but that everyone has the right to have his/her opinion, and no doubt yours is very well-founded. I was very impressed when you wrote:
"I see transfering the art form to another language can retain artifacts such as kigo and kireji."
It is a very strong and good point indeed.
I think Basho or Buson would not have considered sci-fi "haiku" as haiku at all.
Or the computer generated one's or many other similar "haiku" varieties. Yesterday i conducted a web search and i found strange kinds of "haiku" I had not time to read them all but there is a web dedicated to Harry Potter's "haiku" and Frida Kahlo "haiku"!!.
Amazing this Internet of ours!
*) I also think that all this diversity of opinions makes me feel we are alive and moving on, and exploring with passion, because passion in our case means enthusiasm, which is the major drive humans have to explore, and could help me produce better haiku, i think.
*) And last but not least, i think that haiku is a tiny yet powerful ambassador that extraordinarily, has made it possible for people from all over the world to come toghether and know each other. Personally it has enrichened my life very much. I also foster the idea that folks should communicate as much as possible, freely and without restrictions. And haiku makes it possible. I have made an enormous number of friends from all over the world, which pleases me very much.
I am proud and delighted to be a member of the worldwide haiku community, and of this WHCworldkigo project.
Carlos Fleitas
End of the Comments. May 6, 2005
Further Reading
* Kigo Versus Seasonal Reference in Haiku:
Observations, Anecdotes and a Translation
... By Richard Gilbert (quoted from Simply Haiku, Autumn 2005)
* Kigo and Seasonal Reference, by Richard Gilbert March 2006
* The Importance of Season Words, by Kametaro Yagi
* Beyond Kigo, by Jim Kacian
* Season words, keywords, and others. by Ban'ya Natsuishi
The ideas presented in the further reading essays mentioned above do not all correspond to the promotion of kigo as pursued with this WKD database.
Seasons and Categories, used by the World Kigo Database
Launching WHC worldkigo 2004
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Seasons and Categories for haiku
The use of kigo in worldwide haiku
Bill Higginson
For haiku composition, on a superficial level whether a season word refers to early, middle, or late in a given season--or to the whole season--means little; presumably a single haiku reflects the events and emotional values of a particular time. But as we connect more and more with the depths of the haiku tradition, we begin to understand that a great haiku makes use of seasonal themes in a deeper way.
Each of the more important seasonal themes has a long history of not just physical associations, but emotional tone as well. The more skilled the haiku poet, the more the poem works with or plays against these associations.
A good haikai saijiki (almanac of seasonal topics and season words used in haiku and linked-poetry composition) explains these traditional associations. For the haiku poet, this list simply represents those few seasonal topics that have deeply engaged Japanese poets for centuries, and, in some cases, for a millennium or more.
Such a list can also help poets to know what to look for when they want to write a seasonal poem. In a saijiki, the systematic seasonal ordering of topics serves mainly to collect related phenomena together, and to arrange finished poems in a rational and aesthetically pleasing order.
The seasons of traditional Japanese poetry are not the same as our common notion of each season today. Rather, as in earlier times in Europe, each season centers on its solstice or equinox. We know that the European view used to accord with the Japanese tradition because even in English today "midsummer" and "midwinter" refer to times near the solstices of their respective seasons. (The same is true of "Mittsommer" in German and its cognates in other Germanic languages; the Feast of Saint John [le Saint-Jean in French, il San Giovanni in Italian, 26 June] is understood as comparable to Midsummer's Day in England.)
If we abandon the traditional view and insist on understanding "spring" as running from the spring equinox to the summer solstice, one-third to one-half the items in the traditional seasonal arrangement will be out of place. Since the progress of a renku normally involves not only the seasons, but movement within the seasons, I believe renku poets will be best served if we adhere to the traditional arrangement, which will keep our renku in accord with all the linked poems of hundreds of years past as well as others being written today.
Bill Higginson
(Posted with permission)
Comments of members of the WHCworldkigo Discussion Forum
on an article about KIGO in the Wikipedia
By Michael Baribeau
There is much debate as to what is haiku, most of which is due to the divergent Western style from the Japanese style and the confusion of which style is being defined. Except for a few exceptions (muki), JAPANESE haiku have kigo. The Japanese culture has a much greater affinity and emphasis on the seasons than the West does. When the West adopted haiku, their
interpretation of Japanese translated haiku was that they were about nature in general instead of about seasons in specific.
Being that many Japanese kigo are too subtle by Western standards, Western readings of JAPANESE haiku usually missed the seasonal association. So WESTERN haiku are free form in that they don't require kigo and although the WESTERN haiku were once required to be about nature instead (which often had kigo incidentally) they don't anymore and now the focus is placed on the topics being chaste.
However, if you intend to use a definition that WESTERN haiku require a kigo then may I suggest labeling the haiku a style of haiku such as neo-classical haiku. I wouldn't recommend the terms classical or traditional which might also suggest the 5-7-5 form. Although Western haiku originally had a syllabic form of 5-7-5 most are now written in free verse.
The article speaks that kigo are culture/region specific and uses pumpkins for an example but than goes to describe Japanese seasons in detail. I don't sense a clear distinction between Japanese and other region's kigo.
In the West the 'harvest' moon or 'autumn' moon is an autumn kigo but not the moon in general, while depending on adjectives and phrasing it is actually a kigo used in all four seasons by the Japanese.
Although the article is very informative and clear for the most part, I would like to see it clarify when it is speaking of Japanese kigo or some other region's.
Michael Baribeau
"Kigo - go or no go"
by Dennis Holmes
I was a student of the late Fujita Akegarasu (1934 - 2004).
Akegarasu sensei believed kigo is essential to the art of haiku. Kigo to the Japanese writer of haiku is part of the foundation of the poem. From my (non-Japanese studying Japanese haiku) view, what this means is a melding of feeling using the kigo as an anchor.
I am not sure if "anchor" is the right word, perhaps, "catalyst" is better, in that, kigo, does not itself change, but, rather acts to help the reader feel the depth of the verse. That is, the "heart" of the haiku. As has been mentioned earlier in previous discussions on haiku being from the beginning of a "renga" sequence, then, more stand-alone as Shiki sensei believed, it became haiku from the hokku. The hokku gives a strong hint as to what haiku should be.
Hokku was the "greeting" to get the linked verse started. In this, hokku set the framework, season and setting for the group to continue. These aspects were retained in what became haiku. In fact, if you take the hokku by itself, you essentially have haiku.
This is still very valid in haiku of Japan today. If you want to confirm that assessment, just look at any collection of haiku from the proliferation of haiku circles (haiku writer groups) in Japan today. I would like to see the rest of the world adhere as closely as possible to this Japanese spirit when writing poems that represent the haiku art.
Retain both kigo and kireji in spirit and practice as essential components of any haiku. The techniques I currently feel sound are: developing a world seijiki; and using equivalent punctuation for the Japanese kireji. Also, there are many more reusable components such as kakekotoba (word play) that may cross the translation bridge between English and Japanese.
As with any literary congress between two diverse cultures... something will inevitably be lost in translation, but, the essential spirit of the haiku art supported by "ARTifacts" such as kigo and kireji (to mention just two) will limit that loss to a minimum, I do so hope.
"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)
By Carlos Fleitas
I read the Wilkipedia article and i liked it, especially when it raised the issue: Must haiku include a kigo? In my view that question leads to a more general one, at least if one observes what is going on today, particularly in the international internet haiku community: This question could be What is haiku?
This shouldn't be so suprising to us. In the 20th. century in the West due to the amazing revolution in the arts, the question was: What is Art? All the aesthetics, technical and traditional rules were just tossed away. Let's take for example music. Beginning with Schoenberg, Berg, Von Webern, Varese, later with Pierre Schaffer, John Cage, Ligetti etc. Many musicians, even now, think that modern and contemporary music is not "music" at all. Some go a little bit furhter saying that they are just "noises".
But this has happened age after age in music. Bach's early pieces where sometimes doomed because they accused him of introducing "shocking variations (viele wunderliche Variationen) and strange notes (viele fremde Tone)", in the church hymns (Malcolm Boyd) and finally he lost his job! (Arnstad period). Music of the Middle Ages, which is so extraordinarily rich, went through periods of intense confrontation. "Romantics" where suspicious of "destroying" the meaning and quality of music. Therefore, in the entire history of arts debate of opposing argument was normal, and often very passionate.
At some point, elder generations thought popular music such as rock was not music and that it was just "noise". Therefore we have two sets of opinions: traditional and contemporary in music and art in general.
Back to haiku. Let me point out some ideas. Some are obvious, but that helps me express my thoughts.
1) Haiku was born in Japan.
2) Ancient or traditional or classical haiku (Basho, Issa, Buson) was a fixed form that included kigo and kireji, except for some few exceptions.
3) As time went by, frontiers were pushed, for example by Santoka, Ogiwara Seisensui, Ozaki Hosai, Nakatsuka Ippekiro and many others. Even metaphor was widely used in classic (Haruo Shirane) and "free haiku" in Japan .
4) Shiki restored haiku to it's origins as you well know. He kept kigo and 5.7.5 and also freshend it up. He gave new life to it.
Bottom line:
From its Japanese origins, haiku has gone a long way and some haijin write a totally different kind of haiku compared with the classical or neo-classical ones. I.e. with no kigo, no 5.7.5. They also explore new subjects unknown to classic haiku
5) Haiku was introduced to the West.
6) In the West something very similar happened, although some Spanish and LAm haijin started directly writing a very diferent kind of haiku. Even religious nuns and monks wrote what they called "religious haiku" (Ty Hadman) The first haiku written in Spanish was by Tablada. This great poet surprisingly called them haikai. It was because he felt they where closeer to the "spirit of haikai" (he meant some humorous detail in the poems), but they where as Octavio Paz stated haiku in themselves.
Other great Latin American writers such as Borges wrote haiku which he identified as such, with no kigo but for few exceptions (i recall one), or kireji, although he mantained the 5.7.5 syllable issue. And other writers did this also. But it is true that they did not consider themselves as haijin, i mean, they wrote haiku as an exception.
7) If we observe what is going on in the Haiku International Community nowadays, there are haijin who write neo-classical haiku, and think that not keeping to the 'rules' makes a composition unworthy of being called haiku.
8) On the other side, there are haijin who claim they are writing true haiku, but do not use kigo or any fixed form at all.
9) Things are going so far that we nowadays can read "urban haiku" and even "sci-fi haiku". No kigo at all, no 5-7-5. And sci-fi haiku!!! This influence has come from the USA as far as i know.
10) So now in the West we have the same division of opinions - traditional and contemporary.
My opinion these days is that both of them are right. It is just that they are different styles of haiku. My main concern is trying to express rationally what is the essence of haiku, the so called "spirit of haiku" that is present in neo-classical, free, urban, sci-fi, vanguard haiku, and others to come. Haiku today is a polysemic term, it has multiple meanings.
This sort of "crisis" from my point of view is healthy, because it fosters diversity.I do not know what Japanese haijin think of Western haiku, but sometimes i have found that Western haijin are more "japanese" than Japan's haijin. There is an extraordinary article by Serge Tome (Belgian editor and haijin) who compares contemporary japanese haiku with western haiku. One issue is the use of the personal pronoun "I" in haiku. In the West, the great majority of haijin have banned it, (at first i did also) and if you submit a haiku with it, they decline to consider it a haiku. Maybe this comes from the influence of zen in the West, particularly in the States, but this is a guess.
In his article Tome finds out that in Japan nowadays the use of "I" in a haiku is not banned at all if i remember well.
The difference between Western Haiku is cultural, not a poetic or a literary one. (See below paragraphs of Haruo's Shirane.)
Maybe we should call it "Western haiku" instead of haiku in this part of the world. I think this would be more accurate.
Spanish and LAm haijin are getting used to calling their work: "haiku written in spanish" to emphazise the cultural environment where it began.
I do remember Kerouac fostering what he called "American haiku".
Bottom line:
I think we should face the questions: Must haiku include a kigo? What is haiku? with an open-mind reminding ourthelves that haiku has an extraordinary reach in the world today. The diversity of haiku now is something that enriches it and maybe a new idea is wating to be born in haiku. Also i think we should keep close to what is happennig at the present time. I mean, a new kind of haiku, that may be developing throughout the world, even sci-fi haiku. Maybe we are living in an age of transition. I can't tell, but it would not be impossible if we look to history.
Here are several magnificent paragraphs excerpted from a paper by Haruo Shirane :
"Beyond the haiku moment" but although it focus on the USA, i think it could be applied to all international haiku communities.
I was once told that Ezra Pound's famous metro poem first published in 1913, was not haiku.
The apparition of these faces in the crowd: Petals on a wet, black bough .
If I remember correctly, the reason for disqualification was that the metro poem was not about nature as we know it and that the poem was fictional or imaginary. Pound's poem may also have been ruled out since it uses an obvious metaphor: the petals are a metaphor for the apparition of the faces, or vice versa. This view of the metro poem was based on the three key definitions of haiku - haiku is about direct observation, haiku eschews metaphor, and haiku is about nature - which poets such as Basho and Buson would have seriously disputed."
"One of the widespread beliefs in North America is that haiku should be based upon one's own direct experience, that it must derive from one's own observations, particularly of nature. But it is important to remember that this is basically a modern view of haiku, the result, in part, of nineteenth century European realism, which had an impact on modern Japanese haiku and then was re-imported back to the West as something very Japanese. Basho, who wrote in the seventeenth century, would have not made such a distinction between direct personal experience and the imaginary, nor would he have placed higher value on fact over fiction."
"In short, while haiku in English is inspired by Japanese haiku, it can not and should not try to duplicate the rules of Japanese haiku because of significant differences in language, culture and history. A definition of Engish-language haiku will thus, by nature, differ from that of Japanese haiku. If pressed to give a definition of English-language haiku that would encompass the points that I have made here, I would say, echoing the spirit of Basho's own poetry, that haiku in English is a short poem, usually written in one to three lines, that seeks out new and revealing perspectives on the human and physical condition, focusing on the immediate physical world around us, particularly that of nature, and on the workings of the human imagination, memory, literature and history. There are already a number of fine North American haiku poets working within this frame so this definition is intended both to encourage an existing trend and to affirm new space that goes beyond existing definitions of haiku."
"One consequence of a narrower definition of haiku is that English-language anthologies of haiku are overwhelmingly set in country or natural settings even though ninety percent of the haiku poets actually live in urban environments. To exaggerate the situation, North American haiku poets are given the alternative of either writing serious poetry on nature (defined as haiku) or of writing humorous poetry on non-nature topics (defined as senryu). This would seem to discourage haiku poets from writing serious poetry on the immediate urban environment or broader social issues. Topics such as subways, commuter driving, movie theaters, shopping malls, etc., while falling outside of the traditional notion of nature, in fact provide some of the richest sources for modern haiku, as much recent English-language haiku has revealed, and should be considered part of nature in the broadest sense."
"However, if haiku is to rise to the level of serious poetry, literature that is widely respected and admired, that is taught and studied, commentated on, that can have impact on other non-haiku poets, then it must have a complexity that gives it depth and that allows it to both focus on and rise above the specific moment or time. Basho, Buson and other masters achieved this through various forms of textual density, including metaphor, allegory, symbolism and allusion, as well as through the constant search for new topics. For North American poets, for whom the seasonal word cannot function in the fashion that it did for these Japanese masters, this becomes a more pressing issue, with the need to explore not only metaphorical and symbolic possibilities but new areas - such as history, urban life, social ills, death and war, cyberspace, Haiku need not and should not be confined to a narrow definition of nature poetry, particularly since the ground rules are completely different from those in Japan."
In Basho's day, haikai was two things:
1) performance and social act, and
2) literary text.
As a social act, as an elegant form of conversation, haikai had to be easily accessible; it had to be spontaneous; it had to perform social and religious functions. Thus, half of Basho's haiku were greetings, parting poems, poetic prayers. They served very specific functions and were anchored in a specific place and time, in a dialogic exchange with other individuals. For Basho, however, haikai was also a literary text that had to transcend time and place, and be understood by those who were not at the place of composition.
To achieve this goal, Basho repeatedly rewrote his poetry, made it fictional, gave it new settings, added layers of meaning, emphasized the vertical axis (linking it to history and other literary texts), so that the poem would have an impact beyond its original circumstances. One hopes that more North American haiku poets can take inspiration from this complex work."
Post Scriptum:
Two or three years ago, some haiku concerning Windows failures spread all over the Net. They were 5-7-5 and awesome!
Carlos Fleitas
Chibi answers:
Dear Carlos san
Kigo is essential to the art of haiku. Also, I disagree with Shirane sensei, respectively. I have to take a strong stance in this because I see transfering the art form to another language can retain artifacts such as kigo and kireji. These are at least two essential components to retain haiku form, fit, and function. If there is divergence, then, I contend, the result is not haiku.
We should take advantage of the amount of direct communication that the internet allows. The internet is a tremendous connectivity tool and can afords us with a tigher (closer cultural proxsimity) understanding and association with teachers and practisioners of Japanese haiku. Given our modern technology, perhaps, this will facsilitate a deeper understanding. Regional kigo can be allowed and readily understood as we become aware of more of the world.
I fully support the idea of the "World Saijiki". Though, historically, as is my understanding, the saijiki was sanctified by a sensei or group.
Kireji, the cut, the pause, is essential to the form of haiku. I look at it as one of the touthstones. I also feel if you allow any errosion of this... you are not writing haiku.
I feel I am not skilled to explain deeper, but, the cut is very much Japanese and intrinsically "natural".
CARLOS answering
Dear friend:
I appreciate your sincerity. Diversity of opinions from my point of view enrich us and make us feel we are an active part of this wonderful kigo project lead by our dear Gabi-san, and also as members of the worldwide haiku community.
There maybe a misunderstanding.
*) I just uploaded parts of Shirane's article because i thought it was a different, diverse approach to haiku and kigo issue that may interest gk, and also i wanted to share with all the members of this list.
*) I am not a Shirane's partisan, although i admire his work.
*) What i like most about Shirane's paper is that it "shook my ideas", but that is something concerning my personal style. The core of what i learned reading his paper is this: haiku is more subtle than i thoughr it was. And that encourages me to perfect, if i am able to, my haiku in the future.
*) I understand your point of view in fact i am a "neoclassical haijin (or at least i hope i am a haijin), therefore i foster the use of kigo and kireji. (Kireji is different in spanish haiku than in japanese haiku. We do not have the cutting syllable "ya", so we use another kind of caesura, mainly the natural pauses in language). I have written many essays in Spanish and English and they are full of my great concern and support for kigo in haiku.
*) I have been writting since a a sort of haibun, in Spanish for a couple of years in Spanish, titled Cuaderno de Haiku (Haiku Notebook). All the haiku there have kigo and kireji (as we use it in Spanish) My haiku in Spanish and the ones in English (except some few exception) also contain kigo and kireji. There are other reasons why i am very fond of kigo in haiku, but this would go beyond the limits of our subject.
*) I support strongly the idea that there are regional kigo, and that is why i joined WHCkigo.
*) Now i am open to explore new frontiers in haiku, such as vanguard haiku. Recently i wrote a mandala "haiku" and send it to WHCvanguard.
Maybe it is not haiku, i can not claim it is. If it is not, at least i think haiku has inspired it. Furthermore, nowadays i have changed my previous opinion and consider "urban haiku" which is evolving rapidly in Spain and LAm community, genuine haiku, although many of them do not have kigo. Some of them maybe are senryu, that is true also.
*) The issue whether this is or is not haiku, depends in my view, on what one considers haiku to be. I.e. if one considers that haiku has to have its essential axis on kigo and kireji. Of course everything that is out of the definition will not be considered haiku. I understand it. And i find it is not only a good point, but that everyone has the right to have his/her opinion, and no doubt yours is very well-founded. I was very impressed when you wrote:
"I see transfering the art form to another language can retain artifacts such as kigo and kireji."
It is a very strong and good point indeed.
I think Basho or Buson would not have considered sci-fi "haiku" as haiku at all.
Or the computer generated one's or many other similar "haiku" varieties. Yesterday i conducted a web search and i found strange kinds of "haiku" I had not time to read them all but there is a web dedicated to Harry Potter's "haiku" and Frida Kahlo "haiku"!!.
Amazing this Internet of ours!
*) I also think that all this diversity of opinions makes me feel we are alive and moving on, and exploring with passion, because passion in our case means enthusiasm, which is the major drive humans have to explore, and could help me produce better haiku, i think.
*) And last but not least, i think that haiku is a tiny yet powerful ambassador that extraordinarily, has made it possible for people from all over the world to come toghether and know each other. Personally it has enrichened my life very much. I also foster the idea that folks should communicate as much as possible, freely and without restrictions. And haiku makes it possible. I have made an enormous number of friends from all over the world, which pleases me very much.
I am proud and delighted to be a member of the worldwide haiku community, and of this WHCworldkigo project.
Carlos Fleitas
End of the Comments. May 6, 2005
Further Reading
* Kigo Versus Seasonal Reference in Haiku:
Observations, Anecdotes and a Translation
... By Richard Gilbert (quoted from Simply Haiku, Autumn 2005)
* Kigo and Seasonal Reference, by Richard Gilbert March 2006
* The Importance of Season Words, by Kametaro Yagi
* Beyond Kigo, by Jim Kacian
* Season words, keywords, and others. by Ban'ya Natsuishi
The ideas presented in the further reading essays mentioned above do not all correspond to the promotion of kigo as pursued with this WKD database.
Seasons and Categories, used by the World Kigo Database
Launching WHC worldkigo 2004
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- China and Haiku -
Chen-ou Liu 劉鎮歐
translates haiku and tanka into Chinese!
NeverEnding Story, the first English-Chinese bilingual haiku and tanka blog,
is established to fulfill my butterfly dream portrayed in the haibun, entitled “To Liv(e),” which was published in Frogpond, 34:3, Fall 2011.
I hope it can bring the beauty of English language Japanese short form poetry to Chinese readers around the world.
yellow brick road
a faint echo
of horses' hooves
朦朧曉月 . . .
hazy day moon . . .
waking with the weight
of memory
. 劉鎮歐 - Never Ending Story .
yang guang you duo liang
zai tian shan xiang yi da deng
bie ba ta fang zou
the sun shines so bright
in the sky like a huge lamp
don't let it go out
source : asterisk
Related words
***** . WKD : Main Index .
- China and Haiku -
Chen-ou Liu 劉鎮歐
translates haiku and tanka into Chinese!
NeverEnding Story, the first English-Chinese bilingual haiku and tanka blog,
is established to fulfill my butterfly dream portrayed in the haibun, entitled “To Liv(e),” which was published in Frogpond, 34:3, Fall 2011.
I hope it can bring the beauty of English language Japanese short form poetry to Chinese readers around the world.
yellow brick road
a faint echo
of horses' hooves
朦朧曉月 . . .
hazy day moon . . .
waking with the weight
of memory
. 劉鎮歐 - Never Ending Story .
yang guang you duo liang
zai tian shan xiang yi da deng
bie ba ta fang zou
the sun shines so bright
in the sky like a huge lamp
don't let it go out
source : asterisk
Related words
***** . WKD : Main Index .
Hinoki Cypress
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Cypress, Japanese cypress (hinoki)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Plant
Chamaecyparis obtusa
(Japanese cypress, hinoki cypress or hinoki; Japanese: 檜 or 桧, hinoki) is a species of cypress native to central Japan.
It is a slow-growing tree which grows to 35 m tall with a trunk up to 1 m in diameter. The bark is dark red-brown. The leaves are scale-like, 2-4 mm long, blunt tipped (obtuse), green above, and green below with a white stomatal band at the base of each scale-leaf. The cones are globose, 8-12 mm diameter, with 8-12 scales arranged in opposite pairs. The related Chamaecyparis pisifera (Sawara Cypress) can be readily distinguished in its having pointed tips to the leaves and smaller cones.
It is grown for its very high quality timber in Japan, where it is used as a material for building palaces, temples, shrines, traditional noh theatres, baths, table tennis blades and masu. The wood is lemon-scented, light pinkish-brown, with a rich, straight grain, and is highly rot-resistant.
For example, Horyuji Temple and Osaka Castle are built from Hinoki wood. The hinoki grown in Kiso, used for building Ise Shrine, are called 御神木 Go-Shin-boku "Tree where god stayed".
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree .
go shinboku, goshinboku, go-shinboku 御神木 "honorable sacred tree"
hinoki ochiba 檜落葉(ひのきおちば)
hinoki cyrpess needles falling
kigo for early summer
The leaves are scale-like, 2-4 mm long, blunt tipped (obtuse), green above, and green below with a white stomatal band at the base of each scale-leaf.
. WKD : falling leaves (ochiba) .
asunaro hinoki アスナロ / 翌檜 Asunaro Hinoki ,
hinoki asunaro ヒノキアスナロ
rakanbaku 羅漢柏(らかんはく)
asuhi アスヒ
Thujopsis dolabrata, false cypress
Hiba, False arborvitae, Hiba arborvitae
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"Tomorrow I will become" ... the false cypress prays every night to become a real cypress.
(asu wa hinoki ni naro)
Some people spend the whole day drinking sake and enjoying life, while wondering if tomorrow they will become "better".
asunaro already mentioned in the pillow book by Sei Shonagon 清少納言.
「何の心ありてあすはひのき( 明日は桧)とつけけむ.
hi wa hana ni kurete sabishi ya asunarō
with the sun darkening
on the blossoms, it is lonely -
a false cypress
Tr. Barnhill
The day is over with blossoms
And sad now, to see
The dark silouhette of asunaro-trees!
Tr. Oseko
After sunset with cherries in bloom -
In solitude
A hiba arborvitae.
Tr. Saito, Nelson
As the sun goes down
flowers go over - sadness
of the false cypress
- - - - - and
sabishisa ya hana no atari no asunaro
Loneliness -
amidst blossoms
a false cypress
In a haibun from the spring of 1688 Basho writes,
“ ‘Tomorrow I’ll become a cypress’. That’s what the old tree once said in the valley. Yesterday has gone by and tomorrow hasn’t arrived. So, whilst alive, I enjoy my wine and keep repeating to myself “tomorrow, tomorrow”, until I’m rebuked by the sages”.
Basho had in mind a poem of Po Chu I‘s entitled ‘Recommending Wine’.
A pile of gold after death
is not worth a cask at wine
while alive
Tr. and comment : Bill Wyatt
Standing amid the blossoms,
A cypress tree.
(Ueda, Literary and Art Theories in Japan, 149)
This is a spring poem with a scene when cherry blossoms are in full bloom. But it is the green cypress tree in the middle of them that does not harmonize with the loveliness and gaiety of the scene. This cypress situated among the scene of blossoms is what brings about the atmosphere of loneliness. With this poem loneliness is not referring to a man's personal emotion anymore; it is instead describing an impersonal aura.
This ambience, this atmosphere of sabi, consists of a feeling of loneliness. This is not the sense of loneliness that Americans and other Westerners feel. This type of loneliness is something enjoyable to have sensed; it gives solace to the more sorrowful life.
source : Riley B. Irwin, 2007
Written in 1688, 元禄元年 Basho age 45.
Basho in Yoshino, the Cherry Blossom Mountain.
Basho spent the whole day looking at the blossoms and enjoying a drink, getting one day older . . .
This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 2.
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. Himonochoo 檜物町 HimonoCho District in Edo .
himonoshi 檜物師 "artisan making things from Hinoki cypress wood"
also called magemonoshi 曲物師 craftsmen of bentwood products
kurimono 刳物 "bent things"
. hinokigasa ひのき笠 hat made from hinoki bark .
This hat is rather large and protects the walking pilgrim from rain. In our modern times it comes with a plastic cover to protect the hat from the rain !
ikameshiki oto ya arare no hinoki-gasa
so harsh
the sound - hail
on my traveler's hat
Tr. Gabi Greve
konoha chiru sakura wa karushi hinokigasa
Yoshino nite sakura mishoo zo hinoki-gasa
MORE hokku about the traveler's hat of
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Related words
***** . Tree (ki, jumoku) and Forest .
***** . - kasa 笠 hat - .
hinokigasa ひのき笠 "cypress hat" cypress-bark hat
pilgrim's hat, traveler's hat, made from pine bark
Cypress, Japanese cypress (hinoki)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Plant
Chamaecyparis obtusa
(Japanese cypress, hinoki cypress or hinoki; Japanese: 檜 or 桧, hinoki) is a species of cypress native to central Japan.
It is a slow-growing tree which grows to 35 m tall with a trunk up to 1 m in diameter. The bark is dark red-brown. The leaves are scale-like, 2-4 mm long, blunt tipped (obtuse), green above, and green below with a white stomatal band at the base of each scale-leaf. The cones are globose, 8-12 mm diameter, with 8-12 scales arranged in opposite pairs. The related Chamaecyparis pisifera (Sawara Cypress) can be readily distinguished in its having pointed tips to the leaves and smaller cones.
It is grown for its very high quality timber in Japan, where it is used as a material for building palaces, temples, shrines, traditional noh theatres, baths, table tennis blades and masu. The wood is lemon-scented, light pinkish-brown, with a rich, straight grain, and is highly rot-resistant.
For example, Horyuji Temple and Osaka Castle are built from Hinoki wood. The hinoki grown in Kiso, used for building Ise Shrine, are called 御神木 Go-Shin-boku "Tree where god stayed".
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree .
go shinboku, goshinboku, go-shinboku 御神木 "honorable sacred tree"
hinoki ochiba 檜落葉(ひのきおちば)
hinoki cyrpess needles falling
kigo for early summer
The leaves are scale-like, 2-4 mm long, blunt tipped (obtuse), green above, and green below with a white stomatal band at the base of each scale-leaf.
. WKD : falling leaves (ochiba) .
asunaro hinoki アスナロ / 翌檜 Asunaro Hinoki ,
hinoki asunaro ヒノキアスナロ
rakanbaku 羅漢柏(らかんはく)
asuhi アスヒ
Thujopsis dolabrata, false cypress
Hiba, False arborvitae, Hiba arborvitae
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"Tomorrow I will become" ... the false cypress prays every night to become a real cypress.
(asu wa hinoki ni naro)
Some people spend the whole day drinking sake and enjoying life, while wondering if tomorrow they will become "better".
asunaro already mentioned in the pillow book by Sei Shonagon 清少納言.
「何の心ありてあすはひのき( 明日は桧)とつけけむ.
hi wa hana ni kurete sabishi ya asunarō
with the sun darkening
on the blossoms, it is lonely -
a false cypress
Tr. Barnhill
The day is over with blossoms
And sad now, to see
The dark silouhette of asunaro-trees!
Tr. Oseko
After sunset with cherries in bloom -
In solitude
A hiba arborvitae.
Tr. Saito, Nelson
As the sun goes down
flowers go over - sadness
of the false cypress
- - - - - and
sabishisa ya hana no atari no asunaro
Loneliness -
amidst blossoms
a false cypress
In a haibun from the spring of 1688 Basho writes,
“ ‘Tomorrow I’ll become a cypress’. That’s what the old tree once said in the valley. Yesterday has gone by and tomorrow hasn’t arrived. So, whilst alive, I enjoy my wine and keep repeating to myself “tomorrow, tomorrow”, until I’m rebuked by the sages”.
Basho had in mind a poem of Po Chu I‘s entitled ‘Recommending Wine’.
A pile of gold after death
is not worth a cask at wine
while alive
Tr. and comment : Bill Wyatt
Standing amid the blossoms,
A cypress tree.
(Ueda, Literary and Art Theories in Japan, 149)
This is a spring poem with a scene when cherry blossoms are in full bloom. But it is the green cypress tree in the middle of them that does not harmonize with the loveliness and gaiety of the scene. This cypress situated among the scene of blossoms is what brings about the atmosphere of loneliness. With this poem loneliness is not referring to a man's personal emotion anymore; it is instead describing an impersonal aura.
This ambience, this atmosphere of sabi, consists of a feeling of loneliness. This is not the sense of loneliness that Americans and other Westerners feel. This type of loneliness is something enjoyable to have sensed; it gives solace to the more sorrowful life.
source : Riley B. Irwin, 2007
Written in 1688, 元禄元年 Basho age 45.
Basho in Yoshino, the Cherry Blossom Mountain.
Basho spent the whole day looking at the blossoms and enjoying a drink, getting one day older . . .
This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 2.
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. Himonochoo 檜物町 HimonoCho District in Edo .
himonoshi 檜物師 "artisan making things from Hinoki cypress wood"
also called magemonoshi 曲物師 craftsmen of bentwood products
kurimono 刳物 "bent things"
. hinokigasa ひのき笠 hat made from hinoki bark .
This hat is rather large and protects the walking pilgrim from rain. In our modern times it comes with a plastic cover to protect the hat from the rain !
ikameshiki oto ya arare no hinoki-gasa
so harsh
the sound - hail
on my traveler's hat
Tr. Gabi Greve
konoha chiru sakura wa karushi hinokigasa
Yoshino nite sakura mishoo zo hinoki-gasa
MORE hokku about the traveler's hat of
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Related words
***** . Tree (ki, jumoku) and Forest .
***** . - kasa 笠 hat - .
hinokigasa ひのき笠 "cypress hat" cypress-bark hat
pilgrim's hat, traveler's hat, made from pine bark
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Luggage (nimotsu 荷物)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Humanity
Luggage needs to be carried by travellers and on many other occasions.
During the Edo period, most travellers carried their own luggage in two light wicker boxes.
Humanity kigo for the New Year
hatsuni 初荷 (はつに) first luggage, load, freight
hatsuni uma 初荷馬(はつにうま)first horse with luggage
hatsuniguruma 初荷車(はつにぐるま)first car with luggage
hatsunibune 初荷船(はつにぶね)first ship with luggage
hatsuni eki 初荷駅(はつにえき)station handling first luggage
. New Year begins (nenshi) .
koori 行李 box to carry luggage
a wicker trunk
It is also used to store things in the home.
During the Edo period, these boxes could easily be carried away if a fire was nearby.
fuji goori 籐行李 from wisteria vines
take goori 竹行李 from bamboo
yanagi goori 柳行李 from willow tree
furiwake katani ふりわけ片荷
two luggage boxes carried over the shoulder
Luggage of a traveller during the Edo period was carried in two wicker boxes, bound together with a long rope to be carried over the shoulder.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. Yakko 奴 carrying luggage for the Daimyo lord .
yanagigoori katani wa suzushi hatsu makuwa
his one wicker box
carries the coolness
of the first Makuwa melon
Written in Genroku 5, 22 of the fifth lunar month
元禄7年閏5月22日. At Rakushisha 落柿舎 in Kyoto.
His disciple 洒堂 Shado had come to visit and brought Makuwa melons from Osaka in one box.
The other side of his luggage was probably a melon from Kyoto.
Maybe the men just started a haikai session right away with this hokku.
. Shadoo, Shadō 洒堂 Shado - - Hamada Chinseki 浜田珍夕/珍碩 .
(? - 1737, 9月13日)
Makuwa melons were a favorite of Matsuo Basho.
wicker trunk
the coolness on one side
the first melon
Tr. Reichhold
Travelling with
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. makuwa uri 真桑瓜 makuwa melon .
Carrying luggage on a tenbin pole 天秤.
Related words
***** . Palanquin, sedan chair (kago 篭 or かご) .
. tsuzura 葛籠 / つづら wicker box, wicker clothes hamper .
. kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds .
Luggage (nimotsu 荷物)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Humanity
Luggage needs to be carried by travellers and on many other occasions.
During the Edo period, most travellers carried their own luggage in two light wicker boxes.
Humanity kigo for the New Year
hatsuni 初荷 (はつに) first luggage, load, freight
hatsuni uma 初荷馬(はつにうま)first horse with luggage
hatsuniguruma 初荷車(はつにぐるま)first car with luggage
hatsunibune 初荷船(はつにぶね)first ship with luggage
hatsuni eki 初荷駅(はつにえき)station handling first luggage
. New Year begins (nenshi) .
koori 行李 box to carry luggage
a wicker trunk
It is also used to store things in the home.
During the Edo period, these boxes could easily be carried away if a fire was nearby.
fuji goori 籐行李 from wisteria vines
take goori 竹行李 from bamboo
yanagi goori 柳行李 from willow tree
furiwake katani ふりわけ片荷
two luggage boxes carried over the shoulder
Luggage of a traveller during the Edo period was carried in two wicker boxes, bound together with a long rope to be carried over the shoulder.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. Yakko 奴 carrying luggage for the Daimyo lord .
yanagigoori katani wa suzushi hatsu makuwa
his one wicker box
carries the coolness
of the first Makuwa melon
Written in Genroku 5, 22 of the fifth lunar month
元禄7年閏5月22日. At Rakushisha 落柿舎 in Kyoto.
His disciple 洒堂 Shado had come to visit and brought Makuwa melons from Osaka in one box.
The other side of his luggage was probably a melon from Kyoto.
Maybe the men just started a haikai session right away with this hokku.
. Shadoo, Shadō 洒堂 Shado - - Hamada Chinseki 浜田珍夕/珍碩 .
(? - 1737, 9月13日)
Makuwa melons were a favorite of Matsuo Basho.
wicker trunk
the coolness on one side
the first melon
Tr. Reichhold
Travelling with
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. makuwa uri 真桑瓜 makuwa melon .
Carrying luggage on a tenbin pole 天秤.
Related words
***** . Palanquin, sedan chair (kago 篭 or かご) .
. tsuzura 葛籠 / つづら wicker box, wicker clothes hamper .
. kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds .
Magpie kasasagi
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Magpie (kasasagi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Animal
Magpies (Pica Pica) are passerine birds of the crow family, Corvidae.
In Europe, "magpie" is often used by English speakers as a synonym for the European Magpie, as there are no other magpies in Europe outside Iberia. That bird was referred to as a "pie" until the late 16th century when the feminine name "mag" was added to the beginning.
Magpies are believed to be among the most intelligent of animals: the European Magpie is one of the few animal species known to be able to recognize itself in a mirror test. In the UK, the Magpie has long been associated with a habit of stealing or otherwise collecting shiny objects, however this belief has no evidence in wildlife studies.
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animal kigo for all autumn
Magpie, kasasagi 鵲 (かささぎ)
"Korean crow", koorai garasu 高麗鴉(こうらいがらす)
..... choosen garasu 朝鮮鴉(ちょうせんがらす)
Chinese crow, too garasu 唐鴉(とうがらす)
Chikugo crow, Chikugo garasu 筑後鴉(ちくごがらす)
Hizen crow, Hizen garasu 肥前鴉(ひぜんがらす)
Chikugo and Hizen are provinces of Kyushu, Japan.
"winning crow", kachi garasu 勝烏(かちがらす)
animal kigo for late winter
kasasagi hajimete su kuu
鵲初めて巣くう (かささぎはじめてすくう)
magpie making a nest for the first time
..... kasasagi su o kuu 鵲巣をくう(かささぎすをくう)
..... kasasaki su o kuisomuru 鵲巣をくいそむる(かささぎすをくいそむる)
observance kigo for early Autumn
. kasasagi no hashi 鵲の橋(かささぎのはし)
"magpie bridge" .
On the Tanabata star festival night, magpies come togther to build a bridge with their wings to make the stars reach each other.
Worldwide use
The Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) is a medium-sized black and white passerine bird native to Australia and southern New Guinea. A member of the Cracticidae, it is closely related to the butcherbirds.
The Australian Magpie was first described by English ornithologist John Latham in 1802 as Coracias tibicen, the type collected in the Port Jackson region. Its specific epithet derived from the Latin tibicen "flute-player" or "piper" in reference to the bird's melodious call.
An early recorded vernacular name is Piping Roller, written on a painting by Thomas Watling, one of a group known collectively as the Port Jackson Painter,sometime between 1788 and 1792.Tarra-won-nang, or djarrawunang, wibung, and marriyang were names used by the local Eora and Darug inhabitants of the Sydney Basin.
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Here in South Australia our national emblem is the Piping Shrike or Magpie.
time ceases motion
magpies laze in tall gum trees
the wind blows backwards
- Shared by Chris Loft -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Elster, Pica pica
Magpie is a bird that is the symbol of good news. If magpie calls in the morning, it's a signal that guest is coming.
Also magpie is a messenger of the eternal blue sky.
magpie calls...
blues in my heart rumbles
with new harmonies
- Shared by Zaya Nergui -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
In Mongolia, the Magpie is considered a clever bird with control over the weather.
In China, the Magpie is a symbol of good fortune and a singing Magpie foretells happiness and good luck.
In Korea, the Magpie delivers good news and invites good people into your life. He is also seen as the village spirit. Therefore in Korea, the Magpie is seen as the symbol of good luck and happiness.
source : www.tmfairy.co.uk
Things found on the way
morning concert
the magpie robin flies off
when I step outside
magpie robin –
five minutes of song
fill the whole day
raindrops on the fence
a young magpie robin
practises its song
- Shared by Johannes Manjrekar -
Joys of Japan, 2012
मैगपाई रोबिन-
गीत के पाँच मिनट
भरा भरा पूरा दिन
Hinid Tr. Charan Gill
The Oriental Magpie-Robin (Copsychus saularis)
is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae, but now considered an Old World flycatcher. They are distinctive black and white birds with a long tail that is held upright as they forage on the ground or perch conspicuously.
Distributed in most of the Indian Subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia, they are common birds in urban gardens as well as forests.
They are particularly well known for their songs and were once popular as cagebirds.
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Related words
***** . BIRD SAIJIKI .
Magpie (kasasagi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Animal
Magpies (Pica Pica) are passerine birds of the crow family, Corvidae.
In Europe, "magpie" is often used by English speakers as a synonym for the European Magpie, as there are no other magpies in Europe outside Iberia. That bird was referred to as a "pie" until the late 16th century when the feminine name "mag" was added to the beginning.
Magpies are believed to be among the most intelligent of animals: the European Magpie is one of the few animal species known to be able to recognize itself in a mirror test. In the UK, the Magpie has long been associated with a habit of stealing or otherwise collecting shiny objects, however this belief has no evidence in wildlife studies.
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animal kigo for all autumn
Magpie, kasasagi 鵲 (かささぎ)
"Korean crow", koorai garasu 高麗鴉(こうらいがらす)
..... choosen garasu 朝鮮鴉(ちょうせんがらす)
Chinese crow, too garasu 唐鴉(とうがらす)
Chikugo crow, Chikugo garasu 筑後鴉(ちくごがらす)
Hizen crow, Hizen garasu 肥前鴉(ひぜんがらす)
Chikugo and Hizen are provinces of Kyushu, Japan.
"winning crow", kachi garasu 勝烏(かちがらす)
animal kigo for late winter
kasasagi hajimete su kuu
鵲初めて巣くう (かささぎはじめてすくう)
magpie making a nest for the first time
..... kasasagi su o kuu 鵲巣をくう(かささぎすをくう)
..... kasasaki su o kuisomuru 鵲巣をくいそむる(かささぎすをくいそむる)
observance kigo for early Autumn
. kasasagi no hashi 鵲の橋(かささぎのはし)
"magpie bridge" .
On the Tanabata star festival night, magpies come togther to build a bridge with their wings to make the stars reach each other.
Worldwide use
The Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) is a medium-sized black and white passerine bird native to Australia and southern New Guinea. A member of the Cracticidae, it is closely related to the butcherbirds.
The Australian Magpie was first described by English ornithologist John Latham in 1802 as Coracias tibicen, the type collected in the Port Jackson region. Its specific epithet derived from the Latin tibicen "flute-player" or "piper" in reference to the bird's melodious call.
An early recorded vernacular name is Piping Roller, written on a painting by Thomas Watling, one of a group known collectively as the Port Jackson Painter,sometime between 1788 and 1792.Tarra-won-nang, or djarrawunang, wibung, and marriyang were names used by the local Eora and Darug inhabitants of the Sydney Basin.
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Here in South Australia our national emblem is the Piping Shrike or Magpie.
time ceases motion
magpies laze in tall gum trees
the wind blows backwards
- Shared by Chris Loft -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Elster, Pica pica
Magpie is a bird that is the symbol of good news. If magpie calls in the morning, it's a signal that guest is coming.
Also magpie is a messenger of the eternal blue sky.
magpie calls...
blues in my heart rumbles
with new harmonies
- Shared by Zaya Nergui -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
In Mongolia, the Magpie is considered a clever bird with control over the weather.
In China, the Magpie is a symbol of good fortune and a singing Magpie foretells happiness and good luck.
In Korea, the Magpie delivers good news and invites good people into your life. He is also seen as the village spirit. Therefore in Korea, the Magpie is seen as the symbol of good luck and happiness.
source : www.tmfairy.co.uk
Things found on the way
morning concert
the magpie robin flies off
when I step outside
magpie robin –
five minutes of song
fill the whole day
raindrops on the fence
a young magpie robin
practises its song
- Shared by Johannes Manjrekar -
Joys of Japan, 2012
मैगपाई रोबिन-
गीत के पाँच मिनट
भरा भरा पूरा दिन
Hinid Tr. Charan Gill
The Oriental Magpie-Robin (Copsychus saularis)
is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae, but now considered an Old World flycatcher. They are distinctive black and white birds with a long tail that is held upright as they forage on the ground or perch conspicuously.
Distributed in most of the Indian Subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia, they are common birds in urban gardens as well as forests.
They are particularly well known for their songs and were once popular as cagebirds.
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Related words
***** . BIRD SAIJIKI .
Japanese tit yamagara
[ . BACK to Worldkigo . TOP . ]
Japanese tit (yamagara)
***** Location: Japan, North America
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal
shijuukara 四十雀 (しじゅうから) Japanese great tit
Parus major
yamagara 山雀 (やまがら) Japanese tit
yamagarame やまがらめ
Parus varius
lit. "mountain sparrow"
higara 日雀 (ひがら) coal tit
Parus ater
kogara 小雀 (こがら) willow tit
kogarame こがらめ
Poecile montanus
enaga 柄長 (えなが) long-tailed tit
Long-tailed Bushtit
Aegithalos caudatus
The tits, chickadees, and titmice constitute Paridae, a large family of small passerine birds which occur in the northern hemisphere and Africa. Most were formerly classified in the genus Parus.
Japanese Tit
Parus minor (often included in P. major)
also known as Oriental Tit,
is a passerine bird which replaces the similar Great Tit in Japan and the Russian Far East beyond the Amur River, including the Kuril Islands. Until recently, this species was classified as a subspecies of Great Tit, but Russian studies have indicated that the two species coexist in the Russian Far East without intermingling or frequent hybridization.
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Worldwide use
kigo for all winter
Chickadees (genus, Poecile)
are small birds, which live in woodlands throughout Canada, often visiting backyard birdfeeders. Both sexes have a dark cap and bib, which contrast against bright white cheeks. Chickadees do not migrate but spend the winter in small flocks foraging for insects and seeds. Social relationships in winter flocks follow a dominance hierarchy where high-ranking birds having preferential access to food.
Other species of birds often join chickadee flocks
source : www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com
the snow storm
history, the chickadees
chicka dee dee *
* the lilting chirping sound of the chickadee, the aboriginal name for this tiny bird
tempête de neige
chassée, la mésange pépie
- chicka dee dee *
* le pépiement mélodique de la mésange, un oiseau minuscule.
Richard Vallance 2009
. WKD : Canadian SAIJIKI canadiens .
Parus varius
North America
titmouse, titmice
family Paridae
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Black-capped Chickadee
Poecile atricapillus
a small, North American songbird, a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae.
It is the state bird of both Maine and Massachusetts in the United States, and the provincial bird of New Brunswick in Canada.
It is notable for its capacity to lower its body temperature during cold winter nights, its good spatial memory to relocate the caches where it stores food, and its boldness near humans (they can feed from the hand).
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after the chickadee
what can I do
but smile
- Shared by Sandi Pray -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Things found on the way
yamagara wa gei o shinagara watari keri
Japanese tits
performs their fine art
through the trees
Kobayashi Issa
yamagara ya kaya no oi ki ni ne ni modoru
Japanese tits -
they come back to sleep
in the old torreya tree
Yosa Buson
Related words
***** . BIRD SAIJIKI .
Japanese tit (yamagara)
***** Location: Japan, North America
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal
shijuukara 四十雀 (しじゅうから) Japanese great tit
Parus major
yamagara 山雀 (やまがら) Japanese tit
yamagarame やまがらめ
Parus varius
lit. "mountain sparrow"
higara 日雀 (ひがら) coal tit
Parus ater
kogara 小雀 (こがら) willow tit
kogarame こがらめ
Poecile montanus
enaga 柄長 (えなが) long-tailed tit
Long-tailed Bushtit
Aegithalos caudatus
The tits, chickadees, and titmice constitute Paridae, a large family of small passerine birds which occur in the northern hemisphere and Africa. Most were formerly classified in the genus Parus.
Japanese Tit
Parus minor (often included in P. major)
also known as Oriental Tit,
is a passerine bird which replaces the similar Great Tit in Japan and the Russian Far East beyond the Amur River, including the Kuril Islands. Until recently, this species was classified as a subspecies of Great Tit, but Russian studies have indicated that the two species coexist in the Russian Far East without intermingling or frequent hybridization.
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Worldwide use
kigo for all winter
Chickadees (genus, Poecile)
are small birds, which live in woodlands throughout Canada, often visiting backyard birdfeeders. Both sexes have a dark cap and bib, which contrast against bright white cheeks. Chickadees do not migrate but spend the winter in small flocks foraging for insects and seeds. Social relationships in winter flocks follow a dominance hierarchy where high-ranking birds having preferential access to food.
Other species of birds often join chickadee flocks
source : www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com
the snow storm
history, the chickadees
chicka dee dee *
* the lilting chirping sound of the chickadee, the aboriginal name for this tiny bird
tempête de neige
chassée, la mésange pépie
- chicka dee dee *
* le pépiement mélodique de la mésange, un oiseau minuscule.
Richard Vallance 2009
. WKD : Canadian SAIJIKI canadiens .
Parus varius
North America
titmouse, titmice
family Paridae
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Black-capped Chickadee
Poecile atricapillus
a small, North American songbird, a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae.
It is the state bird of both Maine and Massachusetts in the United States, and the provincial bird of New Brunswick in Canada.
It is notable for its capacity to lower its body temperature during cold winter nights, its good spatial memory to relocate the caches where it stores food, and its boldness near humans (they can feed from the hand).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
after the chickadee
what can I do
but smile
- Shared by Sandi Pray -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Things found on the way
yamagara wa gei o shinagara watari keri
Japanese tits
performs their fine art
through the trees
Kobayashi Issa
yamagara ya kaya no oi ki ni ne ni modoru
Japanese tits -
they come back to sleep
in the old torreya tree
Yosa Buson
Related words
***** . BIRD SAIJIKI .
Kingfisher (kawasemi)
[ . BACK to Worldkigo . TOP . ]
Kingfisher (kawasemi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal
kingfisher, river kingfisher, kawasemi 翡翠 (かわせみ)
common Indian kingfisher
..... kawasebi かわせび, shoobin しょうびん
"jade bird", hisui ひすい
. . . mountain kingfisher, yamasemi 山翡翠 (やませみ)
greater pied kingfisher
..... ka no ko shoobin 鹿の子翡翠(かのこしょうびん)
"mountain deity", yama kannushi 山神主(やまかんぬし)
kawanegi 川禰宜(かわねぎ)
Ceryle lugubris
. . . red kingfisher, aka shoobin 赤翡翠 (あかしょうびん)
ruddy kingfisher. Halcyon coromanda
miyama shoobin 深山翡翠(みやましょうびん)
"bird which loves water" mizukoidori 水恋鳥(みずこいどり)
"rain ritual bird", amagoi dori 雨乞鳥(あまごいどり)
"southern barbarian's bird, nanban dori 南蛮鳥(なんばんどり)
kyoororo きょうろろ
are a group of small to medium sized brightly coloured birds in the order Coraciiformes. They have a cosmopolitan distribution, with most species being found in the Old World and Australia. The group is treated either as a single family, Alcedinidae, or as a suborder Alcedines containing three families, Alcedinidae (river kingfishers), Halcyonidae (tree kingfishers), and Cerylidae (water kingfishers).
Common Kingfishers during copulation
There are roughly 90 species of kingfisher. All have large heads, long, sharp, pointed bills, short legs, and stubby tails. Most species have bright plumage with little differences between the sexes. Most species are tropical in distribution, and a slight majority are found only in forests. They consume a wide range of prey as well as fish, usually caught by swooping down from a perch.
Like other members of their order they nest in cavities, usually tunnels dug into the natural or artificial banks in the ground. A few species, principally insular forms, are threatened with extinction.
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Worldwide use
. Kookaburra (genus Dacelo) .
Things found on the way
広重 Hiroshige 紫陽花に翡翠
kawasemi Daruma カワセミだるま
They are made near the Daruma tempel
Jindai-Ji 深大寺.
This is a new Daruma doll since 2012.
kawasemi no kage konkon to sakanobori
the shadow of a kingfisher
moves up and up
and up the river
. Kawabata Bosha .
Blue air, green water,
Red fired earth – life flashes in
A kingfisher flight
Helen McCarthy
source : akita haiku network, 2010
Related words
***** . WKD : Birds of Summer SAIJIKI .
Kingfisher (kawasemi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal
kingfisher, river kingfisher, kawasemi 翡翠 (かわせみ)
common Indian kingfisher
..... kawasebi かわせび, shoobin しょうびん
"jade bird", hisui ひすい
. . . mountain kingfisher, yamasemi 山翡翠 (やませみ)
greater pied kingfisher
..... ka no ko shoobin 鹿の子翡翠(かのこしょうびん)
"mountain deity", yama kannushi 山神主(やまかんぬし)
kawanegi 川禰宜(かわねぎ)
Ceryle lugubris
. . . red kingfisher, aka shoobin 赤翡翠 (あかしょうびん)
ruddy kingfisher. Halcyon coromanda
miyama shoobin 深山翡翠(みやましょうびん)
"bird which loves water" mizukoidori 水恋鳥(みずこいどり)
"rain ritual bird", amagoi dori 雨乞鳥(あまごいどり)
"southern barbarian's bird, nanban dori 南蛮鳥(なんばんどり)
kyoororo きょうろろ
are a group of small to medium sized brightly coloured birds in the order Coraciiformes. They have a cosmopolitan distribution, with most species being found in the Old World and Australia. The group is treated either as a single family, Alcedinidae, or as a suborder Alcedines containing three families, Alcedinidae (river kingfishers), Halcyonidae (tree kingfishers), and Cerylidae (water kingfishers).
Common Kingfishers during copulation
There are roughly 90 species of kingfisher. All have large heads, long, sharp, pointed bills, short legs, and stubby tails. Most species have bright plumage with little differences between the sexes. Most species are tropical in distribution, and a slight majority are found only in forests. They consume a wide range of prey as well as fish, usually caught by swooping down from a perch.
Like other members of their order they nest in cavities, usually tunnels dug into the natural or artificial banks in the ground. A few species, principally insular forms, are threatened with extinction.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Worldwide use
. Kookaburra (genus Dacelo) .
Things found on the way
広重 Hiroshige 紫陽花に翡翠
kawasemi Daruma カワセミだるま
They are made near the Daruma tempel
Jindai-Ji 深大寺.
This is a new Daruma doll since 2012.
kawasemi no kage konkon to sakanobori
the shadow of a kingfisher
moves up and up
and up the river
. Kawabata Bosha .
Blue air, green water,
Red fired earth – life flashes in
A kingfisher flight
Helen McCarthy
source : akita haiku network, 2010
Related words
***** . WKD : Birds of Summer SAIJIKI .
Trees blossoming in summer
[ . BACK to Worldkigo . TOP . ]
Trees blossoming in Summer - LIST
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Plant
Most trees have their own entry, check the ABC index
and look here for more SUMMER kigo of trees
. Tree (ki, jumoku) and Forest .
xyz no hana の花 ... blossom of xyz tree
For late blossoms of trees usually out in spring, check the list here.
For example late cherry blossoms etc.
Sometimes it is difficult to decide if it is a large bush, shrub or a tree.
Check the ABC index for the name you are looking for.
. kankitsurui かんきつるい (柑橘類) citrus fruit trees .
bushukan no hana 仏手柑の花 (ぶしゅかんのはな) flowers of Bushukan
daidai no hana 橙の花 (だいだいのはな) blossoms of the Daidai
kinkan no hana 金柑の花 (きんかんのはな) Kinkan blossoms
kooji no hana 柑子の花 (こうじのはな) blossom ofCitrus leiocarpa
mikan no hana 蜜柑の花 (みかんのはな) blossoms of the mikan
Naruto mikan 鳴門蜜柑(なるとみかん)
natsu mikan, natsumikan 夏蜜柑 (なつみかん) summer mikan
hana tachibana 花橘 (はなたちばな) tachibana blossoms
zabon no hana 朱欒の花 (ざぼんのはな) Zabon blossoms
kigo for early summer
aburagiri no hana 油桐の花 (あぶらぎりのはな)
..... 山桐(やまぎり)、どくえ、いぬぎり
Aleurites cordata
akashia no hana 107 アカシアの花 (あかしあのはな) acacia blossoms
..... hari enju 針槐(はりえんじゅ)、ニセアカシア
buna no hana 山毛欅の花 (ぶなのはな) beech blossoms
Fagus crenata
enju no hana 槐の花 (えんじゅのはな) apanese pagoda tree, Chinese scholar tree
..... enisu えにす
Sophora japonica
enoki no hana 117 榎の花 (えのきのはな) Chinese hackberry blossoms
Celtis sinensis
haze no hana 123 櫨の花 (はぜのはな) wax tree blossoms
..... roo no ki 蝋の木(ろうのき)、山櫨(やまはぜ)、はじの木(はじのき)、はにし
Rhus succedanea
hoo no hana 朴の花 (ほおのはな)
厚朴の花(ほおのはな)、hoosange 朴散華(ほおさんげ)
magnolia hypoleuca
kiri no hana 桐の花 (きりのはな) paulownia blossoms
..... hanakiri 花桐(はなきり)
kunugi no hana 櫟の花 (くぬぎのはな)
..... tsurubami 橡(つるばみ)、いちい、団栗の木(どんぐりのき)
Quercus acutissima
kurumi no hana 胡桃の花 (くるみのはな) walnut tree blossoms
maronie no hana マロニエの花 (まろにえのはな)
Conker tree blossoms
Aesculus hippocastanum
mizuki no hana 水木の花 (みずきのはな) dogwood blossoms
Cornus controversa
. mukuge 木槿 Rose of Sharon.
. ooyama renge 大山蓮花 (おおやまれんげ)
..... 天女花(おおやまれんげ)、深山蓮花(みやまれんげ) .
Magnolia sieboldii
shuro no hana 棕櫚の花 (しゅろのはな) hemp palm blossoms
hana shuro 花棕櫚(はなしゅろ)、椶櫚の花(しゅろのはな)
. taisanboku no hana 泰山木の花 (たいさんぼくのはな)
evergreen magnolia blossoms .
..... 大山木の花(たいざんぼくのはな)、
Magnolia grandiflora
tochi no hana 栃の花 (とちのはな) horse chestnut blossom
..... 橡の花(とちのはな)
Aesculus hippocastanum
tsuruumemodoki no hana 蔓梅擬の花 (つるうめもどきのはな)
Celastrus orbiculatus
zumi no hana 桷の花 (ずみのはな) crabapple blossoms
..... konashi no hana 小梨の花(こなしのはな)
Malus sieboldii
kigo for mid-summer
ego no hana えごの花 (えごのはな) Ego blossoms
..... yamajisa no hana 山苣の花(やまぢさのはな)
Styrax japonica
ganbi no hana 雁皮の花 (がんぴのはな)
Diplomorpha sikokiana
gojuu no hana 呉茱萸の花 (ごしゅゆのはな)
Evodia rutaecarpa
kaname no hana 要の花 (かなめのはな)
..... kaname no ki 扇骨木(かなめのき)
..... kanamemochi 金目黐(かなめもち)
Choerospondias axillaris - チャンチンモドキ
matatabi no hana 木天蓼の花 (またたびのはな) silverwine blossoms
..... natsu ume 夏梅(なつうめ)"summer plum"
Fam. Actinidiaceae
mayumi no hana 檀の花 (まゆみのはな)
Euonymus sieboldianus
mochi no hana 黐の花 (もちのはな) ilex tree blossoms
mochi no hana 冬青の花(もちのはな)
bird-lime holly, Ilex integra
mokkoku no hana 木斛の花 (もっこくのはな)
Ternstroemia gymnanthera
nanten no hana 南天の花 (なんてんのはな)
..... 花南天(はななんてん)
Nandina domestica
nishikigi no hana 錦木の花 (にしきぎのはな)
Euonymus alatus
ouchi no hana 楝の花 (おうちのはな)
..... 樗の花(おうちのはな)、花樗(はなおうち)
..... sendan no hana 栴檀の花(せんだんのはな)
Melia azedarach.センダン
saikachi no hana 皂莢の花 (さいかちのはな)
Gleditsia japonica
sakaki no hana 榊の花 (さかきのはな) Sakaki blossoms
..... hana sakaki 花榊(はなさかき)
Cleyera ochnacea
shii no hana 椎の花 (しいのはな)
hana shii 花椎(はなしい)
Castanopsis cuspidata
teikakazura no hana 定家葛の花 (ていかかずらのはな)
Trachelospermum asiaticum (
urushi no hana 漆の花 (うるしのはな) laquer tree blossoms
..... hana urushi 花漆(はなうるし)
Rhus verniciflua Stokes
kigo for late summer
bodaiju no hana 31 菩提樹の花 (ぼだいじゅのはな) linden blossoms
..... bodai no hana 菩提の花(ぼだいのはな)
Tilia miqueliana
. bussooge 仏桑花 (ぶっそうげ) hibiscus, Rose of China .
nemu no hana 合歓の花 ( ねむのはな) silk tree blossoms
ねぶの花(ねぶのはな)、ねむり木(ねむりぎ)、 合昏(ごうこん)、絨花樹(じゅうかじゅ)、 花合歓(はなねむ)
Albizia julibrissin
shara no hana 沙羅の花 (しゃらのはな)
..... natsu tubaki no hana 夏椿の花(なつつばきのはな)summer camellia
himeshara ひめしゃら, sara no hana さらの花(さらのはな)
Shorea robusta サラソウジュ
sotetsu no hana 蘇鉄の花 (そてつのはな) cycad blossoms
..... goshamenbana ご赦免花(ごしゃめんばな)
Cycas revoluta
sabita no hana さびたの花 (さびたのはな)
?Deutzia crenata
..... nori utsugi no hana 糊うつぎの花(のりうつぎのはな)
Hydrangea paniculata
. yamabooshi no hana 山法師の花 (やまぼうしのはな) .
..... 山帽子(やまぼうし)、山桑(やまぐわ)
Cornus kousa Buerger. Tree of the Dogwood family.
Worldwide use
North America - Georgia
... most of them bloom in the spring here (Georgia, USA). Right now the magnolias are beautiful and some Roses of Sharon are starting to bloom.
all shades of green...
finding my direction
by the white blooms
- Shared by Tzetzka Ilieva -
- WKD facebook 2012 -
Things found on the way
Related words
***** . Trees in all seasons .
Trees blossoming in Summer - LIST
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Plant
Most trees have their own entry, check the ABC index
and look here for more SUMMER kigo of trees
. Tree (ki, jumoku) and Forest .
xyz no hana の花 ... blossom of xyz tree
For late blossoms of trees usually out in spring, check the list here.
For example late cherry blossoms etc.
Sometimes it is difficult to decide if it is a large bush, shrub or a tree.
Check the ABC index for the name you are looking for.
. kankitsurui かんきつるい (柑橘類) citrus fruit trees .
bushukan no hana 仏手柑の花 (ぶしゅかんのはな) flowers of Bushukan
daidai no hana 橙の花 (だいだいのはな) blossoms of the Daidai
kinkan no hana 金柑の花 (きんかんのはな) Kinkan blossoms
kooji no hana 柑子の花 (こうじのはな) blossom ofCitrus leiocarpa
mikan no hana 蜜柑の花 (みかんのはな) blossoms of the mikan
Naruto mikan 鳴門蜜柑(なるとみかん)
natsu mikan, natsumikan 夏蜜柑 (なつみかん) summer mikan
hana tachibana 花橘 (はなたちばな) tachibana blossoms
zabon no hana 朱欒の花 (ざぼんのはな) Zabon blossoms
kigo for early summer
aburagiri no hana 油桐の花 (あぶらぎりのはな)
..... 山桐(やまぎり)、どくえ、いぬぎり
Aleurites cordata
akashia no hana 107 アカシアの花 (あかしあのはな) acacia blossoms
..... hari enju 針槐(はりえんじゅ)、ニセアカシア
buna no hana 山毛欅の花 (ぶなのはな) beech blossoms
Fagus crenata
enju no hana 槐の花 (えんじゅのはな) apanese pagoda tree, Chinese scholar tree
..... enisu えにす
Sophora japonica
enoki no hana 117 榎の花 (えのきのはな) Chinese hackberry blossoms
Celtis sinensis
haze no hana 123 櫨の花 (はぜのはな) wax tree blossoms
..... roo no ki 蝋の木(ろうのき)、山櫨(やまはぜ)、はじの木(はじのき)、はにし
Rhus succedanea
hoo no hana 朴の花 (ほおのはな)
厚朴の花(ほおのはな)、hoosange 朴散華(ほおさんげ)
magnolia hypoleuca
kiri no hana 桐の花 (きりのはな) paulownia blossoms
..... hanakiri 花桐(はなきり)
kunugi no hana 櫟の花 (くぬぎのはな)
..... tsurubami 橡(つるばみ)、いちい、団栗の木(どんぐりのき)
Quercus acutissima
kurumi no hana 胡桃の花 (くるみのはな) walnut tree blossoms
maronie no hana マロニエの花 (まろにえのはな)
Conker tree blossoms
Aesculus hippocastanum
mizuki no hana 水木の花 (みずきのはな) dogwood blossoms
Cornus controversa
. mukuge 木槿 Rose of Sharon.
. ooyama renge 大山蓮花 (おおやまれんげ)
..... 天女花(おおやまれんげ)、深山蓮花(みやまれんげ) .
Magnolia sieboldii
shuro no hana 棕櫚の花 (しゅろのはな) hemp palm blossoms
hana shuro 花棕櫚(はなしゅろ)、椶櫚の花(しゅろのはな)
. taisanboku no hana 泰山木の花 (たいさんぼくのはな)
evergreen magnolia blossoms .
..... 大山木の花(たいざんぼくのはな)、
Magnolia grandiflora
tochi no hana 栃の花 (とちのはな) horse chestnut blossom
..... 橡の花(とちのはな)
Aesculus hippocastanum
tsuruumemodoki no hana 蔓梅擬の花 (つるうめもどきのはな)
Celastrus orbiculatus
zumi no hana 桷の花 (ずみのはな) crabapple blossoms
..... konashi no hana 小梨の花(こなしのはな)
Malus sieboldii
kigo for mid-summer
ego no hana えごの花 (えごのはな) Ego blossoms
..... yamajisa no hana 山苣の花(やまぢさのはな)
Styrax japonica
ganbi no hana 雁皮の花 (がんぴのはな)
Diplomorpha sikokiana
gojuu no hana 呉茱萸の花 (ごしゅゆのはな)
Evodia rutaecarpa
kaname no hana 要の花 (かなめのはな)
..... kaname no ki 扇骨木(かなめのき)
..... kanamemochi 金目黐(かなめもち)
Choerospondias axillaris - チャンチンモドキ
matatabi no hana 木天蓼の花 (またたびのはな) silverwine blossoms
..... natsu ume 夏梅(なつうめ)"summer plum"
Fam. Actinidiaceae
mayumi no hana 檀の花 (まゆみのはな)
Euonymus sieboldianus
mochi no hana 黐の花 (もちのはな) ilex tree blossoms
mochi no hana 冬青の花(もちのはな)
bird-lime holly, Ilex integra
mokkoku no hana 木斛の花 (もっこくのはな)
Ternstroemia gymnanthera
nanten no hana 南天の花 (なんてんのはな)
..... 花南天(はななんてん)
Nandina domestica
nishikigi no hana 錦木の花 (にしきぎのはな)
Euonymus alatus
ouchi no hana 楝の花 (おうちのはな)
..... 樗の花(おうちのはな)、花樗(はなおうち)
..... sendan no hana 栴檀の花(せんだんのはな)
Melia azedarach.センダン
saikachi no hana 皂莢の花 (さいかちのはな)
Gleditsia japonica
sakaki no hana 榊の花 (さかきのはな) Sakaki blossoms
..... hana sakaki 花榊(はなさかき)
Cleyera ochnacea
shii no hana 椎の花 (しいのはな)
hana shii 花椎(はなしい)
Castanopsis cuspidata
teikakazura no hana 定家葛の花 (ていかかずらのはな)
Trachelospermum asiaticum (
urushi no hana 漆の花 (うるしのはな) laquer tree blossoms
..... hana urushi 花漆(はなうるし)
Rhus verniciflua Stokes
kigo for late summer
bodaiju no hana 31 菩提樹の花 (ぼだいじゅのはな) linden blossoms
..... bodai no hana 菩提の花(ぼだいのはな)
Tilia miqueliana
. bussooge 仏桑花 (ぶっそうげ) hibiscus, Rose of China .
nemu no hana 合歓の花 ( ねむのはな) silk tree blossoms
ねぶの花(ねぶのはな)、ねむり木(ねむりぎ)、 合昏(ごうこん)、絨花樹(じゅうかじゅ)、 花合歓(はなねむ)
Albizia julibrissin
shara no hana 沙羅の花 (しゃらのはな)
..... natsu tubaki no hana 夏椿の花(なつつばきのはな)summer camellia
himeshara ひめしゃら, sara no hana さらの花(さらのはな)
Shorea robusta サラソウジュ
sotetsu no hana 蘇鉄の花 (そてつのはな) cycad blossoms
..... goshamenbana ご赦免花(ごしゃめんばな)
Cycas revoluta
sabita no hana さびたの花 (さびたのはな)
?Deutzia crenata
..... nori utsugi no hana 糊うつぎの花(のりうつぎのはな)
Hydrangea paniculata
. yamabooshi no hana 山法師の花 (やまぼうしのはな) .
..... 山帽子(やまぼうし)、山桑(やまぐわ)
Cornus kousa Buerger. Tree of the Dogwood family.
Worldwide use
North America - Georgia
... most of them bloom in the spring here (Georgia, USA). Right now the magnolias are beautiful and some Roses of Sharon are starting to bloom.
all shades of green...
finding my direction
by the white blooms
- Shared by Tzetzka Ilieva -
- WKD facebook 2012 -
Things found on the way
Related words
***** . Trees in all seasons .
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