Gerbera (gaabera)
***** Location: Japan, UK
***** Season: All summer
***** Category: Plant
gaabera ガーベラ Gerbera
This flower represents endurance and patience.
Its name reminds of the Japanese word gaman がまん【我慢】, self-control, perserverance

Gerbera L. is a genus of ornamental plants from the sunflower family (Asteraceae). It was named in honour of the German naturalist Traugott Gerber, a friend of Carolus Linnaeus.
It has approximately 30 species in the wild, extending to South America, Africa and tropical Asia. The first scientific description of a Gerbera was made by J.D. Hooker in Curtis's Botanical Magazine in 1889 when he described Gerbera jamesonii, a South African species also known as Transvaal daisy or Barberton Daisy.
Gerbera is very popular and widely used as a decorative garden plant or as cut flowers. The
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Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. WKD : Musashino Plain 武蔵野 .
Musashino ni sumai-awasete aki no tsuki
on Musashino plain
all the homes are connected -
autumn moon
musashi no wa fuji to katsuo ni yo ga akenu
Musashi Plain--
Mount Fuji and bonito
on everyone's mind
A rapturous haiku that brings together three great things: Musashi Plain, Mount Fuji, and delicious fish. Shinji Ogawa explains that the phrase, yo ga akenu, which literally means "it has dawned," is a figurative expression for "the matter everybody is talking about" or "the matter the world is going around for." Shinji adds, "Bonitos swim, along the Black Current (or Japan Current), from the Philippine Sea to the northern sea around Hokkaido. They pass near Tokyo (Edo) in spring [old calendar = summer] on their way to the north. They return to pass Tokyo in the fall on their way back to the south."
In haiku, bonito is a summer season word.
Tr. David Lanoue
. Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶) .
. Fuchu Festival 府中祭 .
heavy downpour
a hover-fly goes deeper
into gerbera
Alan Summers, UK
1. Haiku Friends Vol. 3 Ed. Masaharu Hirata Osaka, Japan (2009)
2. (JULY) Haiku Calendar 2006
gerbera daisy
in the brides bouquet...
how long will the marriage last?
Pat Geyer
Joys of Japan, February 2012
Related words
kigo for mid-autumn

***** shion 紫苑 (しおん) Michaelmas daisy
oni no shikogusa しおに、鬼の醜草(おにのしこぐさ)
Aster tataricus
Its symbolic meaning is "love of change".
murasaki shion color 紫苑色 しおんいろ
color code #867ba9
Musashino no kaze no ikitsuku shion kana
the wind of
Musashino comes here
to this aster
kigo :
. Michaelmas
Feast of Michael and All Angels
kigo for early summer
himeshion, hime shion 姫女苑 (ひめじょおん)
fleabane - "princess Shion"
Erigeron annuus

The most widely used common name, fleabane, is shared with related plants in several other genera; another common name is summer starwort.
The common name is derived from the belief that the dried plants repelled fleas, whilst the name erigeron is derived from the Greek (eri = early; geron = old man), a reference to the appearance of the white hairs of the fruit soon after flowering.
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. PLANTS - - - the Complete SAIJIKI .
presenting itself
to Musashi Plain...
the pufferfish
musashi no e makari-idetaru fukuto kana
by Issa, 1811
A fish vendor has brought this ocean catch inland. Issa spells fugu ("tetrodon" or "pufferfish") using the Japanese character for awabi ("abalone").
Tr. David Lanoue
Matsuo Basho
Musashino no / tsuki no waka bae ya / Matsushima-dane
Musashino ya / issun hodo na / shika no koe
Musashino ya / sawaru mono naki / kimi ga kasa
Places visited by Basho
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