Valentine's Day - 2012
***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Spring, Dry Season in Tropics
***** Category: Observance
. WKD : Valentine's Day - Main Entry .

- Daruma Masamune - for Valentine's Day 達磨正宗
with shnaps-filled chocolates
Valentine's Day -
let's have a drink
before we start !
Valentine's Day -
I send you a sweet
Click to see it!
Sendai's first Valentine's Day
since disasters about more than just love
Chocolates with positive messages have emerged as big sellers in Sendai for the first Valentine's Day since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
At the Fujisaki department store downtown, chocolate gifts made with locally produced sake or honey and carrying messages of gratitude are gaining in popularity.
"It is probably because consumers want to support products using food from disaster-hit areas," said a member of the store's sales promotion team.

Fujisaki offers different kinds of chocolate-related items using ingredients from Miyagi Prefecture to support tsunami-hit areas.
One product is made with six different types of sake brewed in the prefecture, while coffee beans roasted in the city of Ishinomaki and covered with chocolate are another popular treat. Chocolates in the shape of a honeycomb and made with honey produced in Sendai are also selling well.
This is the first time such products have been sold for Valentine's Day, the store said.
As people grew to value "kizuna" — a Japanese word for "bond" — between family and friends after the disaster, the store prepared candy sets with a message saying "Thank you" in five different languages, including Japanese and English, so that people can express their gratitude.
In a similar spirit, the Mitsukoshi department store in Sendai is donating part of its proceeds from chocolate products to disaster areas. One bears the label "Charity Box" and sells for ¥2,400, of which ¥1,000 will be donated through the Japanese Red Cross Society.
Kiyomi Hishinuma, 42, who bought chocolate at the store for her husband, spoke of the spirit behind many gifts this Valentine's Day, 11 months after the disasters.
"The person I counted on the most when the quake hit was my husband," she said.
"I bought more expensive chocolate than usual to show him my gratitude."
source : Japan Times
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .

a whole WINDOWS
full of pink -
Valentine's Day

even the rain
shows shades of pink -
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day -
should I get off
the beaten track ?
Gabi Greve
“It took us a long time to realize
that a purpose of human life,
no matter who is controlling it,
is to love whoever is around to be loved.”
Kurt Vonnegut.

Heart-shaped “Ema” — wooden plaques upon which you write your wishes/prayers.
Here at Kasuga Taisha Shrine (Nara, 2008) the ema are almost exclusively for wishes of love, for the Special Someone, to find that Special Someone, and the like.
source : letsjapan.wordpress.com

Mikuji Jinja おみくじ神社 sweet mikuji chololates for Valentines
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Barentain Daruma バレンタイン だるま

source : yoshida-daruma.com

source : axcis nalf
The red Daruma sweets tast of milk,
the white one's of pickled plums (umeboshi).
Valentine 2012
Shared by friends on facebook
Joys of Japan, February 2012

Olga Hooper . Origa Kankodori Press
Valentine chocolates
I eat one
my wife rest of them
Hideo Suzuki
Valentine's Day--
a sparrow
is my sweetheart
Karma Tenzing Wangchuk

Yosano Akiko, Midaregami 乱れ髪 Tangled Hair
blue sky---
stores decorate
for St Valentine Day
Valentine Day---
I eat her
Fred Masarani
. . . . .
Valentine's Day--
suffering from
mid-life crisis
Manu Kant
valentine's day....
all geometrical figures
tend to be heart shaped
Kash Poet
a waterfall of hair
conceals a torrent
of kisses
Donall Dempsey
Sur mes lèvres
ce mot d’amour
qu’elle attend.
Patrick Fetu
a bunch of
blue irises on my pillow -
Valentine's Day
Angelika Kolompar
. . . . .
Valentine day
Venus with Jupiter
Valentine's Day -
in the flower market
red roses
Valentine's Day -
flavor of chocolate
for men
Gennady Nov
. . . . .
bright red hearts
bouquets of flowers ~
Galahad is dead
he gives her
leopard lingerie. . .
for himself
Elaine Andre
. . . . .
my funny valentine...
chocolate covered cherries
in a can
Jimmy ThePeach
my funny valentine .. in the WIKIPEDIA !

Gustav Klimt, the Kiss
Art gallery –
sweet memories
of Valentine’s day
Virginia PopescuJoys of Japan - Poetry
Valentine's Day
To Myself
Satdeep Gill
Valentine's Day
she tells him how much
he loves her

. Valentine 2012 in Kenya .
Valentine's Day --
who may be thinking of me
right now?
Isabelle Prondzynski
rush hour--
flower sold everywhere
in the street
Joseph Machariah
valentine's day--
a girl's red tongue licks
a red ice cream
Dennis Wright
presenting a flower-
he slips over a bucket
of water
Edith Omuhanza
- Valentine in Nairobi, Kenya 2012
a note from Patrick Wafula
Valentine's Day:
with a head cold my wife blows
a kiss and her nose!
Larry Bole

Valentine's Day Daruma,
courtesy of Doug Gatanis
Valentine morning -
a sweet Daruma
peeks on my screen
Related words
the sweet taste of haiku -
Valentine's Day over
. WKD : Valentine's Day - Main Entry .
***** . Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo .
1 comment:
One of my favorite holidays and kigo.
Thanks, Gabi
Karma Tenzing Wangchuk
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