Loach (dojoo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal / humanity
Loach, weather loach, weatherfish, Dojo loach
Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

The Dojo Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), is a freshwater fish in the loach family Cobitidae. They are native to Asia but are also popular as an aquarium fish. The alternate name weather loach is shared with several other Cobitinae, including the other members of the genus Misgurnus and the spotted weather loach (Cobitis taenia, commonly known as Spined Loach). This term comes from their ability to detect changes in barometric pressure and react with frantic swimming or standing on end. This is because before a storm the barometric pressure changes, and this is known to make these fish more active.
They can grow up to a 12 inches (30.5 cm) long.
The weather loach is a common food fish in East Asia, raised on a large scale in fish farming.
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kigo for all summer

shimadojoo 縞泥鰌 (しまどじょう) spined loach
spottd weather loach
Cobitis biwae
. Dojoo nabe 泥鰌鍋 (どじょうなべ) loach hodgepodge
..... どぜう鍋(どじょうなべ)
loach soup, dojoo jiru 泥鰌汁(どじょうじる)

A pot of loaches boiled in soy sauce with beaten egg and slivers of burdock and many chopped green onions. It is cooked and served in an earthware pot on a small hibachi grill.
To flavor, you can use shijimi red hot pepper or sansho Japanese mountain pepper.
A serving of MARU contais the whole fish, head to tail, and the bones.
A serving of SAKI contains the fish without bones and heads.
Yanagawa nabe 柳川鍋(やながわなべ)
loach hodgepodge "a la Yanagawa"
Similar to the Dojo nabe, but without burdock slices. The final touch is an egg poured over the finished dish, slightly scrambled. For color, some green mitsuba is added.
This dish is popular in the Asakusa region of Tokyo, it started in a restaurant called "Yanagawa".
. Loach soup from Kanagawa
kigo for all winter
. dojoo horu 泥鰌掘る (どじょうほる) digging for loach
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. ajime dojoo 味女泥鰌 (あじめどじょう)
loach caught with bamboo contraptions
in Maze village, Gifu 馬瀬村.
September 2011
Prime-minister Noda, likening himself to loach fish,
says charisma isn't everything
Japan’s next prime minister admits he is no Mr Charisma — Yoshihiko Noda likens himself to a marine bottom-feeder rather than a glittering goldfish. But that, he says, is his appeal.
. Japan - Political Situagion .
After the BIG earthquake of March 11, 2011.
quote from Japan Times

Loach comment boosts folk dance
MATSUE, Shimane Pref. —
New Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has given a boost to folk dancers and officials promoting the traditional "dojo sukui" (loach-scooping) comic dance in Yasugi, Shimane Prefecture, after recently comparing himself to the stream-dwelling fish.
The preservation group Yasugi-bushi Hozon Kai, set up in 1911, hopes to see a sharp rise in the dance's popularity, said fourth-generation grand master Oito Watanabe, 66.
On the centenary of its founding, the group, which has about 4,000 members in 68 branches from Shimane Prefecture in the west to the Kanto region, wants to build on Noda's remark at special events, including a commemorative performance later this month in Tokyo, Watanabe said.
Yasugi officials said they also hope to capitalize on the prime minister's comment through increased sales of cultured loach, for which the city is renowned, and greater patronage of the local theater dedicated to the dance.
Noda likened himself to the humble fish in a speech prior to Monday's Democratic Party of Japan leadership election, quoting an aphorism,
"A loach does not have to emulate a goldfish,"
by calligrapher and poet Mitsuo Aida (1924-1991).
source : japantimes.co.jp
dojoo sukui どじょうすくい catchng loach
どじょうすくい踊り dance
waga koto to dojoo no nigeshi nezeri kana
The parsley roots --
Where the loach swam away,
Thinking someone's after him.
. Naito Joso 内藤丈草 Naitoo Joosoo
(1662 - 1704)
The dojo loach is called Chinese weather loach, because it becomes active when the weather changes . . .
he digs and moves stones,
that loach in the pond...
removing winter mulch
Heike Gewi, Yemen
Related words
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Once upon a time
a man from Niigata went fishing and caught a 大泥鰌 huge Loach. He was a pious man and in his surprize soon built a grave (as was the custom then).
The same evening a beautiful lady (the loach) appeared and thanked him, because she could go straight to heaven after her death.
And the pious man lived on for a long long time after.

- #dojoloach #loach -
Legend from Kochi
長岡郡 Nagaoka district
Shibaten 芝天
If Shibaten comes for a bout of Sumo, he usually wins by throwing the human on the ground.
Sometimes humans try to impersonate Shibaten to enjoy some Sumo with others.
If people eat 鰌 Dojo loach alive, they will become able to see Shibaten.
鰌 - 8 legends to explore
Komagatachoo 駒形町 Komagata district
Taito ward, 台東区, Taitō, with two sub-districts 駒形一丁目 / 駒形二丁目. South of 浅草 Asakusa
- Komagata Dojo 駒形泥鰌 Hot Pot with Komagata Loach -
Komagata no doseo (dojoo) no kiri ni koojitoo
石原八束 Ishihara Yatsuka (1919 - 1998)
Legend from Setagaya
There was a well called 姥ヶ谷井戸 "well of the old hag".
Once a farmer used the water for his fields and caught a lot of loaches. But when he ate them, he turned all wild and furious.
Legend from Tokyo, Asakusa
. Yakubyogami 疫病神 / 厄病神 Deity of Diseases .
In the year 1848 in Autumn, a pandemic was in the city. An old woman from Asakusa was walking with a strange youg woman, who said she had not eaten for some days. The old woman cooked some soba そば buckwheat noodles for her. After the meal the young woman thanked her and said she was in reality ekijin 疫神 the Deity of Disease. She instructed the old woman that if she would feel ill, she should soon eat some dojoo どじょう loach to get better soon.
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