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October 2010
.................... List of Seasonal Words from Kenya and other tropical areas
In Kenya, we have the following
haiku seasons:
.. .. .. hot dry season
.. .. .. long rains
.. .. .. cool dry season
.. .. .. short rains
Some of the rainy season kigo appear twice in the course of the year.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.. .. .. .. .. Seasonal Items
hot and dry season (roughly November to March, with January being the hottest month)-- Buying textbooks -- Buying school uniforms -- Cassia blossom --
Caterpillar, Hairy Caterpillar-- Census --
Christmas worldwide--
Dust --
Exam resultsKCPE and KCSE Exam Registration and Results
Form One entrants and monolisation--
Frangipani, Plumeria --
Goat Meat, also Goats in general
ice cream
Jamhuri Day (12 December)
Maasai Cattle (Masai Cattle)--
Mabati shimmering roofs --
Maize, Green Maize (for corn/maize see below)
Mango (ripe fruit)--
New Year worldwide open shoes
Papyrus and other grasses couch grass, napier grass, African star grass
Paying school fees -- peaches, ripe peaches
Plums, ripe plums, plum fruit--
Start of new school year Kenya
... ... see also
Start of Schoolyear, worldwide -- sweating
Water shortage , drought
Weeds --
World AIDS Day:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
long rains (roughly March to May)--
Bombax blossom --
First rainfall, imminent rain -- bullfrogs
Frog (kawazu, kaeru) worldwide --
Easter -- flooding
-- flying termites
kumbi kumbi --
Grass, fresh grass, green grass, young grass --
Guava fruit --
Gumboots, gum boots-- heavy raindrops
Ibis (Hadada)--
Labour Day--
Long Rains Haiku by Bahati Club--
Long Rains --
Mabati roofs rusting and harvesting rainwater --
Mosquitoes in Kenya--
Mud (Swahili : matope) including: Brickmaking, Dry mud, Bukusu Initiation (Circumcision)
Mudslide, landslide --
Palm Sunday --
Pneumonia --
Power failure, blackout --
Puddle, puddles --
Rhinoceros beetle , a scarab beetle
Shoe wiper --
Stepping stones, step-stone bridge --
Umbrella :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
cool and dry season (roughly from June to September, with July being the coldest month)--
August moon --
Avocado pear (Kikuyu : Mûkorobîa)--
Beanie cap Kenya
Bukusu Initiation / Circumcision --
Cold Dew (kanro) worldwide--
Cold dry season, cool dry season Datura suaveolens, Moonflower, Angel's Trumpet, trumpet plant --
Day of the African Child (16 June) --
Dust --
Glove, gloves --
Frangipani, Plumeria -- freezing
Hawkers for warm things glove, hot coffee,
uji maize porridge, scarf, sweater ...
Irish potatoes (viazi) --
Jiko (brazier) --
July --
Maasai Cattle (Masai Cattle)--
Mabati roors collect dew -- Madaraka Day (1 June) --
Maize, Green Maize --
Martyrs’ Day Uganda
Nairobi Bomb Day (7 August)
Nairobi International Trade Fair (end of September)
-- no meetings (August)
Oranges (Swahili : Mchungwa) Referendum August 2010 --
Sunflower --
Sesbania Tree (Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.) --
Shivering, to shiver -- start of university year
Weeds :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
short rains (roughly October and November)--
Aramanthus, vegetable -- bullfrogs >
Frog (kawazu, kaeru) worldwide--
First rainfall, imminent rain --
Ocotber rain--
Flamboyant Tree (Swahili : Mjohoro)--
Flooding in 2006 -- flying termites
kumbi kumbi --
Graduation Ceremony in Kenya ... ... see also
Graduation (sotsugyoo) worldwide--
Gumboots, gum boots--
Jacaranda blossom -- heavy raindrops
-- Kenyatta Day
-- Messiah for the Hospice
Moi Day (10 October) renamed : Mashujaa Day since 2010
Mosquitoes in Kenya--
Mud (Swahili : matope)--
Mudslide, landslide --
Nairobi Marathon --
Power failure, blackout --
Puddle, puddles --
Shoe wiper --
School exams KCSE / KCPE ------
Short Rains and more kigo about this season--
Stepping stones, step-stone bridge --
Tipu tree (Tipuana tipu) --
Umbrella .. .. .. Glossary of Kenyan Terms and more Haiku Topics:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
............. Topics for which the season changes--
Diwali (Devali, Divali)--
Ramadan in Kenya --
Ramadan ends (Idd ul Fitr) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
............. Non-seasonal Topics Ageing ... Getting old in Kenya. Grandfather, Grandmother
Akala ... SandalsArusha Tanzania
. . .
Namanga-Arusha Highway RoadBanana Bat, bats . . . and the Mukuyu tree Beggar Bisquits and cookiesBoma HomesteadsBuibui, to cover the head and face of a Muslim woman face veil
Bukusu Culture, Babukusu PeopleCabbage Calabash, calabashes, gourd Camel, Dromedary, Kamel, Dromedar Casuarina Tree Chameleon Chokoraa, chokora - "street boy" or "parking boy" Crickets, cricket Demolitions in Patanisho, NairobiEucalyptus tree Fam. Myrtaceae
Fences and hedges Flame tree (Erythrina fam.) Flies, Fly, Housefly, Fruitfly Fountain (in a park) GitheriGrevillea tree Guitar Hell's Gate National Park HornbillIrio (mûkimû) Jeevanjee Gardens and Alibhai Mulla Jeevanjee
Jua kali artisans Kajiado wildernessKale, kales, a cabbage (sukumawiki) Kamba People A funeral in Ukambani
Kanga, kangas, wrapping cloth Kenya Railway Museum Kukai August 2010
Kenyatta National Hospital,Nairobi Khamsin wind Egypt, North Africa
Kibera SlumsKitale Town in Western Kenya Longido HillsMagadi, Lake Magadi in the Rift Valley Maize (Swahili : Mahindi, American : Corn, South African : Mealies)
Masai, Maasai, Massai ... indigenous African ethnic group of semi-nomadic people located in Kenya
Mandazi, a kind of doughnutsMarabou Stork, Leptoptilos crumeniferus Marikiti Farmers' Market Nairobi
Matatu minibus Mkokoteni - hand cart, pushcart pl. mikokoteni
Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro Mourning Mzungu ... person of European descentNairobi City Haile Selassie Avenue, Soweto Market, Wakulima Market, Thika road, Tom Mboya street, Marikiti market
Ngaramtoni at the flank of Mount Meru
Newspaper vendor, newspaper boy Night life Njiiru Plains Passion fruit, Passiflora edulis Pawpaw tree(Asimina) paw paw, paw-paw, papaw
Peace (Swahili : Amani) Pelican Pig, pigs Pineapple, Ananas comosusPokot people West Pokot and Baringo Districts of Kenya
Pomelo (Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis) Chinese grapefruit
Posho mill, poshomill -- to grind wheat, maize and other grains
Rift Valley Royal Palm Tree Roystonea regia
Scorpion Sisal (Agave sisalana) Slasher to cut grass Sorghum (mtama) and milled porridge (uji) Sowbug, a brown snail Sufuria .. cooking pot or saucepanTea (Swahili : chai)Tilapia fishToilet, outhouse Tomato, tomatoes Ugali and Uji, maize porridge Umbrella tree / Acacia tortilis Warthog Weaver birds (Ploceidae family) Webuye Town Wildebeest
migrationWimbi, bulo ... Millet Wood, firewood :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
...................................... Other Tropical KigoWKD: Trinidad and Tobago Saijiki xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.. .. .. .. .. National Holidays in Kenya
l Jan --
New Year's Day -- International New Year's Day Holiday
> --
WKD ... : New Year (shin-nen)Varies --
Good Friday -- Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
> --
WKD ... : EasterVaries --
Easter Monday -- Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ
> --
WKD ... : Easter1 May --
Labour Day -- International Day of the Worker
> --
see also : Labour Day, USA. . . . .
Mashujaa Day10 Oct -- Moi Day -- Established on the 10th day of the 10th month 10 years after the inauguration of President Daniel arap Moi as the second President of Kenya.
October 2010:
The new constitution scrapped Moi Day and replaced Kenyatta day with Hero's (Mashujaa) Day in efforts to celebrate the men and women who fought for Kenya's freedom .
20 Oct -- Kenyatta Day -- This is to commemorate the arrest of Jomo Kenyatta and the declaration of the State of Emergency on 20 October 1952.
October 2010:
The new constitution scrapped Moi Day and replaced Kenyatta day with
Hero's (Mashujaa) Day in efforts to celebrate the men and women who fought for Kenya's freedom .
. . . . .
12 Dec -- Uhuru or Jamhuri Day -- This is to commemorate the day on which Kenya achieved its Independence, on 12 December 1963.
> --
Jamhuri Day25 Dec -- Christmas Day -- Christian holiday celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ.
> --
Bahati Haiku Club : Christmas> --
WKD ... : Christmas26 Dec -- Boxing Day -- celebrating St Stephen's Day and the second
day of the Christmas season.
> --
WKD ... St Stephen's Day Varies -- Idd ul Fitr The Muslim festival of Idd-ul-Fitr is also a public holiday and takes place on the sighting of the new moon at the
end of Ramadhan. The exact date varies according to the position of the New Moon.
------------------------------------------------ .. .. .. .. .. .. Annual events in KenyaApart from big celebrations that are held on Madaraka, Kenyatta and Independence Days, Nairobi is also the venue for a number of large international and national sports matches. Nairobi further enhances its cosmopolitan image by hosting a number of annual shows and
The Kenya Schools Music Festival is held in Nairobi in May/June and
The Agricultural Society of Kenya (A.S.K.) Show takes place at Jamhuri Park at the end of September or beginning of October. See
Nairobi International Trade Fair The long established and international
Safari Rally begins and ends in Nairobi - drawing ever larger crowds.
http://www.kenyaweb.com/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Introduction to theHaiku Clubs of Nairobi :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::More LINKs in the Kenya Saijiki
Getting to Know KenyaPoetry and Literature of KenyaMusic of Kenya, by Douglas PatersonMissionaries in KenyaWildlife in KenyaPlants and Animals of Kenya, LIST by Allen & Nancy ChartierKakamega Forest BirdsNature Kenya Organization*****************************Editor: Isabelle Prondzynski :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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