Hot Whiskey (Whisky)
***** Location: Ireland, Scotland
***** Season: All Winter
***** Category: Humanity
Please note the spelling -- Irish Whiskey has an "e" where Scotch Whisky does not have one.
In Ireland, it is said to keep colds away...
Isabelle Prondzynski
Recipe for one Drink of Irish Hot Whiskey
1 measure of Irish Whiskey
2 teaspoons of white or brown sugar
2 slices of freshly cut lemon
6 cloves
8 ounces (or less) of boiling water
Pour whiskey and sugar into a strong heatproof glass. Embed 3 cloves into each lemon slice and place in glass.Add the boiling water and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
Serve immediately.
Recipe for Scottish Hot Whisky
50 ml (2 floz) Scotch Whisky
Hot Water
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
3-4 Sugar Cubes
Half fill a tumbler with hot (not boiling) water. Allow the glass to warm before emptying it. Place sugar cubes in the tumbler, add a small wine glass of hot water
and dissolve the sugar. Add a small wine glass of whisky and the lemon juice, stir.
Note: This is really good for colds and flu, it might not be a cure, but it certainly helps. And if the first one doesn't the next one might.
** ** **
Scottish Hot Whisky Punch
1 Bottle Whisky
450g (1lb) Sugar Cubes
1.1lt (2 pints) Tea
1 Lemon
Slice the lemon thinly. Make the tea, but do not add and milk. Pour the hot tea over the sugar and lemon and stir. Gently heat the whisky, do NOT allow to boil.
Add the warmed whisky. Flame and serve.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
hot whiskey
too cold and too ill
to write haiku
creamy kiss
a wild rover no more
irish coffee
Isabelle 2004.
oaky notes
the taste of her kisses
flavour of whisky
Read more of this sequence of 'BALVENIE' haiku (senryu)
he shovels snow
in his tappit-hen
a hot whisky
by her pretty legs
and a hot whisky
Read more of Geert's Haiku here
enjoying hot whiskey -
the old fisherman's fingers
hot whiskey -
thick smoke floates
through the pub
a broken vase
with dry flowers -
smell of hot whiskey
Gabi Greve
calming the waters
on Irish coffee
- Shared by John Byrne -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
Reference : flyingboatmuseum.com/irishcoffee.html
Related words
***** Irish Coffee : winter and St. Patrick's Day (March 17)
Irish Coffee is a winter kigo, and also definitely a kigo for St Patrick's Day (17 March), when Irish and would-be Irish all over the world celebrate together. One of the favourite drinks for such occasions is Irish Coffee, and one of the favourite songs is about The Wild Rover (a song which itself has whiskey as one of its main subjects!
I've been a wild rover for many's the year
I've spent all me money on whiskey and beer
But now I'm returning with gold in great store
And I never will play the wild rover no more
Isabelle Prondzynski

The Irish Pubs in San Francisco have claimed that it was they that invented Irish Coffee. After much research their claim has been refuted. Verification of the facts was contributed by none other than Michael Collins, the 28 year veteran bar tender at Shannon Airport.
From 1939 to 1945 air travel from America was by flying boats that landed at Foynes, Co. Limerick after a long 18 hour flight. The passengers, chilled by the boat trip from the seaplane to the terminal, sometimes in cold, damp weather conditions, appreciated a hot cup of coffee or tea on arrival at the terminal. Brendan O'Regan,
then the youthful manager of the Foynes catering service believed that passengers would welcome something stronger. Mr. Joseph Sheridan, the head Chef at Foynes, rose to the occasion, developing after some research what is now known as Irish Coffee.
A plaque marking the achievement has been erected at Shannon Airport and Irish Coffee is increasingly enjoyed throughout the world.
Original Shannon Recipe
Heat a stemmed whiskey goblet.
Pour in one shot of Irish whiskey.
Add three sugar cubes.
Fill with strong black coffee to within one inch of top. Stir gently.
Top off to the brim with heavy cream slightly aerated.
Important: Do not stir after adding cream, as the true flavor is obtained by drinking the coffee and whiskey through the cream.
.. .. .. .. .. .. Slainte !!!
Rita Taketsuru and Whisky in Hokkaido
25-year-old Masataka Taketsuru.
The Hiroshima native had recently been sent to Scotland by the managers of the drinks company for which he worked. Many decades earlier, Japanese manufacturers had cracked the secrets of European beer and brandy, but one skill still eluded them — the art of making whisky. They'd tried to emulate its taste with spices, herbs and honey, but all to no avail.
Masataka's company, Dai Nihon Kaju (later shortened to "Nikka").

source : Japan Times, November 2010
- - - - - November 2013
Foreigner to be NHK morning drama series heroine
NHK will for the first time feature a non-Japanese heroine in its popular morning serial dramas.
The TV dramas are a national institution. Each series usually contains 150 episodes, with one 15-minute episode being broadcast every morning for 6 days a week over a 6-month period.
NHK announced on Monday that its 91st drama series, to be aired from late September next year, will be based on the true story of a Scottish woman named Rita and her Japanese husband, Masataka Taketsuru.
Taketsuru dedicated his life to the production of whisky, setting up his own distilling company in the northern prefecture of Hokkaido in the 1930s.
source : NHK world news
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