Fan (oogi 扇 - uchiwa 団扇)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer and others, see below
***** Category: Humanity
hand fan, folding fan, oogi 扇
folding fan, sensu 扇子
white fan, hakusen 白扇
fan with a picture, e-oogi 絵扇
kinu oogi 絹扇(きぬおうぎ)hand fan from silk
kooogi, ko-oogi 小扇(こおうぎ)small folding fan
furuoogi, furu-oogi 古扇(ふるおうぎ)old folding fan
oogitsukai 扇使い(おうぎつかい)user of a folding fan
oogiuri, oori-uri 扇売(おうぎうり)vendor of folding fans
oogiten 扇店(おうぎてん) shop selling folding fans
suehiro 末広(すえひろ)"to fold out", an opened folding fan
auspicious play of words with something lasting for a long time
oogi no kaname 扇の要(おうぎのかなめ) rivet of a fan

The hand fan, folding fan is often used as a prop in Japanese traditional dance, kabuki and no performances and comes in many forms and varieties. Since its original purpose is to bring some cool air to the person, it is used as a kigo for summer.
The sight of a mother fanning her baby with a round fan (uchiwa) is still a very sweet memory of the good old times.
The impregnated fan was impregnated with the juice of the persimmon (shibugaki). Nowadays they are coated with plastic and used as commercials at summer festivals.
A white fan could later be painted by a friend or famous person. To get such a present is quite an honour and you can display such a fan with a special stand in your home.
The culture of using fans is quite old, since the Japanese summer can be quite hot and humid and even a little breeze could be a refreshment.
uchiwa, see below
Gabi Greve
observance kigo for early summer
mooka no jun 孟夏の旬 (もうかのじゅん)
"ritual of the first summer"
..... oogi o tamau 初夏 扇を賜う(おうぎをたまう) giving away fans
..... oogi no hai 扇の拝(おうぎのはい) "audience with fans"
Court ceremony on the first day of the fourth month (of the lunar calendar), dating back to the Heian period.
After the banquet, the emperor gives away hand fans to the participants.
During the coming hot summer months, ogi were put into a box (yanai bako やないばこ【柳筥】) made of willow tree wood, so the fans could be freely used.
moo 孟 siginifies the beginning of a season.

Aoki Getto 青木月斗
. . . . .
. ooginagashi 扇流し(おうぎながし)floating handfans
Ogi nagashi during the Mifune Festival in Kyoto
Mifune matsuri 三船祭
Kigo for Summer
The following copy from a store in Kyoto selling fans will give you an impression of the long and detailed cultural value of a simple thing like a hand fan.
In addition to fans for cooling yourself in the hot weather, there is a great variety of traditional Japanese folding fans which are used for ceremonial occasions, traditional drama and dance performances, and also used decoratively.

There are five different styles and schools (called Nougaku-goryu) in Noh performance, the oldest Japanese form of drama, and each school uses its own distinct type of fans, which differ in framework shape and engravings. The paintings on fans also vary according to the Noh school: Kanzemizu (flowing water) is for the Kanze school, Mitsugumo (three clouds) for the Kita school, Itsutsugumo (five clouds) for the Houshou school, Gosei (five stars) for the Konparu school, and Kuyousei (nine stars) for the Kongou school.
*Mai-sen (See the link quoted below to look at the sample)
Used in Japanese traditional dance performances. Mai-sen take several different forms:Ryugi-mono (Featuring the symbol of each dance school).Muryu (No symbol printed, so usable by all schools.)Butai-mono (Used in stage performances, with the design depending on the program of dance and music to be performed.)
This kind of fan is generally about 23 cm in size for the men's version, with a smaller type for women, usually about 20 cm across. A great variety of Natsu-sen have developed over the years: some have curved main frameworks to go well with kimono, or are made by pasting silk on a framework instead of paper, or by pasting washi (Japanese traditional paper) and silk together on the framework.
These fans are made of sandalwood, and keep their unique fragrance of sandalwood for a long time. This fan is usually made by binding thin plates of sandalwood with strings in the same way as the hi-ougi (described below), or by pasting washi on a sandalwood framework.
A fan for taking to the tea ceremony. The size is generally about 15 cm for women and about 18 cm across for men. Decorated with a variety of designs, including passages quoted from the 100 poems about the rules of preparing and serving tea by Rikyu, the founder of the Japanese tea ceremony; emblems of the Sen-ke school, founded by Rikyu, or symbols of flowers and sweets suitable for the tea ceremony.
*Shikifuku-sen (for formal ceremonies)
Shu-u-gi-sen fans are formally exchanged between a man and woman at meetings with a view to marriage, or used in wedding ceremonies. There are two types of Shu-u-gi-sen for men: a traditional hoso-hone Haku-sen type (thin-framework white fan), and a type for use with Western dress suits. Mourning fans are dark gray with a black-colored framework and are used only at funerals.
*Kazari-sen (Decorative fans)
Decorating your alcove or wall with this type of fan creates a distinctly Japanese mood. Fans with India-ink paintings or drawings make very good gifts.
*Hi-ougi (traditional ceremony fans)

Made by binding thin strips of Japanese cypress with silk strings. A very classical Japanese fan, now mainly used in Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, or in traditional ceremonies at the Imperial Court. The hi-ougi for Buddhist or Shinto priests is not decorated with paintings and has no accessories, but those for court ladies or used in the Urayashi-mai (Japanese traditional court dances) are very richly colorful and have accessories, such as decorative flowers and five-color fringes.
*Chu-u-kei, Bonbori and Onatsu-sen
Ceremonial fans for monks. The chu-u-kei is a fan whose head part is wider than its grip part when folded. A bonbori is a simplified form of chu-u-kei and is mainly used by Buddhist missionaries. The onatsu-sen was designed as a daily-use fan and its head part is unfolded to only about half the size of a chu-u-kei.
*Mame-sen, small fans for dolls
Fans for dolls. The size is between about 3 - 9 cm. Selectable according to the type of doll.

Picture of a round fan, Uchiwa
A whole page with samples of round fans.
For Children
kigo for early summer
uchiwa maki 団扇撒 (うちわまき) "scattering fans"
..... bonmoo-e 梵網会(ぼんもうえ)
At Temple Toshodai-Ji 唐招提寺 on the 19th of may, the death anniversary of the temple founder Ganjin 鑑真和尚.
Small insects are driven out from under mosquito nets and out of the temple, to show mercy for them and not kill them.
. tama oogi 宝扇 treasure-fan .
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kigo for all summer
uchiwa 団扇 (うちわ) round hand fan
..... 団(うちわ)
shirouchiwa, shiro uchiwa 白団扇(しろうちわ)white hand fan
euchiwa, e-uchiwa 絵団扇(えうちわ) round fan with a picture
kinu uchiwa 絹団扇(きぬうちわ)round fan made from silk
shibu uchiwa 渋団扇(しぶうちわ)round impregnated fan
mizu uchiwa 水団扇 / 水うちわ(みずうちわ)"water fan"
made from impregnated washi paper
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Nara uchiwa 奈良団扇(ならうちわ)round fan from Nara
Kasuga uchiwa 春日団扇 from 春日神社 Kasuga Shrine
They were first made by the Kasuga Shrine for its festival, and soon became a trade-mark item for Shrine festivals all over Japan.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Kyoo uchiwa, kyoouchiwa 京団扇(きょううちわ)round fan from Kyoto
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Gifu uchiwa 岐阜団扇(ぎふうちわ)round fan from Gifu
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Fukakusa uchiwa 深草団扇(ふかくさうちわ)
with patterns of grasses, made in Kyoto
furuuchiwa, furu uchiwa 古団扇(ふるうちわ)old round fan
uchiwakake 団扇掛(うちわかけ)stand for many fans
often in restaurants

uchiwa uri 団扇売(うちわうり)vendor of round fans
uchiwauri, uchiwa-uri 団扇売り

A Fan Peddler Showing his Wares to a Young Woman
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木 春信 (1725-1770)

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source : edokurashi.hatenablog.com/entry - 渡辺京二
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .
Worldwide use
Fächer; Faltfächer
uchiwa : blattförmiger Fächer
Things found on the way
A True Story from China
Travelling by Air in China to the desert oasis of Dun Huang, each passenger got a small folding fan made from sandalwood, with a lovely smell, upon entering the aircraft. "What a nice present" I thought and packed it in my bag. I should have known better after traveling extensively in Asia ...
Soon after takeoff it became quite hot inside the aircraft, after all the Gobi Desert was below our eyes, a breathtaking sight, but that is a different story.
The stewardess anounced: "Our airconditioning is out of order, so please use the hand fan we provided for you to keep comfortable."
I still keep this little one (or rather two, my husband got one of course) to tell the story of non-electric happiness. And it did not loose its nice smell even after more than 20 years.
Gabi Greve , 2004


source : poco-toma
Self-made uchiwa from strong washi paper and handpainted
Hand Fan (uchiwa) with Daruma san.

There are more to be seen in my Photo Album
PHOTOS gabigreve

oogi uri, oogi-uri 扇売り vendor of fans
In the town of Edo he walked around before the New Year and sold cheap fans with auspicious symbols for the New Year (mount Fuji, a hawk, eggplants or the 7 Gods of good luck) in small wooden boxes. They were used as "obligatory presents" to teachers, doctors and other important people (it is said to be the fore-runner of the famous "o-toshidama" money presents of our day).
The recipient of these boxes would pile them up at the gate to his home to show how much he was honored. (Some say they even bought them for themselves to show off.)
Anyway, after the New Year there was no more use for these boxes, so the vendors came back and called for collecting them
o-harai oogibako お払い扇箱 "Buying back fan boxes"
and payed a small sum. They kept the boxes till next year to start another round of business.
A senryu from Edo
uru uchi ni moo kai ni kuru oogibako
while selling them
they already buy them back -
the fan boxes
o haraibako ni suru お払い箱にする - dismiss, fire, sack
o haraibako ni sareta お払い箱にされた -
be get fired, to be dismissed, be sacked
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .
- - - Not to mix with
. O-haraibako 御祓箱 box to transport talismans .

CLICK for enlargement !
The Fan Shop Mieidô 「美影堂」
「すゑひろ」 扇屋美影堂店先
by Utagawa Toyokuni I
The real name of the fan shop, 美影堂 Mieidô, is partly visible on the signboard in the shape of a giant fan overhead. As a joke, the name and trademark of the publisher, Eijudô, are substituted for the shop name elsewhere in the picture.
- source :mfa.org/collections - boston -
. Edo shokunin 江戸職人 craftsmen of Edo .
uchiwashi, uchiwa shi 団扇師 making handfans
Handfans were used all year to start and keep the kitchen fire in Edo. These fans were especially strong and the paper was coated with kakishibu 柿渋 persimmon extract to make them some kind of water-proof.
They were also useful to hit flies and mosquitos.
Since the late Edo period women used to carry a handfan all the time, especially as a fashion item when going out.
Edo-mae no kaze wa uchiwa de oidasare
wind from the Edo Bay
is driven away
by all the hand fans
- Senryu of Edo -
sensu shokunin 扇子職人 craftsman making folding fans

source : edoichiba.jp..sensu..
uchiwa shokunin 団扇職人 craftsman making hand fans

source : edoichiba.jp..sensu..
azuma uchiwa 東団扇 made in Tokyo
made with bamboo from Chiba
Edo uchiwa 江戸団扇
- quote
Edo Uchiwa is a type of uchiwa, a traditional Japanese fan.
Uchiwa is often used by a person to create a breeze to keep cool in hot weather. They are part of Japanese seasonal traditions and are often given as gifts at these times. Originally, a big leaf and an animal hair were used as an uchiwa, to purify and pray. Over time they have changed, and are now made from one piece of bamboo and paper.

It is said that uchiawa originally came from China. During the Edo period in Japan, there were uchiwa's that was called Edo Uchiwa which used the Ukiyo-e technique with printing such as kabuki actors, landscapes, and portrait of beautiful women. Nowadays, in summer, you will see uchiwa everywhere in the street, which have not a printing of Ukiyo-e, but an advertisement of companies or products.
- source : tokyopic.com/image

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There are many Uchiwa with illustrations of 浮世絵 ukiyo-e
and also Ukiyo-e with people using an Uchiwa in the Edo period. They show many aspects of the daily life in Edo and will be a source of further study.
. Join the Edo friends on facebook ! .
. 与謝蕪村 Yosa Buson in Edo ! .
褌に 団扇さしたる 亭主かな
fundoshi ni uchiwa sashitaru teishu kana
In his loincloth
Bearing a round fan,
Household head
Tr. Shoji Kumano
fundoshi senu shiri fukareyuku haru no kaze
There's no loincloth
on that butt blown in view--
in the spring breeze.
Tr. Steven D. Carter
Boshu uchiwa 房州団扇 / 房州うちわ Handfans from Boshu

- quote -
With the high temperatures and similarly high humidity of Japanese summers, the uchiwa, or Japanese fan, has long been a vital summertime accessory. Uchiwa are even distributed on the streets as advertising tools when the temperature rises. As a common item in daily life, Chiba Prefecture’s one and only government-designated traditional craft, the Boshu uchiwa, is widely known across the nation.
The history of Boshu uchiwa can be traced back to the Edo Period (1603-1868). Back then, Boshu – now the southern region of Chiba Prefecture – was a producer of medake, a thin and supple form of bamboo that’s used as the main constituent of uchiwa. According to a document compiled in Chiba Prefecture in 1911, uchiwa production in the Boshu region started in the southern town of 那古町 Nagomachi in 1877. In a document published in 1918, it’s mentioned that in 1884 a man called 岩城惣五郎 Iwaki Sogoro of Nagomachi invited craftsmen from Tokyo to come develop uchiwa production as the major industry of Chiba Prefecture’s southern region. Boshu uchiwa output reached its heyday around 1935, with annual production reaching roughly 8 million units. Today, it is crowned as one of the three major uchiwa brands of Japan, and is considered a representative brand of Japan on the whole
Boshu uchiwa take various forms: the standard round-shaped type; the “egg type,” which features a unique, smooth curve; and a long-shafted type, which allows the wielder to see the design move when it’s spun with the palms of the hands. Boshu’s status as a bamboo production district allows the use of high quality bamboo to achieve these various shapes, conjoined with unique shafts that make the most of bamboo’s natural roundness.
Boshu uchiwa are hand-manufactured in a 21-step process that starts from the peeling of the bamboo. The handle is light and durable, and has a bone structure made by dividing one end of the shaft into 48 to 64 equal parts, woven together by yarn. Combined with a beautiful semicircle lattice design known as a mado, or window, this is an uchiwa that highlights the refined skill of the craftsperson. Visitors to the area should enjoy cooling down in the summer with a storied Boshu uchiwa.
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -
. Chiba Folk Art - 千葉県 .
Booshuu 房州 Boshu Southern part of Chiba
Kyoo uchiwa 京団扇
Kyo Uchiwa, round fan from Kyoto

- quote
Kyo uchiwa fans are believed to have developed after Korean fans brought to Japan by pirates between 1336 and 1392 influenced the designs of the fans used by the Japanese imperial household. These were then brought from Kyshuu to Yamato Province, and from there to the Fukakusa area of Kyoto. It is here that Kyo uchiwa fans became established.
As the generations passed, these fans became more and more a ubiquitous element of Kyoto life. Today, new ideas and creative variations continue to be incorporated, producing new items of elegance and beauty that cannot be seen elsewhere in Japan.
The primary point that sets Kyo uchiwa fans apart from others are their embellishments and rich, beautiful designs. However, a more concrete difference is that Kyo fans feature a body inserted into an independently made handle.
The number of spokes varies from 50 to 100, with more spokes indicating a higher class of fan. Those with 100 spokes are considered decorative fans. Bamboo handles are common, but cedar is also employed. The handles of some fans are given a lacquer finish.
- source : www.jcrafts.com/eg/shop
singing a song
and slapping his butt...
with a fan
Edo no mizu nomu tote hidari uchiwa kana
living in comfort in Edo
his left hand
Or: "her left hand fanning."
Edo is present-day Tokyo. Shinji Ogawa explains that the phrase, edo no mizu nomu ("to drink Edo's water"), is equivalent to "being in Edo" or "living in Edo."
The phrase, "left hand fanning" (hidari uchiwa) is an idiom in Japanese for "living comfortably." Shinji believes that "this haiku is Issa's cynical remark about his contemporary haiku-poets living in Edo."
Kobayashi Issa
and another way to use the oogi as a light shade
umi no tsuki oogi kabutte netari keri
moon on the sea--
he's under his fan
There are 37 haiku about the fan by Issa.
matsu ni koshi kakete domin mo oogi kana
on the pine
sits also a farmer
with a folding fan
Considering the use of MO, this might refere to the famous pine where Minamoto no Yoshitsune rested. There are some places in Japan that claim this pine.
The Pine Tree Where Yoshitsune Rested
Near Yashima Station there is a small area with a pine tree beside a small shrine. The pine tree is famous, because it is believed to be the spot where Yoshitsune, the leader of the Minamoto clan during the Genpei War, rested prior to the Battle at Yashima. It is said that he rested at this location and placed his saddle on the pine tree.
It is a historical site that a traveller who is interested in the history of the Genpei Wars (or the famous Tales of Heike, which was written about this war) should visit. Because it is near the station, visiting the famous pine tree is also a nice way to pass the time while waiting for the bus that takes you up to Yashima Island and Yashima Shrine.
source : www.virtualtourist.com

kurakake matsu 経鞍掛松
Related words
***** electric fan, ceiling fan,
ventilator (senpuuki 扇風機)
kigo for all summer
An electric appliance used in many homes now. In the hotter areas of Japan and the USA, it might be used the whole year round, but as a kigo, it refers to summer non the less. Its effect, the cooling of rooms, evokes the heat of summer days.
diner night --
the ceiling fan twirling
in our teaspoons
Barry George Philadelphia, PA, USA
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siesta time -
the gentle humming
of my fan
Gabi Greve
Summer 2010
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Лепеза, вентилатор / lepeza, ventilator (Fan, Ventilator)
. WKD : Serbia Saijiki .
Kigo for other seasons
***** Folding fan and handfan in autumn

fuyu oogi 冬扇 (ふゆおうぎ) "handfan in winter"
kigo for all winter
This refers to a saying about "useless things" from Matsuo Basho:
a brazier / fireplace in summer and a fan in winter
karo toosen かろとうせん【夏炉冬扇】
toosen karo とうせんかろ【冬扇夏炉】
He was referring to himself, his poetical activities were useless compared with the wishes of other people.
yo ga fuuga wa karo toosen no gotoshi
my elegance
is like a fireplace in summer
like a fan in winter
There was a kind of oogi made from thin pieces of pine wood.

Haiku is a useless thing, a haiku poet is a useless person.
Karo-tosen is an old Chinese saying which has been adopted in Japan, though seldom, if ever, used nowadays. Karo means a fireplace in summer and tosen means a fan in winter. What is the use of a fireplace in hot summer? What is the use of a fan in bitter winter? The saying should now be self-explanatory. Yes, it is to describe something useless or uselessness of things. And we haiku poets had better be, and are, karo-tosen.
Towards the end of April (lunar calendar) of the year 6 Genroku (1693), one of Basho’s disciple, Morikawa Kyoriku (1656-1715), was preparing for his return journey to Hikone Domain (in today’s Shiga Prefecture) where he served as a high-ranking retinue. Kyoriku had been staying in Edo since August of the previous year. He was in company with his Lord, who was serving sankin-kotai obligations in the seat of the Tokugawa government. Sankin-kotai was a duty imposed on feudal lords requiring them to live part-time in Edo and part-time back in their provincial domains, while their wives and children were required to permanently live in Edo. This arrangement was a key policy of Tokugawa to keep his retinues under tight control.
In the early August of 1692, Kyoriku met Basho for the first time, formally becoming his disciple. For the following nine months, the two kept in close contact, becoming important for each other, not least because Kyoriku taught Basho art. So close they were that Basho took the trouble of writing a long farewell letter to him on his departure from Edo, which happens to have become one of the most important documents to study Basho’s thoughts. Called Kyoriku Ribetsu no Kotoba, the letter provides us with an insight into the deepest feelings of Basho. One key sentence goes: yo ga fuga wa karo tosen no gotoshi, or
‘My haikai is like karo tosen’, namely ‘useless’.
What are we to do if Basho says that his poetry is useless? His was not an idle remark of self-mockery or of amusing Kyoriku in a light-hearted way. It was mentioned after a long and hard navel-gazing reflection on his life. There have been numerous academic studies on this point. Quite apart from them, it certainly provides us with enormous food for thought. Let us look at some of its ramifications.
source : Susumu Takiguchi, 2005
MORE oogi ōgi hokku by Matsuo Basho
. Fuji no kaze ya oogi ni nosete Edo miyage .
a gift from Edo
hira hira to / aguru ōgi ya / kumo no mine

oogi nite sake kumu kage ya chiru sakura
With my fan
I mime sipping sake – shaded by
falling cherry blossom.
Tr. McAuley
In the shadow of a tree
scooping sake with a fan –
scattering cherry blossoms
Tr. Shirane
Pretending to drink
sake from my fan,
sprinkled with cherry petals.
Tr. Stryk
quote Bill Higginson
Different seasons, one dominates:
When season words relate to topics in different seasons, usually one or the other obviously governs, and the poem will be placed under that topic in its season. Sample:
oogi nite sake kumu kage ya chiru sakura
with a fan
I drink sake in the shade . . .
falling cherry blossoms
Here Basho mimics a noh actor; when the play calls for drinking sake (rice wine), the actor mimes the motions using a closed folding fan as a prop.
Since FALLING CHERRY BLOSSOMS (chiru sakura) is not only a topic appropriate to spring but actually happens in spring, the poem is definitely placed in spring. A FAN (ogi), normally a summer seasonal topic, can easily be present at other seasons
Written in 1688, Oi no Kobumi
uchiwa mote / aogan hito no / ushiro muki
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
kigo for the New Year
. oogi nage 扇投(おうぎなげ)
Fan-throwing competition
. hatsu oogi 初扇 (はつおうぎ) first use of the folding fan .
during a Noh performance
kigo for all spring
uchiwa tsukuru 団扇作る (うちわつくる)
making uchiwa
..... uchiwa haru 団扇張る(うちわはる)papering uchiwa
..... oogi haru 扇張る(おうぎはる)
oogi hosu 扇干す(おうぎほす)drying oogi fans
after they are papered
for all seasons
observance kigo for late summer
. oogi matsuri 扇祭(おうぎまつり) hand fan festival .
Nachi no himatsuri 那智の火祭り Fire Festival at Nachi
main festival at shrine Nachi Taisha, July 14.
. karasu uchiwa 烏団扇(からすうちわ)"craw fan".
sumomo matsuri すもも祭 Sumomo plum festival
July 20 at the shrine Ookunitama 大国魂神社 Okunitama Jinja
. Tengu no ha-uchiwa 天狗の羽団扇
"feather fan of a Tengu" .
. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .
Added with the wish for "suehiro" 末広(すえひろ)"to fold out", an auspicious play of words with something good lasting for a long time. May the girl lead a plentiful life.
. SAIJIKI ... HUMANITY - - - Kigo for Summer
yakuyoke uchiwa 厄除けうちわ handfan to ward off evil influence

at the summer festival for the god of
Tooka Daimyoojin 稲荷大明神 Toka Daimyojin
at Enryuji Temple, Mikawa-cho, Hiroshima City.
- quote
Tookasan Yukata Festival
Toukasan [とうかさん], the most festive of Hiroshima’s downtown festivals, dates back around 400 years. It signals the start of summer and locals mark the occasion by giving traditional lightweight summer kimono, called yukata, their first outing of the year. Everyone from young punks to pensioners loves toukasan and the streets are packed and ablaze with color.
Most will line up at Enryu-ji Temple at the end of Chuo-dori – recognizable by the many many read lanterns that hand over the forecourt (not to mention the long line that spills out and down the street during the festival) – to pray to Touka Daimyoujin for good fortune, but Toukasan is as much about showing off your yukata, sampling the street food and playing festival games as it is about religious ritual.
Touka is an alternative reading for the characters of the Shinto god Inari – the kami of rice, prosperity, fertility as well as other good stuff like tea and sake. Inari shrines are distinguished by multiple torii gates and statues of foxes – the most famous being Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto – and you’ll often find them within the grounds of a Buddhist temple, as at Enryu-ji, among other temples, here in Hiroshima.
The festival was originally held on the day on which Boys’ Day fell according to the old lunar calendar. As that could be anywhere from early May to late June in the Gregorian calendar it was decided that it would be held around the 10th of June (the 10th of the month also being referred to as touka in Japanese). Pressure from traders saw the festival extended to two and then three days – Inari is the god of prosperity after all. Since 1999 the festival has started on the first Friday of June, ensuring a full weekend of enlightened cash flow.
After paying your respects, make a ¥300 offering and get a yakuyoke uchiwa fan. According to the temple website these fans are the embodiment of Touka Daimyoujin herself, and the most effective talisman for warding off misfortune in all of Japan. Guaranteed to be effective aid to health, wealth and longevity. Quite a bargain.
- source : www.gethiroshima.com

- とうかさん大祭 Tookasan big festival
- source : www.toukasan.jp
Yakuyoke 厄除お守り warding off evil
personal yakudoshi 厄年 "years of personal calamity"
yakubarai 厄払い casting off the old impurities and sins
. WKD - Hiroshima Festivals .

source : rakuten.co.jp/raimdo
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .
. chuukei 中啓 Chukei, ceremonial fan of a priest .
Many shine in brilliant silver and gold color coating.
It is not used to fan for fresh air, but sometimes hit to make a sound.
Sometimes it can be opened and a rosary or sutra book placed on it during ceremonies when sitting on Tatami mats.
This fan can also be placed in the collar when both hands are needed.
- #uchiwa #ogo #handfan #sensu #foldingfan -
Thank you a lot of fun of fun.
I could enjoy your information on fun.
If I will have a problem on fun,
I will come here soon for getting your help.
please correct as follows,
a lot of fun of fan
table fan
the night beer commercial
tastes of sweat
Martin Gottlieb Cohen
iriai ni kata mimi fusagu uchiwa kana
sunset bell--
one ear covered
with my paper fan
Kobayashi Issa
(Tr. David Lanoue)
are anna yamazato sae Edo uchiwa
even in this far-off
mountain village...
paper fans from Edo
Kobayashi Issa
(Tr. David Lanoue)
minashigo ga tehon ni suru ya hogu uchiwa
the orphan's
calligraphy practice book --
a wastepaper fan
Kobayashi Issa
Tr. and Comment from Chris Drake:
hira hira to / aguru ōgi ya / kumo no mine
Matsuo Basho
Kobayashi Issa
fuku kaze no sara-sara uchiwa uchiwa kana
soft breezes
rustling, rustling, round, round
fan, fan
Read the comment by Chris Drake:
売るうちにもう買いに来る扇箱 (古川柳)
ogi as a new year present in a box, which was then sold again when New Year was over.
sensugata omikuji
扇子型のおみくじ sacred lot in the form of a folding fan
Hakusan Guu 白山宮足王社 Hakusan shrine Aichi
Kobayashi Issa
hitori de wa tebaru hatake ya shibu uchiwa
the field's too much
for one man alone...
rustic fan
(Tr. David Lanoue)
Literally, Issa ends simply with the image of the "rustic fan" (shibu uchiwa), but this noun implies the action of fanning. The hard-working farmer takes a break, attempting to cool his sweaty face with the fan. Shibu can mean "unrefined"; Kogo dai jiten (Shogakukan 1983) 792.
kami 紙 paper
and its use in Edo
Kobayashi Issa
tsue hoku-hoku uchiwa hasamu ya shiri no saki
slowly his cane --
on one hip the handle
of his round fan
This hokku is from the summer of 1824, the time period when Issa got married to his second wife and was very soon divorced by her. He was sixty-two, and she was thirty-eight. Two years earlier Issa had had a bad fall and injured one leg, so it's possible that he was using a cane at this time and that this is a first-person hokku. The man in the hokku walks slowly with his cane, and he cares little about his appearance, sticking the handle of his stiff round or oblong fan under the sash that goes around his waist. He seems to be wearing the sash a bit loosely or sloppily, and the fairly long fan handle extends down below the sash and rests against one hip. As he walks, the fan handle slowly moves to the rhythm of his leg and cane. Elsewhere Issa indicates that this informality was normal for older people, presumably because they often needed to use a cane or to walk together with someone.
The photo at the link below shows a casually dressed man with his back to the camera watching an early fall festival taking place below many red lanterns. Inside the orange circle drawn on the photo by the amused Japanese photographer you can see the man's fan resting against his lower back, held in place by the fan handle, which is stuck under his belt. The fan handle extends down onto his left hip.
Chris Drake
Sake 酒 for rituals and festivals
oogi tako (oogidako) 扇凧 kite like a hand fan
from 富士見市 Fujimi town and 川越 Kawagoe
Since the end of the Edo period.
They have an auspicious form of 末広がりで縁起 "suehirogari" opening up good luck for a long time.
Many farming families made these kites in the winter time to earn some extra money.
Now Fujimi has a perservation group for these kites 郷土民芸扇だこのつくりかた.
Together with the Daruma kites from Kawagoe they are now well loved.
Kobayashi Issa
ôshô ga uma wo aogu ya shira ôgi
the general cools off
his horse...
white paper fan
John Scarlett writes, "What a poignant reminder of how until we recently entered the age of fossil fuels, we were very dependent in both peace and war on the well-being of fellow creatures such as the horse. After my 43 years of using oxen instead of a tractor ended last fall because of my failing health, I find myself grieving not only for the empty pastures and unmowed meadows but even more for those powerful, gentle creatures.
More than once I 'pulled their tongues,' as the saying goes, when the oxen became overheated while haying or logging and their tongues would hang out--a time when you had to stop immediately and let them cool off for several hours, even taking them to a beaver pond to lie down in. I hope the general was waving that fan with vigor."
David Lanoue
Kobayashi Issa
morau yori hayaku ushinau oogi kana
after getting it
it's lost so soon...
paper fan
Tr. David Lanoue
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
Kobayashi Issa
o-matsuri ya taga ko-dakara no aka oogi
for whose treasured child
this red fan?
Tr. David Lanoue
Legends about oogi 扇
76 to explore
takara no oogi 宝の扇 magic hand fan
from Yamanashi
sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals
oogi-mochi hitsuji 扇持ち未 sheep holding a handfan
doll from Fukushima
Oogibashi 扇橋 Ogibashi District
Tokyo 江東区 Koto ward, 扇橋一丁目 - 扇橋三丁目 Ogibashi first to third district
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