***** Location: Christian Communities
***** Season: Late Spring
***** Category: Observance
fukkatsu-sai 復活祭り Easter
iisutaa イースター、
is not very common in Japan, in contrast to Christmas, which has its definite place in Japanese seasonal events.
fukkatsusetsu, fukkatsu setsu 復活節(ふっかつせつ)
sugikoshi matsuri 渝越祭(すぎこしまつり)
iisutaa horidii イースターホリデー Easter holidays
iisutaa ririi イースターリリー Easter Lily
iisutaa eggu イースターエッグ Easter egg
sometamago 染卵(そめたまご)colored egg
.... irotamago, iro tamago 彩卵(いろたまご)
iisuta kaado イースターカード Easter greeting card
pasuka パスカ、pasuha パスハ、paaku パーク Pashka
Russian Easter cheese dessert.
"paskha" is pronounced as "pahs-hah" with the stress on the first syllable.
shiroki nichiyoobi 白き日曜日 (しろきにちようび)
White Sunday, one week after Easter, Dominica in albis
Weisser Sonntag
byakui no jujitsu 白衣の主日(びゃくいのしゅじつ)
hikui jujitsu 低い主日(ひくいしゅじつ)"small Easter"
byakui no doyoobi 白衣の土曜日(びゃくいのどようび)
White Saturday / Weisser Samstag

April 3, 1988 file photo.
(© AP Photo/Vatican, Arturo Mari)
Easter is a festival of overwhelming joy. The joy that celebrates life. Or, rather, the victory of life over death. But does it have any historic background. Did life really overcame death? Most important, why Jesus is so remembered on Easter? And why those funny stuffs like eggs, and bunnies came to be mixed up with those ideas? Also who brought all those customs on the soil of America?
To know read on the following :
#1. Easter history
#2. roots of Easter in America
#3. the story of Resurrection
#4. Easter in other parts of the world
#5. Journey thru The holy Week
#6. History and Origin Of Easter Icons !
Easter Recipes and Crafts
Easter Clipart - Bunnies and Baskets
Have Some Fun With Easter Eggs
A lot more is here:
Worldwide use
påske = Easter
The "å" is a letter used in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. It's pronounced a bit like the "o" in more. Untill 1955 it was written "aa" though its history can be traced back to the 1300's.
Just like Christmas Easter goods start showing up in the shops in Denmark a month or so early. And it's usually Easter eggs and rabbits etc. made from chocolate. Like in so many other Christian cultures eggs are eaten at the traditional Påskefrokoster (Easter lunches) along with fish and lamb.
It's a holiday with a steadily decreasing/meaning/content/significance as Christianity (the "official" religion - you can be a priest in "our" church without believing in God, The Virgin Birth etc. (?!!!) really doesn't matter much to people under 50. An average Dane probably wouldn't know what Easter is about - let alone Pentecost - besides it meaning a few days off work and a couple of lunches with the opportunity to get drunk ...
det evige lys kommer
med chokolade
easter egg
the eternal light comes
with chocolate
- Shared by Johannes S. H. Bjerg
Joys of Japan, 2012
Children go looking for the easter eggs that parents and the ominous Easter Bunny (Osterhase) have hidden in the garden. This is one of my fodest Easter Memories.
Also we have this saying:
Wenn die Nonnen
Eier suchen in den Klostern,
ist Ostern.
Gabi Greve
Der Osterhase The Easter Bunny
ist heute als österlicher Eierbringer bekannt. Erste Belege für den Osterhasen aus dem Jahre 1678 sind von Georg Franck von Franckenau, einem Medizinprofessor aus Heidelberg überliefert. Vor über dreihundert Jahren ist der Brauch im Elsaß, in der Pfalz und am Oberrhein entstanden. Die Verbindung zwischen Ostern und Osterhase kann auf verschiedene Arten erklärt werden.
This story and the related customs started in the year 1678 in Heidelberg, Germany.
Hungarians girls dressed in their Sunday best run away as boys try to pour water on them during traditional Easter celebrations in Holloko, March 27, 2005. Locals from the World Heritage village of Holloko, northeast Hungary, celebrated Easter with the traditional 'watering of the girls,' a fertility ritual rooted in Hungarian tribes' pre-Christian past, going at least as far back as the second century after Christ.

REUTERS/ © Laszlo Balog
sunrise service
Easter lilies abound
among the graves
Easter vigil
incense wafts into
the wooden reredos
Angelee Deodhar
sunrise service is a worship service on Easter practised by many Protestantchurches, replacing the traditional, ancient Easter Vigil preserved by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran churches.
The service takes place outdoors, sometimes in a park, and the attenders are seated on outdoor chairs or benches.
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The rubrics of the Missale Romanum remind us that this “mother of all vigils” is the “greatest and most noble of all solemnities and it is to be unique in every single Church” (Missale Romanum, “Rubrics for the Easter Vigil” (EV), no.2). On this holy night, the Church keeps watch, celebrating the resurrection of Christ in the sacraments and awaiting his return in glory. Ilhe Vigil, by its very nature, “ought to take place at night” (EV, no. 3). It is not begun before nightfall1and should end before daybreak on Easter Sunday. The celebration of the Easter Vigil takes the place of the Office of Readings (EV, no. 5).
source : www.usccb.org
A reredos or raredos is an altarpiece, or a screen or decoration behind thealtar in a church, usually depicting religious iconography or images.
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Bunny sushi
- Shared by Hayato Tokugawa
Joys of Japan, 2012
Much associated with spring time in the Northern hemisphere -- and with the start of the long rains in Kenya. I remember one year, when drought had reigned for a long time, with not a drop of out-of-season rain... as I walked to church for the Good Friday Service, under a blue and cloudless sky, the first drop of rain fell, seemingly out of nowhere...ン and another, and another, each heavier than the last... before I had walked another 100 metres, I had to run from the downpour... arrived in the church building wet! That was a real blessing.
Isabelle Prondzynski

... in the Roman Catholic Church in Poland, the so-called święconka, i.e. blessing of decorative baskets with a sampling of Easter eggs and other symbolic foods, is one of the most enduring and beloved Polish traditions on Holy Saturday.
Polish pisanka (plural pisanki) is a common name for an egg (usually that of a chicken, although goose or duck eggs are also used) ornamented using various techniques. Originating as a pagan tradition, pisanki were absorbed by Christianity to become the traditional Easter egg. Pisanki are now considered to symbolise the revival of nature and the hope that Christians gain from faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
There are various types of pisanki, based on the technique and preparation used:
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egg moon...
we wait
for sunrise
- Shared by Pat Geyer -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
My Easter memories are of new clothes. The children were given new spring clothes for Easter. It was a Canadian custom, although I'm sure not everyone could do it. Most of my friends did receive new clothes. That and an Easter egg hunt of course...and Easter bonnets..special hats worn to Church. Certainly everyone decked out their children extra special on Easter Sunday. And we boiled many eggs to die in pastel colors. Now, we are more apt to hide plastic eggs filled with chocolates.
Carole MacRury
In Russia it is an old tradition to boil eggs in onion peel in order to color them for Easter.
When the eggs are colored and chilled adversaries pick their eggs and hit them against each other. The goal is to break the shell of your opponents egg without breaking your own. If you succeed you can make a wish.
egg fight
your wish
under my shell
Natalia Rudychev
Things found on the way

An ecclesiastical full moon is formally the 14th day of the ecclesiastical lunar month (an ecclesiastical moon) in an ecclesiastical lunar calendar.
The ecclesiastical Full Moon is defined to occur on a particular date and festivals related to it use the same date in their own local time zone. In the case of choosing a date on which to celebrate Easter, church groupings use a set of tables to define the date of the Paschal Full Moon (an ecclesiastical Full Moon) and thus the Sunday following it which is celebrated as Easter.
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ecclesiastical Full Moon
white lilies glow whiter
around the grotto
Angelee Deodhar
India, Spring 2013
queen of the night -
star in the window
on Good Friday
Alex Serban, Romania
. . . . .
Good Friday night
under a table the boy
eating Easter eggs
Chen-ou Liu, Canada
Kigo Hotline, 2011
easter monday picnic
the reformed nailbiter
eats ladyfingers
susan delphine delaney md plano, texas, usa
Easter service -
a bee buzzes among
the new bonnets
Easter egg hunt -
a crow pecks at
a plastic egg
Carole MacRury
Mir ist zu Ostern auch ein Haiku "zugefallen":
This is a haiku that came to me at Easter:
englische Suite von Bach
blauer Veilchenduft
spring morning light
suite music of Bach
blue scent of violets
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
colorful eggs
on my monitor -
paper on the screeen
Gabi Greve, 2006
. Look at the Washi Eggs, Japanese Paper Eggs .
Easter Sunday
(also Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday)
April rain
after the resurrection
kenneth daniels
2010 (Guyana )

easter eggs -
my Daruma smiles
on each one
Daruma smiles -
East meets West
on Easter eggs

Painted by the kids of our local village school in Ohaga.
. MORE - Daruma on Eggs .
a torching procession
slowly asncending the hill -
blazing prayer
finally at Golgotha -
everyone shields his
flame with his hand
silents bells -
the boys' wooden clappers
summon us to Mass
a candle illluminates
the singer's voice
Easter bonfire...
in front of the church, a flame
burns in every hearth
Easter eggs -
smiling children with
colored facesd
- Shared by Tomislav Maretic -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
Related words
***** Easter Bunny, Easter Eggs, Easter Egg Hunt,
Easter Basket, Easter Day
The season of Lent is a 40-day period of fasting and prayer, which leads up to the great feast of Christ's resurrection, Easter, in the Christian calendar.
. shishunsetsu 四旬節 (しじゅんせつ) lent
Passionszeit, Fastenzeit

Palm Sunday--
I make a rope out of
three leaves
. Palm Sunday in Kenya .
- - - - -
snowy morning -
carrying an olive twig
toward the church
cornel branches
strolling on the paths -
a village church
early morning -
ablution in wildflowers before
Palm Sunday Mass
The custom in some part of Croatia and Bosnia&Herzegovina is to wash up the face early morning before Palm Sunday Mass.
- Shared by Tomislav Maretic -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
chill Palm Sunday-
a gust of wind
raises a dead leaf
Eugen Posa, Romania
Palm Sunday
the callouses on my palms
after I mop the floor
Ella Wagemakers
Pentecost (Pfingsten) and more
. Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo
colorful eggs
on my monitor -
paper on the screeen
. Look at the Washi Eggs, Japanese Paper Eggs .
Easter Sunday
not knowing the creed
by heart
Bill Kenney
Here is Njoroge's story from Nairobi, Kenya, 2007
I have always prayed and desired to reach out to the street kids with the gospel of Christ. To impact their very life with the Love of Christ.
Walking in the street I have never failed to spot them and quietly make a prayer. I have talked with them where possible and thrown one or two challenges to them. I have always grown to love this beautiful creation of God.
This Easter, we went for a retreat in one of the gardens in the city.
The site of many trees and which are so natural caught my heart. In the church I am doing an expository preaching on the book of
Nehemiah. I have put a lot of emphases on the broken walls in our
I have given examples of the many social ills taking place in the urban set up. As I walked in this forest or so to say, stopping now and then to admire the trees and read the tags hanged on the tree, I could picture the God intended creation. Despite the climate it was evergreen, no pollution of the sound or air pollution could be discerned.
With this the urge to rebuild our community boiled more in my heart. I have seen areas where trees have been cut down and I could not stop to admire those people who have given all they can to ensure this particular recreation facility remains whole.
I thought of Wangari Mathaai and I saw a Nehemiah of “nature” always
rebuilding the ruins. I thought of the youth and I made a short prayer “make me a Nehemiah to the youth oh Lord”.
As the clouds gathered up, it was time to go back home. The resurrection of Christ had a bigger meaning in my heart. It was time for rebuilding or better it was time to go back to Jerusalem and inspect the walls, evaluate and plan ahead.
As I walked in the city center, I noted that there were not many people in the streets. Left with about 100 meters to pick the bus for the final part of my journey home, some hands were in my pockets, before I realized what
was happening my phone had gone.
Three big street boys had human
waste in their hands as their weapons. I was defenseless as they
warned me not to make any alarm. I saw other people watching from a
distance. The condition of the walls was now a reality, an experience.
Those that I loved to share love of Christ with had destroyed my
Easter or I thought so. I watched as they walked away with my only
phone, I have always treasured it. I stood watching helplessly, but
one thing was true in my heart; I loved them the more.
My message to you all is this who shall rebuild the walls, the walls
of our society. Christ died to rebuild the walls of the creation.
Christ rose --
rebuilding the walls
of creation
By Antony Njoroge
Easter Bonnet
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
The Burial of Jesus
Jesus in Japan
Mary King hunts down the Messiah in the small village of Herai in the wilds of northern Japan.
Church bells will ring out louder this year as millions of Christians across the world join in songs of praise for Jesus Christ's 2000th birthday. While most turn their thoughts to Bethlehem, Nazareth and Jerusalem, few know of the important role some claim Japan played in the life of Christ.
There are probably very few Christians who have even heard of the small village of Herai that lies tucked away in the northern reaches of Aomori Prefecture, but some here maintain this to be the place where Jesus settled, married and died at the ripe old age of 106. Although it's commonly held that Jesus grew up as a carpenter in the Galilee town of Nazareth, according to the legend of Herai, or Shingo as it's now known, the 11 "missing years" of Christ's life not accounted for in the New Testament of the Bible were spent in Japan.
According to the local legend, Christ first came to Japan, aged 21, during the reign of the 11th emperor, Suinin, and landed at the port of Hashidate on the Japan Sea coast. Apparently, he settled in Etchu province where, under the tutelage of a great master, he studied Japanese language, literature and various other subjects.
The Legend of Daitenku Taro Jurai (Daitenku Taro Jurai was the name Christ is said to have later taken) claims that at the end of his 11-year stay, Christ returned to Judea, aged 33, where he taught about the "sacred land" of Japan. But, unfortunately, "Christ's teachings about Japan were considered too radical," and he was condemned to death.
Holy Week Haiku
by Willie, Philippines
Kigo Hotline
Holy Week Haiku 2009
by Ella Wagemakers
Kigo Hotline
or the Easter
mother is cooking the eggs
in onion peel children japan
Tatjana Debeljacki
Bos Tsip -
Palm Sunday...
"Take Me Out of the Dark"
playing on air
Joys of Japan
Pat Geyer -
fronds brush the way
for the King of Peace...
Palm Sunday
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