Autumn melancholy
***** Location: Europa
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity
Autumn Melancholy, Autumn Solitude ... There are many words for it.
Autumn evokes certain feelings as melancholie, solitude & world sickness...
Rilke wrote in one of his poems:
Herbst ...
wer jetzt kein Haus hat
baut sich keines mehr,
wer jetzt allein ist,
wird es lange bleiben ....
Autumn ...
He who does not have a home
Will not built one any more
He who is now alone
Will be so for a long time...
Compiled by Dietmar Tauchner

source : The Origa Haiku Gallery
Olga Hooper
Worldwide use
shuushi 秋思 (しゅうし) autumnal melancholy
shuui, shuu-i 秋意 しゅうい feeling of autumn
aki sabishi 秋さびし(あきさびし) feeling lonely in autumn
herbstliche Melancholie
Oh, the Human Life !
my own home just another
lodging for autumn
. Gabi Greve, Autumn 2006 .
for us here in texas, after a brutal summer, the coming of autumn is a joyful thing. one friend wrote me this week that 'fall makes living in texas possible'.
yet the fogs of autumn do inspire solitude, whether or not one feels melancholy. it feels to me that fog is in some way the home of my spirit.
i have noticed on several years, that on the two days seven days on either side of the winter solstice (december 14 and december 28) that there is always a faint lavender fog. i have seen it on no other days of the year but these two. maybe you would like to watch for these lavender fogs this year, on the days seven days removed from the winter solstice in your hemisphere.
this early morning lavender fog has to be an 'earth tipping in its orbit'phenomena.
susan delphine delaney
a black hole
on the window pane
fall solitude
Dietmar Tauchner
autumn solitude
an acorn bounces
through the oak
Susan Delaney

cat and the mouse
taking a nap -
autumn solitude
Gabi Greve
October 2004
Herbst-Schwermut -
so leer der Bach
ohne die Wildenten
..... ..... ..... autumn melancoly -
..... ..... ..... so empty the brook
..... ..... ..... without wild ducks
Luise E., Italy
autumnal melancholy -
the guitar in the corner
awaits my friends
- Shared by Tomislav Maretic -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
***** Autumn in the home Japan
autumn melancholy –
my guitar in the corner
awaits the friends
Tomislav Maretic, Croatia
autumn melancholy
the click of mahjong tiles
from the computer
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