Oktoberfest (Octoberfest)
***** Location: Germany
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Observance
The Oktoberfest in Munich, which usually starts in the middle of September (that is a good reason to call it OCTOBER fest) and runs only until the 3rd of October, is celebrated in many German communities all over the world where people love beer, saussages and companionship.
Next to the Christmas tree, the Oktoberfest is the most popular custom that Germany has ever exported. From Saturday thousands of thirsty tourists will flock to Munich for the world's biggest Oktoberfest.

The Munich Oktoberfest is the largest German Volksfest, or festival. It all began with the marriage celebration of the Bavarian crown prince Ludwig (later to become King Ludwig I.) to Princess Therese from the German kingdom of Saxony-Hildburghausen on Oct. 12, 1810.
Over the years, the beer fest has spread to many parts of the world. But not all are as old and traditional as the Munich festival. However, they have similarities: All serve lots of beer and authentic Bavarian meals to traditional Bavarian music played by local or some times exported German brass bands.
Read a lot more here
The Oktoberfest 2004 has ended!
On the Germans national holiday, October 3rd, the 171st Oktoberfest has ended. In spite of the bad weather, 5.9 Million people visited the worlds biggest fair this year and drank approximately 5.5 million liters of beer. On the 17th of September 2005 the 172nd Oktoberfest will open its gates.
Look at some great highlights from 2004.
Check it out here:
And another German link

"Oktoberfest is a three-week festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria, Germany during late September and early October. It is one of the most famous events in the city and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending
every year."
Many breweries in the USA make special beer at that time of the year and call it Oktoberfest. It is a tradition started by German immigrants many years ago.
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Fall is the season of Oktoberfests... folk festivals with live music, Bavarian treats, folk dancing, arts and crafts shows, ethnic food chalets, and of course a beer garden (Biergarten).
The background of Oktoberfest! is:
Carol Raisfeld
Things found on the way
a sampling of beer from
many kegs
Carol Raisfeld
Oktoberfest unumgaenglich
von ottonormalverbraucher
De Musi spuid auf
Des Festbier fliesst in Stroemen
Bsuffa gema hoam
Oktoberfest -
a drunken driver
sleeps in the car
Gabi Greve
Kodak Moments of Oktoberfest:
two Chinese dressed
in Lederhosen and Dirndls
Munich's blue sky
Italians sing
Bavarian drinking songs
a German girl's smile
a sea of human heads
inside the beer tent
House of Horrors
hand in hand an old couple
slanted sunlight
in my gingerbread heart
her bite mark
a roller coaster
against the sunset sky
Chen-ou Liu
Canada, 2006

The 2012/179th Oktoberfest,
the biggest folk /beer festival in the world, came to end yesterday.
“Oktoberfest party goers glugged 6.9 million litres of beer.”
a line of waitresses
dancing on the table
smell of the Oktoberfest
Chen-ou Liu
Canada, 2012
Related words
***** Harvest Thanksgiving (Christian communities)
Harvest Festival, Erntedankfest