
Azalea (tsutsuji, satsuki)

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Azalea (tsutsuji) ,
Rhododendron (shakunage)

***** Location: Japan, other countries
***** Season:

.. .. .. .. .. Tsutsuji: Late Spring
.. .. .. .. .. Satsuki : Mid-Summer

***** Category: Plant


Azalea 躑躅 つつじ Rhododendron Family.

Mountain Azaleas, yama tsutsuji 山躑躅
Clover-like Azalea, renge tsutsuki 蓮華躑躅
Morninglight Azalea, akebono tsutsuji 曙躑躅
Big Violet Azalea, oomurasaki 大紫
Lotus Azalea, renge tsutsuji 蓮華躑躅(れんげつつじ)Renge azalea

iwa tsutsuji 岩躑躅(いわつつじ) "rock azalea"

kome tsutsuji 米躑躅(こめつつじ)"rice azalea"
Rhododendron tschonoskii

mitsuba tsutsuji 三葉躑躅(みつばつつじ)"with three leaves"
Rhododendron reticulatum
goyoo tsutsuji 五葉躑躅(ごようつつじ)"with five leaves"
hododendron quinquefolium, shiro yashio シロヤシオ

mochi tsutsuji 羊躑躅(もちつつじ) Rhododendron japonicum flower
..... neba tsutsuji ねばつつじ

Unzen Tsutsuji,  Mt. Unzen Azaleas, 雲仙躑躅
Yashio Tsutsuji, 八塩躑躅(やしおつつじ)from Yashio, Akita

Kirishima 霧島躑躅 (きりしま) Kirishima azalea
..... Kirishima tsutsuji霧島躑躅(きりしまつつじ)
Rhododendron obtusum

More Pictures are here:


doodan no hana 満天星の花 (どうだんのはな) white enkianthus flowers
doodan tsutsuji 満天星躑躅 ドウダンツツジ White Enkianthus
Enkianthus perulatus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kigo for mid-spring

azarea アザレア Azalea
oranda tsutsuji オランダ躑躅(おらんだつつじ)
"Azalea from Holland"


is the most general term in Japanese for evergreen and deciduous azaleas. One evergreen late-blossoming species called satsuki is distinguished from other azaleas, though it is also referred to as satsuki tsutsuji. Azaleas have been cultivated in Japan since the Kamakura period ( 1185-1333 ), particularly during the Edo period ( 1600-1868 ).

There are many Azalea Parks in Japan. Tsutsuji kooen躑躅公園, tsutsuji-ga-oka躑躅が丘

Click on any of the pictures for a big image.

Big Purple Azalea, Oo-murasaki-tsutsuji
大紫躑躅 Rhododendron pulchrum

This is the type with the biggest flowers, blooming from end of April till May. For short it is called “Oo-murasaki”, the Big Violet One”. It is part of the flower family of Hirado Tsutsuji, the Azaleas from Hirado.

Azaleas have been the subject of poetry since the times of the Manyoo-shuu 万葉集。Since the flowers are in one row, flowering one after another, the first reading of the name was “tsuzuki”, to follow, which then changed to the somehow softer pronounciastion of “tsutsuji”.

At present there are more than 300 different kinds growing in Japan.

More pictures about different types of Azalea in Tokyo.


Mountain Azaleas, Yama-tsutsuji
山躑躅 Rhododendron Kaempferi

Mostly wild in the forests of Japan.


More pictures are here:

Korean Wild Azaleas

Worldwide use


. Rhododendron   
The national flower of Bhutan



any species of the genus Rhododendron, North American and Asian shrubs of the family Ericaceae ( heath family) that are distinguished by the usually deciduous leaves. Azaleas are handsome shrubs with large clusters of pink, red, orange, yellow, purple, or white flowers. The better-known native American azaleas, often cultivated, include the flame azalea ( R. calendulacea ) of the Appalachians; the pinxter flower ( R. nudiflora ) and the fragrant white azalea, or swamp honeysuckle ( R. viscosa ), of the E United States; and the Western azalea ( R. occidentalis ) of California and Oregon.

Most azaleas grow in damp, acid soils of hills or mountains. The rose-purple R. canadense, a rare species with an unusually northerly range (from Pennsylvania to Newfoundland) is the rhodora immortalized by Emerson.

Many of the brilliantly flowered garden varieties are native to China and Japan, where the genus is most abundantly represented. The popular Ghent azaleas are hybrids. Dwarf azaleas are grown by florists as pot plants. Azaleas are classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliopsida, order Ericales, family Ericaceae.


when the azaleas bloom here, it means the hummingbirds will have made it here, in their migration to points north to nest. they are attracted to red flowers, or to red sugar water.

first azalea
filling the hummingbird feeder
with scarlet nectar

susan delphine delaney

Things found on the way

Beautiful drawings of flowers by Taro






. tsutsuji ikete sono kage ni hidara saku onna .

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


近道へ 出てうれし野の 躑躅かな
. chikamichi e dete ureshi no no tsutsuji kana .

tsutsuji saite katayamazato no meshi shiroshi

Azaleas are blooming;
In this remote mountain village
The boiled rice is white.

Tr. Blyth

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .


百両の 石にもまけぬ つつじ哉
hyakuryoo no ishi ni mo makenu tsutsuji kana

azaleas stand out
amid garden stones
with fantastic prices

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the fourth month (May) of 1825, when Issa was living in his hometown. Above the hokku Issa writes "spring," indicating that it is about azaleas blooming in late spring. Azaleas, a form of rhododendron, bloom just after the cherry blossoms have fallen, and their red, pink, purple, and white blossoms are in some ways even more impressive than cherry blossoms. Issa seems to have visited the garden of a rich merchant, perhaps one of his students. Or he could be remembering the garden of his rich patron and fellow-poet Seibi in Edo.

In Issa's time wealthy connoisseurs invested fortunes in their gardens as well as in vintage tea ceremony cups and other implements, and using nearly priceless stones and rocks of various sizes, shapes, and textures, often from famous places around the country, was regarded as one of the most important aspects of creating an artistic garden. The rocks and stones in the garden Issa refers to literally cost a hundred ryou each, a figure that is impossible to convert exactly into contemporary yen, since the comparative costs of various commodities differed in Issa's time. In his age one ryou was represented by one oblong gold coin, and one gold coin could buy enough rice for one person to live for a year. If Kabuki actors' salaries in Issa's time are compared to those now paid, then each garden stone costs approximately US $130,000. It seems likely, however, that Issa is using this phrase in its common meaning of "extremely expensive" or even "priceless," since the prices of hiring a master gardener and his crew and creating a unique garden were simply beyond the ability of commoners to comprehend. In spite of growing among these preposterously expensive stones and rocks, the natural beauty of the azaleas is in no way diminished, and they make considerations of price irrelevant. Issa is surely making a social comment here as well as an esthetic one.

Chris Drake

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 Issa in Edo .


out my window-
in full bloom

Kate Steere


iwa tsutsuji somuru namida ya hototogisu

rock azaleas
colored by his tears -
this hototogisu

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in 寛文7年, Basho age 24.

The flowers are red like blood.
The inside of the mouth of the cuckoo is so red that it looks like blood when the bird is singing.
. WKD : Hototogisu - Little Cuckoo .

MORE hokku about tears by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


torch azaleas
shine naturally on
the imperial copse



azaleas bloom
by the temple door
a bell rings

Patricia A. Laurent


The Haiku Photo Gallery has a nice collection of Azalea Haiku.

………smiles and laughter
………the azaleas are blooming
………deep in the hills

Robert Leechford


do not worry
about the fires of hell -
Azalea, Azalea

sorge Dich nicht
um das Höllenfeuer -
Azaleen, Azaleen

© Photo and Haiku by Gabi Greve

Read more about this impressive Buddhastatue in my garden.


Hana fukaku Tsutsuji miru ho o utsushikeri

My foot go into
deeper deeper
view of Azalea

Mankai no satsuki suimen ni teru gotoshi

full of Azalea
like blooming
on water
(Tr. Etsuko Yanagibori)

Hisajo Sugita (1890 ~ 1946)

Related words

***** Summer Azaleas, Satsuki
kigo for mid-summer
Satsuki is also a name for girls born in May.

A fine gallery of Satsuki Bonsai.


For example, to enjoy the red leaves of tiny Azaleas.

Toms Bonsai Collection


***** rhododendron, shakunage
石南花 (しゃくなげ)

シャクナゲ, sekinan ( 石南 せきなん)

kigo for early summer

CLICK for more photos CLICK for more English Information

These flowers also came from the Himalayas via China to Japan. They show a strong life energy. They come in various colors, like white,yellow, pink, orange, violet and others.

Port Townsend Rhody Festival

Saga Dawa—
at their best

Karma Tenzing Wangchuk
Kigo Hotline, 2008

CLICK for more photos

Saga Dawa / Vesak is an annual holiday observed by practicing Buddhists.
The exact date of Vesak varies according to the various lunar calendars used in different traditions. In Theravada countries following the Buddhist calendar, it falls on the full moon Uposatha day (typically the 5th or 6th lunar month). In China it is the fourth month in the Chinese lunar calendar, coinciding with the first full moon of that month.
The date varies from year to year in the Western Gregorian calendar but falls in April or May.

Saga Dawa Buddha's Birthday
kigo for early summer

Her wrinkled fingers
on the rudraksh rosary--
Buddha Purnima

Today is Buddha Purnima, Lord Buddha's Birth day.

© Ram Krishna Singh India 2008

. INDIA - Festivals in May/June - .


. Kirishima Shrine 霧島神宮 .

. Place names and Haiku .



Autumn leaves (momiji)

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Red autumn leaves, red leaves (momiji)

***** Location: Japan, other countries
***** Season: Late Autumn
***** Category: Plant/Humanity/Obeservances


A word of caution:

are NOT kigo, but topics for haiku.

Many trees have leaves in all seasons.

. Leaves in all seasons .


Koshihata Village, Okayama

The red leaves, colored leaves, momiji (kooyoo 紅葉) ,
are usually the subject of "hunting for them".
Yellow leaves are of course also part of the momiji kigo 紅葉

Red maple leaf, red maple leaves.
Red autumn colors, and other translations are possible.

The word maple leaf (kaede no ha カエデの葉) is not a kigo.

By changing the Chinese characters, we can distinguish between

紅葉 red autumn leaves
黄葉 yellow autum leaves

momiizuru もみいづる red autumn leaves
... momizuru もみづる


na no ki momiji 名木紅葉(なのきのもみじ)
red autum leaves from special trees

urushi momiji 漆紅葉(うるしもみじ)momiji of the laquer tree
..... nurude momiji 白膠紅葉(ぬるでもみじ)

haze momiji 櫨紅葉(はぜもみじ)momiji of the wax tree
ichoo momiji 銀杏黄葉(いちょうもみじ)momiji of the gingko tree

kashiwa mojimi 柏黄葉(かしわもみじ)momiji of the Kashiwa oak
kaki momiji 柿紅葉(かきもみじ)momiji of the persimmon tree
ume momiji 梅紅葉(うめもみじ)momiji of the plum tree
nemu momiji 合歓紅葉(ねむもみじ)momiji of the mimosa tree

toodan momiji 満天星紅葉(どうだんもみじ)
momiji of Enkianthus perulatus

budoo momiji 葡萄紅葉(ぶどうもみじ)momiji of grapes
shirakaba momiji 白樺黄葉(しらかばもみじ)momiji of the birch tree

zooki momiji 雑木紅葉(ぞうきもみじ)momiji of miscellaneous small trees
teriha 照葉(てりは) "shining leaves"

yuumomiji 夕紅葉(ゆうもみじ)momiji in the evening
mura momiji むら紅葉(むらもみじ)momiji in the village

shita momiji, shitamomiji 下紅葉(したもみじ) lit."lower momiji"
refers to the lower red leaves of a tree or the red leaves covering the ground

tani momiji 谿紅葉(たにもみじ)momiji in the valley
niwa mojimi 庭紅葉(にわもみじ)momiji in the garden

momijigawa 紅葉川(もみじがわ)river with momiji
momijiyama 紅葉山(もみじやま)mountain with momiji

momiji no fuchi 紅葉の淵(もみじのふち)river edge with momiji

momiji no kasa 紅葉の笠(もみじのかさ)
Tatsutagusa 龍田草(たつたぐさ)momiji of Tatsuta
. 竜田姫, Princess Tatsuta of Autumn .

iromigusa 色見草(いろみぐさ)momiji of kaede mapel

tsumagoigusa 妻恋草(つまこいぐさ)
"plant to make me love my wife"


"hunting for red leaves" momijigari
紅葉狩 (もみじがり)

going out to enjoy a picnick and the colored leaves of autumn. The famous temples of Kyoto and in other area were especially crowded during this season.
.... momiji mi 紅葉見(もみじみ)
..... kanpuu 観楓(かんぷう)

stepping on red leaves, momiji fumu 紅葉踏む(もみじふむ)

rice wine drunk whilst watching red leaves,

tea house from where to watch red leaves, momiji chaya

ship from which to enjoy red leaves, momijibune

bonfire with red leaves, momiji taku 紅葉焚く(もみじたく)

enjoying the season of red leaves at the Imperial Palace
momiji no ga 紅葉の賀 もみじのが
watching red leaves at the Imperial Palace,
..... aki no gyoyuu 秋の御遊(あきのぎょゆう)


kigo for mid-autumn

. leaf month, hazuki 葉月 (はづき) .
(the 8th month in the Asian lunar calendar, now September)

. hazukijio 葉月潮(はづきじお)tide of the eighth lunar month .

hatsu mojiji 初紅葉 (はつもみじ) first red autumn leaves

usumomiji, usu mojiji 薄紅葉 (うすもみじ ) "thin red autumn leaves"
(just beginning to take on color)


kigo for early autumn

. "bridge of red leaves" momiji no hashi
紅葉の橋(もみじのはし) .

another name for the two stars of the Tanabata Star Festival.

momiji no tobari 紅葉の帳(もみじのとばり) "balance book in red" like the autumn leaves.
During the rituals at the Imperial court, whith the music of koto and other instruments.
(for the Tanabata Star Festival)

. kaji no ha 梶の葉 (かじのは ) paper mulberry leaf .
to write poetry for the Tanabata Star Festival


kigo for late autumn

. momijizuki 紅葉月(もみはづき)month with red leaves .
(the 9th month in the Asian lunar calendar, now October)

nishikigi 錦木 (にしきぎ) momiji of the winged spindle-tree
Euonymus alatus
..... nishikigi no mi 錦木の実 fruit of the winged spindle-tree

kooyoo 黄葉 こうよう yellow autumn leaves
momiji もみじ、momijiba もみじば
momiji suru kusaki 黄葉する草木(もみじするくさき)
trees and plants with yellow autumn leaves

momiji katsu chiru 紅葉かつ散る (もみじかつちる)
red leaves falling
iroha chiru 色葉散る(いろはちる)colored leaves are falling
iro nagara chiru 色ながら散る(いろながらちる)
"still colorful but falling"
konoha katsu chiru 木の葉かつ散る(このはかつちる)
leaves of trees are falling

kooraku 黄落 (こうらく) "yellow is falling"
kooraku ki 黄落期(こうらくき)
time of yellow (and red) leaves falling

hahaso momiji 柞紅葉 Japanese Emperor Oak momiji
Quercus dentata
nara momiji 楢紅葉(ならもみじ) Quercus serrata

. Kaede 楓 Maple Tree .
and maple syrup

kaede and momiji vocabulary :

Ao momiji (green maples)
Haji momiji (sumac maples)
Kaede momiji (downy maples)
Kurenai momiji (pink maples)
Moriji momiji (mixed maples)
Momiji no samazama (diverse maples)
Ki momiji (yellow maples)


CLICK for original LINK ! yumi
special robe for watching red leaves, momiji goromo
紅葉衣 (もみじごろも)

..... momiji gasane 紅葉重(もみじがさね)
CLICK for more photos !


Please read the entry about the human activities for further explanation.
Leaf Watching, leaf peeping Momijigari


bitterling, broad-striped, green-striped
momiji tanago 紅葉たなご (もみじたなご)
"bitterling like red leaves"

reddened carp, momijibuna, momiji-buna
紅葉鮒 (もみじぶな)
Literally: Carp like red leaves.

landlocked salmon "among the leaves", konoha yamame
a kind of trout.

. Fish in Autumn .


kigo for winter

red leaves in winter, fuyu momiji
冬紅葉 (ふゆもみじ)

red leaves still left over, nokoru momiji 残る紅葉(のこるもみじ)

red leaves scattering, momiji chiru
紅葉散る (もみじちる)

..... chiri momiji 散紅葉(ちりもみじ)


Memorial Day of Osaki Koyo
(Oosaki Kooyoo 尾崎 紅葉(おざき こうよう)

Kooyoo ki 紅葉忌 (こうようき ) "Red leaves memorial day"
Tochiman Doo Ki 十千万堂忌(とちまんどうき)

Koyo was a novelist, his most famous novel was Tochiman Doo.
慶応3年12月16日(1868年1月10日) - 明治36年(1903年)10月30日)

Osaki Koyo (1867–1903)

blazing sun —
whose barefoot child
is running free

Cayır cayır güneş—
Kimin yalınayak çocuğu
ki böyle koşar.

Under the night moon,
playing the flute quite badly—
my neighbor—listen.

Gece mehtapta
Flütü çok kötü çalar—
Komşum— Dinle bak!

 © Çeviri: Turgay Uçeren


Now I will add some more pictures and haiku.

At the temple Daiyuu-zan 大雄山 in Kanagawa Pref.



Japanese Haiku and Photos, Toori Gallery



A carpet of colored leaves.

Yamashina, Bishamon-Doo, Kyoto.

Look at a lot more autumn pictures.

Worldwide use


Fall color frames Attic Window peak on Grandfather Mountain near Linville, N.C., Saturday, Sept. 25, 2004 fro just below the Blue Ridge Parkway Viaduct. Despite flooding from Hurricanes Ivan and France, all sections of the Blue Ridge Parkway north of Linville Falls are now open as the fall viewing season begins. (AP Photo/Grandfather Mountain, Hugh Morton)

Things found on the way

momiji nu, momijinu もみじ ぬ
the absence of autumn colors

This has also been the subject of poetry since olden times.

樫の葉の もみじ ぬからにちりつもる

Leaves of oak trees
fallen before they become
red and yellow.
Loneliness of a temple
faraway in the mountain

source : rakushin sha

There is also a positive verb
momizu もみず【紅葉づ/黄葉づ】
to become red and yellow with autumn leaves


food plate called
ship from which to enjoy red leaves, momijibune



senryu from Edo 江戸の川柳

momijigari reinen ikedo imada mizu

viewing the red maple leaves
they go for it every year
but have not seen them yet

This refers to the menfolk of Edo.
There were two famous momiji spots, but one was close to the pleasure quarters of Yoshiwara 吉原 and the other further down, also near the cheaper pleasure quarters.
So . . . when the menfolk took off with the excuse of enjoying the red autumn leaves, . . .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .


. Momiji Daruma .


. momiji manjuu もみじ饅頭 bean paste buns.
from Miyajima, Hiroshima
Manju in der Form von Ahornbälttern

. Momiji tenpura 紅葉の天ぷら tempura from maple leaves .


Japanese Haiku and Photos, Toori Gallery
紅葉狩まずは田楽食べてをり... 雛菊


Musashino Plain -
red leaves of cherries
in evening rain


what best to do?
the red leaves
keep falling


. WKD : Musashino Plain 武蔵野 .


Zen garden -
goldfish and maple leaves
the same deep red

Andre Surridge, 2006 NZ


autumn -
leaves with patterns
to wonder and ponder

Look at my leaf collection here !
Gabi Greve, Autumn 2006


Related words

***** Leaf Watching momijigari 紅葉狩り

***** Fallen leaves (ochiba) 落ち葉

***** Colored cover leaves of beech tree buds falling on snow
yuki momiji 雪もみじ , haru momiji 春もみじ
kigo for early spring

This is a phenomenon of the beech tree woods in Northern Japan. The small red leaves, which cover the buds of the beech trees during winter, fall on the snow when it gets warmer and the tree gets ready to produce new leaves. This might be as late as May.



. Fallen leaves (ochiba 落葉)

. Leaves in all seasons .



Autumn Festival (aki matsuri)

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Autumn Festival (aki matsuri)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Autumn
***** Category: Observance


aki matsuri 秋祭 (あきまつり) autumn festival
sato matsuri 里祭(さとまつり)village festival
..... mura matsuri 村祭(むらまつり)
zaimatsuri 在祭(ざいまつり)shrine festival

uramatsuri 浦祭(うらまつり)bay festival

(to pray for the safety of fishing boats)

Many take place in the ninth lunar month (now october).

Aki Matsuri, Autumn Festivals  秋祭り to thank the gods for a good harvest and pray for the wellbeing of each family in the community. They are celebrated all over Japan after the rice harvest. Preparations take weeks and are a means to get the young men and women of the village together to practise the dances and tunes.

Today, on the second weekend of October, is the Autumn Festival at our local shrine, I just come back from the simple but really endearing festivities.
The local gods are transferred to small portable shrines (mikoshi), put in front of the shrine and groups of 3 men perform a lions dance in front of them. The kindergarden children this year also wearing colorful costumes and danced with their paper lion mask.

This is our lion

Look at more details here
Autumn Festival in Sakai 2005

Then all take the protable shrines about 500 meters to a clearance in the forest, where more ricewine for the elders and more dance for the gods is performed.
With loud shouting they walk back to the shrine, another final dance and that was it.

And on the following links, you find some very similar festival, since after all, most mountain communities in Okayama are the same.

Here are some lovely pictures of such a small village autumn festival.

Here is some kind of Lion Dance in Takebe, the village next to mine.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Gabi Greve


Here is a great link with haiku and pictures about many Autumn festivals in Japan.

Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Yoshio Wada.



Some famous Aki Matsuri

Sep.7-9 Kakudate Festival: Kakudate Town, Akita
The second weekend of September: Hanamaki Festival: Iwate
Mid. September Towada Aki Matsuri: Towada-city, Aomori
Mid. September Kishiwada Danjiri Festival: Kishiwada-city, Osaka
Sep. 14-16 Morioka Fall Festival: Morioka-city Iwate
Sep. 14-16 Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Festival: Kamakura-city, Kanagawa
Sep. 22-24 Aizu Fall Festival: Aizuwakamatsu-city, Fukushima
Sep. 23-24 Ohara Hadaka Matsuri (naked men festival): Isumi-city, Chiba

Oct. 4-6 Nihonmatsu Chochin (lantern) Festival: Nihonmatsu-city Fukushima

. 日本三大くんち The three famous KUNCHI of Japan  
(kunchi, o-kunchi, refers to autumn festivals in Kyushu)
長崎くんち(長崎県長崎市) Nagasaki
唐津くんち(佐賀県唐津市) Karatsu
博多おくんち(福岡県福岡市) Hakata

Oct. 7-9 Nagasaki Kunchi: Nagasaki-city, Nagasaki 長崎 くんち祭り
At the shrine Suwa Jinja.
Hakata Kunchi in Fukuoka city, October 23 & 24
Karatsu Kunchi in Karatsu city, Nobember 2 to 4
Wild dances, the mikoshi are carried from the shrine to a stop spot 御旅所 for more dances.

. . . . .

Oct. 9-10 Takayama Fall Festival: Takayama-city, Gifu
Oct. 11-12, 2008 Nagoya Festival: Nagoya-city, Aichi

. Oct. 14-15, Nada Kenka Matsuri 灘けんか祭  

Oct. 16-17 Nikko Toshogu Fall Festival: Nikko-city Tochigi

Mid. Oct. - early Nov.Hirosaki Castle Fall Foliage Festival: Hirosaki-city, Aomori
Oct. 22 Jidai Matsuri Heian Jingu Shrine: Kyoto
Oct. 30 - Nov.3, 2008 Saga Baloon Festival: Saga-city, Saga
Oct.24 - Nov.3, 2008 Shuri Castle Festival: Naha-city Okinawa

Nov. 1 - 24 Yahiko Kiku Festival (Chrysanthemum festival): Yahiko-mura, Niigata
Nov. 2-4 Karatsu Kunchi: Karatsu-city, Saga
Nov. 3 Hakone Daimyo Parade: Hakone Town, Kanagawa

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Village Children
Just for the fun of it, children harvesting rice by hand. The same sceene is also here in my village.

This is a site with many Japanese topics, made by children, but in English, so you might enjoy to see more.


yamasato ni kodomo no egao aki matsuri

.. .. .. in the mountain village
.. .. .. all children laughing -
.. .. .. autumn festival

Gabi Greve, Okayama Japan


町沸かす 子供みこしや 秋祭り  
machi wakasu kodomo-mikoshi ya aki matsuri

the whole village in uproar -
the children's portable shrine !
autumn festival
(Tr. Gabi Greve)

Mochizuki san 望月琉巳子

There are more Japanese haiku on this link.


autumn festival -
a streak of sunshine
on the priest

Gabi Greve, Japan, 2007

Related words

***** Oktoberfest (Germany)

***** Harvest Thanksgiving (Europe) Harvest Festival, Erntedankfest

Saijiki of Japanese Ceremonies and Festivals


Autumn Cherry Blossom (shikizakura)


Autumn Cherry Blossoms (shikizakura, Japan)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Autumn
***** Category: Plant


Cherry blossoms of the four seasons SHIKIZAKURA 四季桜
blossom twice a year, in spring and in autumn. They begin to bloom around the day of the Vernal Equinox and their white or pale pink blossoms are at their best around the same time as those of other kinds of cherry trees. Other types bloom from October through December. In Obara they are called 'SHIKIZAKURA' (four-season cherry blossom trees), while they are called 'Fudanzakura' (constantly -blooming cherry blossom trees), Fuyuzakura 冬桜 (winter cherry blossom trees) or Kanzakura 寒桜 (cold-season cherry blossom trees) in other parts of Japan. (See below for the Winter Kigo.)

SHIKIZAKURA has been designated as the village tree of Obara 小原の四季桜. The village has made considerable efforts to protect and propagate these objects of beauty, and there are about 6,000 trees throughout the village now.


A four-season cherry tree owned by Mamoru Futamura a resident of Maebora, Obara, is estimated to be more than one hundred years old and was designated as a natural monument by the Aichi prefectural government.

In autumn Shikizakura start to bloom in the beginning of October, however they are at their best from the middle to the end of November.

Shikizakura is said to be a hybrid of Mame-zakura and Edo-higan-zakura.


Festival of the Shikizakura Blossoms / Shikizakura Matsuri

Aichi Prefecture, Obara Town 小原の四季桜


Links with beautiful pictures of Obara and the Cherry blossoms

Worldwide use

North America

I was so unnerved at everyone's surprise when I wrote that there are cherry trees in bloom here in Palo Alto that I drove over to school and photographed them today. I also spent a lot of time in Google looking for blooming times and learned indeed that there are forms of Higan cherry that bloom in winter.

You will know them as pink and often weeping in habit, but apparently they can bloom white and can have broad non-weeping canopies. Our Palo Alto trees are not particularly spectacular as specimens, but since the city has planted them I assume they are a variant that requires little care, and that they were chosen for the street on either side of the gate to the cemetary so that things would not be quite so dismal for winter funerals.

white petals drop
on a funeral cortege
winter blooming cherry

Incidentally, I found that we have a cherry that is native to the eastern United States called the Black Cherry (prunus serotina). It's the tree for cherry furniture and flooring, and the bark is used for cough medicine:


late winter cold
one last wild cherry cough drop
in my pocket

Linda Papanicolaou

Things found on the way


never too late
to start flowering -
autumn cherry blossoms

autumn cherry blossoms -
the cold wind feels
much warmer

enjoying a sip
of hot ricewine -
autumn cherry blossoms

Gabi Greve

Related words

***** Winter Cherry Blossoms, fuyuzakura 冬桜
Cherry Blossom in the cold, kanzakura 寒桜
fuyuki no sakura 冬木の桜 (ふゆきのさくら) cherry tree in winter
karezakura 枯桜(かれざくら) withered cherry tree

***** pink winter cherry blossom hikanzakura 緋寒桜
..... Prunus cerasoides var. campanulata

Kigo for Late Winter.

Smaller trees which blossom twice, in December and April.

Look at more photos here:

山の日は 鏡のごとし 寒桜
yama no hi wa kagami no gotoshi kanzakura

the mountain sun
is like a mirror -
cherry blossoms in the cold

(Tr. Gabi Greve)

Takahama Kyoshi


The PINK version grows in Kyushu and Okinawa and shows bright pink flowers during January to March.
Look here for some great photos from Amami Island.

***** Cherry Blossoms (sakura, Japan)
... and many related kigo


Autumn Melancholy EUROPA


Autumn melancholy

***** Location: Europa
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity

Autumn Melancholy, Autumn Solitude ... There are many words for it.

Autumn evokes certain feelings as melancholie, solitude & world sickness...

Rilke wrote in one of his poems:

Herbst ...
wer jetzt kein Haus hat
baut sich keines mehr,
wer jetzt allein ist,
wird es lange bleiben ....

Autumn ...
He who does not have a home
Will not built one any more
He who is now alone
Will be so for a long time...

Compiled by Dietmar Tauchner


source : The Origa Haiku Gallery
Olga Hooper

Worldwide use


shuushi 秋思 (しゅうし) autumnal melancholy
shuui, shuu-i 秋意 しゅうい feeling of autumn
aki sabishi 秋さびし(あきさびし) feeling lonely in autumn
herbstliche Melancholie


Oh, the Human Life !
my own home just another
lodging for autumn

. Gabi Greve, Autumn 2006 .



for us here in texas, after a brutal summer, the coming of autumn is a joyful thing. one friend wrote me this week that 'fall makes living in texas possible'.

yet the fogs of autumn do inspire solitude, whether or not one feels melancholy. it feels to me that fog is in some way the home of my spirit.

i have noticed on several years, that on the two days seven days on either side of the winter solstice (december 14 and december 28) that there is always a faint lavender fog. i have seen it on no other days of the year but these two. maybe you would like to watch for these lavender fogs this year, on the days seven days removed from the winter solstice in your hemisphere.

this early morning lavender fog has to be an 'earth tipping in its orbit'phenomena.

susan delphine delaney


a black hole
on the window pane
fall solitude

Dietmar Tauchner


autumn solitude
an acorn bounces
through the oak

     Susan Delaney


cat and the mouse
taking a nap -
autumn solitude

Gabi Greve
October 2004


Herbst-Schwermut -
so leer der Bach
ohne die Wildenten

..... ..... ..... autumn melancoly -
..... ..... ..... so empty the brook
..... ..... ..... without wild ducks

Luise E., Italy


autumnal melancholy -
the guitar in the corner
awaits my friends

- Shared by Tomislav Maretic -
Joys of Japan, 2012

Related words

***** Autumn in the home Japan




Autumn (aki)

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Autumn (aki) 秋

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Autumn
***** Category: Heavens and others


The autumn season in Japanese Haiku
is fixed according to the Asian lunar calendar from the beginning of autumn at the eighth of August until the seventh of November.
In reality the autumn in Central Japan lasts roughly from September to the end of November.
There are many kigo with relation to "Autumn", we will start to pick them up here.
Gabi Greve

WKD : The Asian Lunar Calendar

. . . . AUTUMN - the complete SAIJIKI

. Autumn Moon (aki no tsuki 秋の月)  
The most important autumn kigo in all details.

Koshihata Village, Okayama, 2008
. Takadono 高殿鑪 in Koshihata .

In the agrarian rice cultures of Asia, spring for planting and autumn for harvesting were the most important seasons.
Autumn was also a time to give thanks to the deities for a bountiful harvest.

In the court poetry of the Heian period, autumn became a season for autumn melancholy and the fading away of things, especially the ending of a love affair.
aki 飽き to get bored with things, a homonym of AKI.

春 はただ花の一重に咲くばかり

haru wa tada hana no hitoe ni saku bakari
mono no aware wa aki zo masareru

Blooms simply
in one petal of the cherry blossoms -
In autumn mono no aware
is at its highest.

Shuishu 拾遺集 / 拾遺和歌集
Tr. Norinaga Motoori, Michael F. Marra



miwataseba hana mo momiji mo nakarikeri
ura no tomaya no aki no yugure

As I look around
cherry blossoms or crimson leaves
are not to be found -
by the rush-thatched hut along the shore
in autumn's evening dusk.

Fujiwara no Teika, Shinkokin-shu

Maples and Japanese Literature - Hayashida Hajime
source : mohsho.image.coocan.jp

. Seasons ending - kigo collection .


kigo for early autumn

aki meku 秋めく あきめく autumn at its best
..... akizuku 秋づく(あきづく)
..... akijimu 秋じむ(あきじむ)

autumn begins, hatsu aki 初秋 (はつあき)
..... aki hajime 秋初め(あきはじめ)
..... shoshuu 初秋(しょしゅう)
"new autumn", shinshuu 新秋(しんしゅう)
"head of autumn", shushuu 首秋(しゅしゅう)

beginning of autumn, jooshuu 上秋(じょうしゅう)
mooshuu 孟秋(もうしゅう)
chooshuu 肇秋(ちょうしゅう), ranshuu 蘭秋(らんしゅう)

early autumn, sooshuu 早秋(そうしゅう)
dooshuu 桐秋(とうしゅう)
bonshuu 盆秋(ぼんしゅう)

autumn is "thin", aki asashi 秋浅し(あきあさし)
early into autumn, akiguchi 秋口(あきぐち)

"autumn stands up", risshuu 立秋 (りっしゅう)
aki tatsu 秋立つ(あきたつ)

autumn of this morning, kesa no aki 今朝の朝(けさのあさ)
autumn of today, kyoo no aki 今日の秋(きょうのあき)

autumn is coming, aki kuru 秋来る(あきくる)
aki saru 秋さる(あきさる)

entering autumn, aki ni iru 秋に入る(あきにいる)

. WKD : Beginning of a Season .


kigo for mid-autumn

shuusha 秋社 (しゅうしゃ) autumn shrine
aki no shanichi 秋の社日(あきのしゃにち) day of the autumn shrine visit

. Tanokami 田の神 Field Kami and festivals .

"Spring Shrine" shunsha 春社


kigo for late autumn

banshuu 晩秋 (ばんしゅ) late autumn
..... oso aki 晩秋(おそあき)
..... kishuu 季秋(きしゅう)
matsushuu 末秋(まつしゅう)
sue no aki 末の秋(すえのあき)

. yuku aki 行く秋 (ゆくあき)  autumn is leaving
"fleeting autumn" (tr. Higginson)
and more kigo about this part of the season.

Worldwide use

Autumn in England

silent willow leather
village green abandoned-
crimson leaves fall

Paul Oxberry, 2007


By Soji

Things found on the way

"The turning of the leaves in the American autumn is, in its own way, wonderful, but it lacks a poignancy and an elegance suggestive of the passing of time.
There is nothing in the world as all-encompassing as Japanese nature. Religion, art, history and literature are latent within it.""
Masako Shirasu 白洲正子 (1910-98)

Reference : Masako Shirasu
Famous collector and writer about Japanese art and antiques.
Her husband was the politician Jiro Shirasu 白洲次郎.

. Buaisō 武相荘 Buaiso villa .
home of Jirō Shirasu and his wife Masako in Machida, Tokyo.

Autumn Haiku Collection and Thoughts
Roger Pulvers, September 2010


. Autumn: Reflections on the Season  
By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
October 2010


秋たつや何におどろく陰陽師 (おんみょうじ)
aki tatsu ya nani ni odoroku onmyooji
(Blyth is quoted as writing "inyôshi".)

autumn begins -
why is the fortune-teller
looking so surprised?

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .


autumn dusk
scarecrow points
to the rising moon

Philip D Noble


- - - - - Kobayashi Issa - - - - -

one by one
everyone has left
autumn wind

© Haiga by Jerry Dreesen

aki tatsu ya nereba me ni tsuku yuki no yama

fall's here --
lying down, all I see
are snowy mountains

Tr. Chris Drake

This early autumn hokku is from 7/6 (August 27) of 1808, the day before the 7/7 Tanabata Star Festival, when Issa is in his hometown, having returned four days earlier. He's making the trip in order to attend the Buddhist 33rd year memorial service for his grandfather and to discuss his father's will with his half-brother and mother-in-law. Unlike Edo, where Issa is living in 1808, his hometown is surrounded in the distance by high mountains, and signs of autumn appear earlier here than in the city.

At first Issa doesn't really notice the peaks, and if you're standing up inside it's hard to see them. When he lies down on a floor or on some grass, however, his perspective changes and he has time to really look. He's amazed at how white the mountains actually are already. You could tell fall had arrived even if you didn't have a calendar. There seems to be a subliminal link between physically lying down, the snow cover descending the mountain slopes, and the year beginning to grow cooler, almost as if it were getting ready to lie down. Lying down also suggests closeness to the floor and the earth, and I wonder if this hokku doesn't suggest an old, childhood way of feeling time that is gradually returning to Issa's consciousness.

Chris Drake

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

ten hiroku chi hiroku aki mo yuku aki zo

vast sky
vast earth - autumn is now
a passing autumn . . .



© Origa (Olga Hooper)


Renga by Isabelle, Sakuo and Gabi (translating a bit)
Kigo Discussion Group, September 2005

asa no kumo
aki no owari o
ori ni keri

izuko no aki mo
onaji aki kana

... ... ...

morning spider
end of summer

where ever there is autumn
it is the same autumn

... ... ...

Spinne am Morgen
das Ende des Sommers
webt sie

wo immer es Herbst ist
der gleiche Herbst


Related words

*****. Autum Cherry Shikizakura (Japan)

***** . Autumn Equinox (aki higan) Japan

***** . Autumn deepens, autumn is deep (aki fukashi) Japan

***** . Autumn Festival (aki matsuri) Japan

***** . Autumn Leaves (momiji) Japan. yellow leaves, colored leaves

***** . Autumn Melancholy Europe

***** "loneliness in autumn" autumn melancholy,
aki sabu 秋寂ぶ (あきさぶ)
SABU, means also "getting rusty", autumn is rusting. It may also hint to the color of the autumn leaves.

***** Cold weather in autumn, winter and spring . .

***** Withered tips, withered scene, uragare 末枯 うらがれ
ura garuru 末枯るる(うらがるる)
kigo for late autumn

kiete yuku no mo uragare no hotoke kana

Fields dying off:
the underside of grasses frozen
hour of my death.

© Gokei


***** Fine weather in autumn, akibare 秋晴れ
..... aki no hare 秋の晴れ
..... aki biyori 秋日和 あきびより

***** Autumn evening, autumn dusk,
aki no kure 秋の暮

Details are here:
. Autumn dusk, autumn twilight (aki no kure) Japan

***** Autumn night, aki no yuube, aki no yoru
秋の夕べ 。 秋の夜

You can feel the red shine of the late sun in the sky, but know it is over soon. So the feeling of things passing, loneliness and melancoly are very strong. Same as in autumn dusk.

***** Autumn deepens (aki fukashi)

***** Seasons coming to an end ..
relevant kigo for all seasons, including AUTUMN.

***** AUTUMN FOOD ... ... a KIGO LIST

***** . AUTUMN KIGO LIST ... Category SEASON

***** . HUMANITY and autumn kigo ... LIST


***** Lamplight in autumn, lanterns in autumn (shuutoo) Japan


kigo for early autumn

***** Lingering Heat (zansho 残暑 nokoru atsusa 残る暑さ):
shuusho 秋暑(しゅうしょ), aki atsushi 秋暑し(あきあつし)
sensho 餞暑(せんしょ)"farewell heat"

This referst to hot days after the official beginning of Autumn according to the the Asian lunar calendar of risshuu 立秋, August 8 . The word "lingering" zan in Japanese, gives the haiku poet a feeling of "not for long any more", and the heat will be easier to bear.
zanshoo lets us feel the heat of summer, whereas
shuusho lets us feel a welcome "cool" heat of autumn

A warm spell after it has been cool for a while is rather welcome and called
warm autumn day, aki atsushi 秋暑し

lingering heat
the squirrel runs from
green to brown

Owen Burkhart


Autumn deepens (aki fukashi) Japan. Basho's famous haiku translations

Spring (haru, Japan)
Summer (natsu, Japan)
Winter (fuyu, Japan)



Ash Wednesday


Ash Wednesday, Aschermittwoch

***** Location: Europe, worldwide
***** Season: Early Spring
***** Category: Observance


In the Christian calendar,
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent.

It occurs forty days before Easter not counting Sundays (which are not included in Lent); it occurs forty-four days before Good Friday counting Sundays. Its placement varies each year, according to the date of Easter. The date can vary from early February to as late as the second week in March.

Ash Wednesday falls on the following dates in the following years:

* 2004 - February 25
* 2005 - February 9
* 2006 - March 1
* 2007 - February 21
* 2008 - February 6
* 2009 - February 25
* 2010 - February 17
* 2011 - March 9
* 2012 - February 22
* 2013 - February 13
* 2014 - March 5
* 2015 - February 18
* 2016 - February 10
* 2017 - March 1
* 2018 - February 14
* 2019 - March 6

Some Christians treat Ash Wednesday as a day for remembering one's mortality. Masses are traditionally held on this day at which attendees are blessed with ashes by the priest ministering the ceremony. The minister marks the forehead of each celebrant with black ashes, leaving a mark that the worshipper traditionally leaves on his or her forehead until sundown, before washing it off. This symbolism recalls the ancient Near Eastern tradition of throwing ash over one's head signifying repentance before God (as related numerous times in the Bible). Often these Ash Wednesday ashes are made by burning Palm leaves from the previous year's Palm Sunday celebrations and mixing them with olive oil as a fixative. In Roman Catholicism Ash wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence. The penitential psalms are read.

Being the first day of Lent,
it comes the day after Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras, the last day of the Carnival season.

In certain parts of the United Kingdom, Ash Wednesday similarly involves the ritual consumption of the food hash.

In New Orleans, Louisiana it is sometimes jokingly referred to as
"Trash Wednesday" due to the large amount of refuse typically left in the streets by the previous day's Fat Tuesday Celebrations.


Worldwide use


Ash Wednesday (bushfires) refers to major bushfires that occurred on February 16, 1983 across Victoria and South Australia. 75 lives were lost and over 2500 homes destroyed.

Here is an interesting conversation on the topic of this
Ash Wednesday in Australia:
Isabelle Prondzynski asking and Revd Ruth Dudley answering

1. Did the fire actually coincide with Ash Wednesday, so that there is a double appropriateness in the name for that particular day?

The fires occurred on Ash Wednesday - and that is why the term is used - in much the same way as the term 7/11 is used. They were the Ash Wednesday fires.

2. If not, would Australians associate the words "Ash Wednesday" with the fire or with the religious holy day?

I guess it depends on context, but unless you were actually discussing bushfires, I'd say that those Australians who are in any way "churchy" would see the term "Ash Wednesday" as referring to the first day of Lent. This is my immediate take on the term.

However, in South Australia in particular, if you were talking about fires or the heat, or any other related subject & made any sort of reference to Ash Wednesday, the assumption would be that you were talking about *the* Ash Wednesday of the fires. Nevertheless, the term still denotes the religious holy day.

Thanks to both of you.


.. .. .. .. .. .. Aschermittwoch
Seit dem 6. Jahrhundert bildet der Mittwoch vor dem 6. Sonntag vor Ostern („Invocabit”) den Auftakt zur österlichen Fastenzeit. Unter Einbeziehung von Karfreitag und Karsamstag und unter Ausschluß der Sonntage ergeben sich 40 Fastentage vor dem höchsten christlichen Feiertag, dem Gedächtnis an die Auferstehung Christi. Weil die Büßer in der Kirche an diesem Tag nach alter Tradition mit Asche bestreut wurden, erhielt dieser Tag den Namen Aschermittwoch. Seit dem 10. Jahrhundert läßt sich die Austeilung des Aschenkreuzes an diesem Tag nachweisen. Mancherorts hieß der Aschermittwoch auch Pfeffertag, weil Langschläfer mit grünen Ruten aus den Federn „gepfeffert” wurden.

Die Asche des Aschermittwochs wird seit dem 12. Jahrhundert aus den am Palmsonntag übriggebliebenen Palmzweigen des Vorjahres gewonnen.

Auf Vorschlag von Paul Claudel fand nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Paris erstmals ein „Aschermittwoch der Künstler” statt, eine Idee, die Josef Kardinal Frings in Köln 1950 aufgriff. Seitdem treffen in Köln alljährlich Bischof und Künstler zu einer religiösen Standortbestimmung zusammen. Weltweit findet der Aschermittwoch der Künstler in über 100 Städten statt.
(worldwide there is an Ash Wednesday of the Artists)

Read more about local customs in Germany on that day



Ash Wednesday is National No Smoking Day in Ireland!

‘Love is in the Clean Air you breathe!’ aims to prompt people to give up smoking


JUST over one-in-10 people decided to quit smoking because of the ban in the workplace, a national survey shows.
And almost a third of people who stopped smoking on Ash Wednesday last year failed to stay off cigarettes.

According to a survey conducted by the Irish Cancer Society some 25% of smokers would use the occasion to try to give up the habit. The most likely group to attempt to stop were the 25-34 age group, with under-25s the least likely.

Ireland has made huge strides forward during the past year in reducing smoking by banning it in *all* workplaces, i.e. including those of restaurant waiters and bartenders. It caused a huge furore when introduced, but seems to be well appreciated now by most smokers and non smokers alike. Around the border, there is of course the usual cross-border business opportunity -- busloads of smokers travelling to take their pints in Northern Ireland (6 counties out of Ireland's 32, which are part of the United Kingdom), and busloads of non smokers travelling to the Republic of Ireland (the remaining 26 counties) for a smoke-free drink.

ash wednesday --
forty ash free days
to easter

Isabelle Prondzynski



hai no suiyoobi 灰の水曜日 Ash Wednesday. Aschermittwoch

. Japanese Kigo, Christina Festivals .
kigo for early spring

Things found on the way

Ash Wednesday is also the title of a long poem by T. S. Eliot.

Although I do not hope to turn again
Although I do not hope
Although I do not hope to turn



Ash Wednesday -
a warbler in the plum
that late neighbor planted

Eiko Yachimoto


by the third forehead smudge
I remember --
it's Ash Wednesday

Paul David Mena, Haiku in Low Places, Ltd.

ash crucifix
the mark of His death
on my forehead

Debi Bender


in the church
the ashes on her forehead

Mark Whittsett

incense drifting upward
he raises a blackened thumb
to my forehead

Alyson Ludek

bacon on her plate
she remembered Ash Wednesday
. . . too late

Lauren Taylor


We wear black crosses,
Dismissed to a holy Lent.
How shall we keep it?

Lionel E. Deimel


dust on dust
where trees will later grow
ash wednesday

Isabelle Prondzynski


Dreams of peace.
The minister's blessing
cross of ash.

Asahi Haikuist Network, March 6, 2009

Träume von Frieden
und der Pontifex segnet
mit dem Aschenkreuz.

Beate Conrad


Ash Wednesday---
a Hindu woman sits
facing a Catholic

Shared by Fred Masarani
Joys of Japan, February 2012


Mardi Gras 2012

Mardi Gras in New Orleans is one of the biggest Carnival celebrations in the world, in/famously known for its "tradition of women baring their breasts in exchange for beads and trinkets."

Mardi Gras
one by one girls flash
their breasts for beads

Chen-ou Liu

The New Orleans Carnival season, with roots in preparing for the start of the Christian season of Lent, starts after Twelfth Night, on Epiphany (January 6). It is a season of parades, balls (some of them masquerade balls), and king cake parties. It has traditionally been part of the winter social season; at one time "coming out" parties for young women at débutante balls were timed for this season.

Celebrations are concentrated for about two weeks before and through Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras in French), the day before Ash Wednesday. Usually there is one major parade each day (weather permitting); many days have several large parades. The largest and most elaborate parades take place the last five days of the season. In the final week of Carnival, many events large and small occur throughout New Orleans and surrounding communities.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


far away from Mardis Gras
the faithful prepare for Lent
the rest plan to play

Lisette Root

Related words

***** Carneval

***** Shrovetide Maslenitsa (Russia)


. Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo .



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