
Drought (hideri)

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Drought (hideri)

***** Location: Japan, other regions
***** Season: Late Summer, see below
***** Category: Heavens


.. .. .. drought, hideri, 旱

drought, kanbatsu 旱魃
fields during a drought, withered fields, hiderida 旱田
..... hideribatake 旱畑(ひでりばたけ)
hiderigusa 旱草(ひでりぐさ)plants in a drought

long drought, great drought, taikan 大旱

natsu hideri 夏旱(なつひでり)summer drought
hideri tsuzuki 旱続き(ひでりつづき) continuous drought

hiderizora 旱空(ひでりぞら)sky in a drought
..... kanten 旱天(かんてん)
hiderigumo 旱雲(ひでりぐも)clouds in a drought

hideridoshi 旱年(ひでりどし)year with drought

Fields withered by the cold is a kigo for winter.
Withered Plants (karekusa)


kigo for all autumn

aki hideri 秋旱 (あきひでり) drought in autumn

Kigo for Autumn


kigo for all winter

fuyuhideri, fuyu hideri 冬旱 (ふゆひでり) drought in winter
kanhideri, kan hideri 寒旱(かんひでり)drought in the cold

Kigo for Winter


.. .. .. .. .. What is a drought?
A drought is defined as "a period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently prolonged for the lack of water to cause serious hydrologic imbalance in the affected area." -
Glossary of Meteorology (1959).

In easier to understand terms, a drought is a period of unusually persistant dry weather that persists long enough to cause serious problems such as crop damage and/or water supply shortages. The severity of the drought depends upon the degree of moisture deficiency, the duration, and the size of the affected area.

There are actually four different ways that drought can be defined.
Meteorological-a measure of departure of precipitation from normal. Due to climatic differences, what might be considered a drought in one location of the country may not be a drought in another location.

Agricultural-refers to a situation where the amount of moisture in the soil no longer meets the needs of a particular crop.

Hydrological-occurs when surface and subsurface water supplies are below normal.

Socioeconomic-refers to the situation that occurs when physical water shortages begin to affect people.

What are the impacts of a drought?
Lack of rainfall for an extended period of time can bring farmers and metropolitan areas to their knees. It does not take very long; in some locations of the country, a few rain-free weeks can spread panic and affect crops. Before long, we are told to stop washing our cars, cease watering the grass, and take other water conservation steps. In this situation, sunny weather is not always the best weather.

................. Read more about it here:

NOAA's Drought Information Center
National Drought Monitor Graphic Image
Palmer Drought Index Graphic

Worldwide use

Australian Saijiki : drought
topic for haiku

drought -
wind sweeps the stones
in the temple pond

long drought -
boulder lichen
holds on

Lorin Ford, Australia, 2009


On the California coast a "dry season" lasts from the end of the rainy season in April until the rains commence again in November (dates approximate because El Nino, La Nina, dry spells and droughts have to be factored in).

In the dry season, the grass on the foothills dries of to a light oche--one Stanford author called them 'lion colored'.
Linda Papanicolaou



Nicht ein Vogel singt
im sonnenverbrannten Feld.
Fern der dunkle Wald.

Beate Conrad
Sommer 2009

Things found on the way

................................ Dry Spell
In Ireland... a dry spell is that 5 minutes' break you get between the showers! And it can occur any day of the year.

Isabelle Prondzynski

............. After a long Dry Spell

> stars between the clouds-
> a broken umbrella lies
> in the puddle

Wlodzimierz Holsztynski


after the drought
faces lift
to the sky

M. Shanna Moore, Hawaii


Taikai no ushio wa aredo hideri kana

The water is deep  
ln the ocean;  
Drought in the land

It was written in 1904, when Kyoshi was 31 years old.


pouring here and there
words everywhere -
still the drought lingers

Louise Linville (Caladyelle)


drought --
an ancient lake bed
swallows a traveler

© Chibi 2007 知美

Related words

***** Water shortage

The regular DRY SEASON of tropical areas is a different thing.

. SAIJIKI for tropical regions

Kigo for Summer



Dog Days (doyoo)


Dog Days (doyoo)

***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Late Summer
***** Category: Season


In former times, the DOYOO 土用 days (also spelled doyo) four times a year would be the 18 days before each changing to the next season, but nowadays they are only mentioned for the change from summer to autumn. The timing is from 13 days after the “small heat” (shoosho) until the beginning of autumn.

doyoo iri 土用入(どよういり)doyoo starts
doyoo mae 土用前(どようまえ)before doyoo
doyoo naka 土用中(どようなか)middle of doyoo
doyoo ake 土用明(どようあけ) doyoo ends

The days of DOYOO are then numbered in the Japanese counting of
“doyoo-taroo 土用太郎(どようたろう)”,
“doyoo-jiroo 土用次郎(どようじろう)”,
“doyoo-saburo 土用三郎(どようさぶろう”
and so on counting like the number of sons in a family, first one, second one, third one. Thus the farmers respect and know about the changes in the ground and the changes of the seasons, see doyoo-boshi further down.

The first day of doyoo in midsummer (and midwinter) is called ushi no hi, the day of the ox, as in the 12 signs of the Japanese zodiac. It is customary to eat broiled eel (kabayaki, see the photo above) on the day of the ox in summer (doyoo no ushi no hi, sometime in late July). This is because eel (unagi) is nutritious and rich in vitamin A, and provides strength and vitality to fight against the extremely hot and humid summer of Japan. The man who invented this well-loved custom is the famous scientist of the late Edo period, Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内.

Gennai was born in the Takamatsu domain as the son of a low-ranking samurai, moved to Nagasaki to study herbal medicine and in 1757 went to Edo to continue his studies and to write humorous books. He experimented with many natural substances, trying to make cloth of asbestos, thermometers and Dutch-style pottery. Soon he made his own style, Gennai-yaki. His activities included surveys for ore deposits, wool manufacturing and Western oil painting with other Akita painters. He also experimented with electricity and tried his hand at many inventions.

You can read more about him on this page, he is a maveric character worth knowing, not only because his close connection to the dog days (should we say OX days) of summer.

.. ..

Gabi Greve

. Suiteki, Water Dripper 水滴  


Food kigo

doyo eel, doyoo unagi 土用鰻 (どよううなぎ)
doyoo no ushi no hi no unagi
day of the eal, unagi no hi 鰻の日(うなぎのひ)

doyo corbicula shells, doyoo shijimi
土用蜆 (どようしじみ)
eaten in miso soup

Eel dishes (unagi) Japan. Some are kigo

Worldwide use

Hundstage 23. July till 24. August
"Hundstage" ist die Bezeichnung für eine Schönwetterperiode, die nach dem Hundsstern Sirius, der Anfang August mit der Sonne auf- und untergeht, benannt wurde. Sie hat sich im Lauf der Jahrhunderte etwas verschoben, denn heute liegen sie meist schon in der Julimitte.

Bauernregeln Farmers Sayings
Heisse Hundstage prophezeien einen kalten Winter.
Was die Hundstage giessen, muss die Traube büssen.
Hundstage heiss, Winter lange weiss.
Hundstage hell und klar, zeigen ein gute Jahr.
Wie das Wetter, wenn der Hundsstern aufgeht, so wird`s bleiben, bis er untergeht.


Everyone knows that the Dog days of summer occur during the hottest and muggiest part of the season. Webster defines Dog days as...
1 : the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usually occurs in the northern hemisphere, beginning with the heliacal rising of Sirius (the dog star).
2 : a period of stagnation or inactivity
Read more here:

Things found on the way


Dog days -
we name our new puppy

.. .. .. .. Dog days -
.. .. .. .. the rippling air
.. .. .. .. above the asphalt

Dog days -
a man and his pooch
on the surfboard

Zhanna P. Rader

Read more of Zhanna's Dog Day Haiku here:


dog days lonely night...
only one tongue for soothing
the old broken tooth



.. .. .. .. .. Two one-line Haiku:

dog days beans drying on a car hood
Collection of Eric Amman

dog days envelopes stuck shut
from Marlene Mountain


dog-day afternoon --
the cat stretched out
on its back

© Juanito

Related words


***** mushi-boshi虫干しdrying the bugs -
mushi-barai (getting rid of the bugs),
doyoo-boshi, doyooboshi 土用干し drying during the dog-days

The days of doyoo are usually dry and sunny and are used to air out the clothing, books, pictures and other things stored away during the rainy season. Hanging in the wind they will be cleared of mildew and unwanted bugs. Bokusho is a special name given to the books aired to prevent mildew.

In olden times, it was one of the annual events of shrines and temples to air their treasures, in winter we have the hoomotsu kaze-ire (airing the treasures), now usually on November 3, the Culture Day of Japan. The most famous “airing of books” happens at the treasurehouse Shoosoo-in of the Toodai-ji temple in Nara.
Gabi Greve

ryuuguu mo kyoo no shioji ya doyoo boshi

there is a tide way
to the Dragon palace today -
airing all things

. Matsuo Basho - Dragon Haiku .

naki hito no kosode mo ima ya doyoo boshi

even the robe
of the deceased included -
dog-day airing

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


mushi-boshi no yamaga no ushi ni nakarekeri

airing out
the mountain hut
the oxen keep mooing

... Aro Usuda


korogarikomu ne
.. .. .. chibi

Master Daruma
tumbles over so ~
summer airing

dog days --
the search for hidden
hickory nuts


***** doyoo-boshi, draining the riece paddies

CLICK for more photos From July to August, farmers drain the wet rice paddies of water, so that the ground can be seen, as in the picture. This will harden the ground for the harvesting machinery to roll into the fields. If you do not do this, the machines will get stuck in the wet earth. Since this happens during the formal doyoo-days, the name was choosen.


kigo for mid-autumn

otoshimizu, otoshi mizu 落し水 (おとしみず) draining water
draining the water from the rice paddies

mizu otosu 水落す(みずおとす)"water falls" (is drained)
tamizu otosu 田水落す(たみずおとす)
seki hazusu 堰外す( せきはずす)take the water barrier off

This is an important part of rice farming to make sure the fields do not get too wet.

source : www.to-ki.jp/center

For the draining of the paddies, the water is let out of the fields in a way that it falls down for a few centimeters to one meter (three shaku) through a gutter to the field below. This rushing water makes a special sound.

nisan shaku aki no hibiki ya otoshimizu

water falls down
for two three shaku -
sounds of autumn

Matsumura Gekkei 松村月渓
(1752 - 1811)
He studied haiku and painting with Yosa Buson.

one shaku is about 30 cm.

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

abukuma ya gojuushi gun no otoshi mizu

The Abukuma River;
Water drained off
Flows from fifty-four counties.

Tr. Shoji Kumano

. WKD : Abukumagawa 阿武隈川 in Fukushima .

- - - - -

amagoi no Komachi ga hate ya otoshimizu

thanks to the rain ritual
of Ono no Komachi -
draining the paddies

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Amagoi Komachi 雨乞小町. Lit. rain prayer Komachi. .
One of the seven versions of Ono no Komachi 小野小町
c. 825 — c. 900. Waka Poetess and Famous Beauty

- - - - -

ashiato ni hisomu uo ari otoshimizu

drained paddy field,
trapped in water footprint,
a small fish

Tr. ?

- - - - -

ashiato no naki ta wabishi ya otoshimizu

the lonsomeness
of a paddy without footsteps -
draining the water

Tr. Gabi Greve

- - - - -

muramura no negokoro fukenu otoshi mizu

Night deepens,
And sleep in the villages;
Sounds of falling water.

Tr. Blyth

in the villages
sleep wears on;
falling water

Tr. Haldane

- - - - -

onkoo no iwa kosu oto ya otoshimizu

the sound of Onko
coming over the rock -
draining the rice fields

Tr. Gabi Greve

Shiba Onkoo 司馬温公 Shiba Onko 司馬光 Shiba Ko (1019 - 1086)
Chinese politician
He once saved a boy who was trapped in a large jar by breaking it with a stone. He did not fear being punished by the owner of the precious jar.

- reference : pottery with his story -

- - - - -

otoshimizu tagoto no yami to nari ni keri

draining the paddies
one by one they get darker
and darker

Tr. Gabi Greve

nari ni keri - hard to translate

- - - - -

ryuu-oo e ame o modosu ya otoshimizu

giving the rain
back to the dragon king -
draining the paddies

Tr. Gabi Greve

- - - - -

otoshimizu yanagi ni tooku nari ni keri


***** Mizuawase no harai
水合の祓 (みずあわせのはらい)

purification of the court well

mizuawase 水合(みずあわせ)well water purification

On the first day of doyoo, the master of yin-yang ceremonies, (onyooji 陰陽師 onmyooji) Daikoku Minbu 大黒民部 would go through the important buildings of the Heian court and hold purification rituals for the wells.
This is an old custom from China

Onmyōdō (also In'yōdō) is a traditional Japanese esoteric cosmology, a mixture of natural science and occultism. It is based on the Chinese philosophies of Wu Xing and Yin and yang, introduced into Japan at the turn of the 6th century, and accepted as a practical system of divination. These practices were influenced further by Taoism, Buddhism and Shintoism, and evolved into present-day onmyōdō approximately in the late 7th century.
Bureau of Onmyoo (陰陽寮, Onmyoo-ryoo)
Onmyōji (陰陽師, also In'yōji) was one of the classifications of civil servants belonging to the Bureau of Onmyō in ancient Japan's ritsuryo system. People with this title were professional practitioners of onmyōdō.
Onmyōji were specialists in magic and divination.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Kigo for Summer


WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI


Dogwood (Cornus family)

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Dogwood (Cornus family)

***** Location: Japan, North America, Europa
***** Season: Late Summer and others, see below
***** Category: Plant


02 yamabooshi blossoms
Photo © Gabi Greve, 2010

yamabooshi (yamaboshi) no hana 山法師のはな
Literally: Mountain priest
yamabooshi 山帽子 "Mountain Hat" (a play with pronounciation of kanji)
yamaguwa 山桑 "Mountain Mulberry"

The cornus family of plants comes in many variations and therefore different seasons as a kigo in other areas than Japan. See below.
In Japan, the flowers on the twigs are all looking up and it seems like snow on the branches. They grow on Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku in the mountainous areas.
Gabi Greve

Yamabooshi 山法師
Flowering from May to June. Yamabooshi means "mountain priest", since the round part in the middle of the flower reminds us of the shaven head of a priest and the four white petals are like the scarf worn by monk-soldiers on the famous temple Mt. Hieizan, Kyoto. The most famous of these mountain priest-warriours is maybe the brave Benkei, the companion of Yoshitsune. But that is a different story.

Hooshi (hoshi 法師) in the beginning was a term for a high-ranking priest who could explain the Buddhist teaching, but later the meaning became more wide to include any priest or monk, especially the ones from Hiezan, which is the meaning of "mountain" YAMA in the name of this flower.

In Autumn the red berries look almost like strawberries.

Many Pictures:


Dogwood Promenade in Hiroshima

We started the Dogwood Initiative 2001 in an effort to emulate the exchange of cherry blossom and dogwood trees that symbolized the friendship between the US and Japan at the beginning of the 20th century. We will create a beautiful dogwood promenade along the banks of the Kyobashi-gawa River as a living testament to the friendship between the US and Japan, representing for centuries to come the goodwill of the people of the US toward the people of Hiroshima.
source : www.city.hiroshima.lg.jp


Cornus kousa, Japanischer Blütenhartriegel, Kousa Dogwoods

There is also a Chinese version.

Yamabooshi Plants in Japan

mizuki みずき【水木】dogwood, Hartriegel, Hornstrauch
Swida controversa, Cornus controversa

hanamizuki, hana mizuki 花水木 dogwood blossoms
They bring a light and bright feeling to the haiku.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hanamizuki were introduced to Japan as a return-present, when Japan sent the cherry trees to Washington for the Potomac walk. So they are a symbol of the friendship of both countries.
As kigo, they are therefore rather new.


kigo for mid-spring

Tosa mizuki 土佐水木 (とさみずき) winter hazel "from Tosa"
..... Tosa mizuki 蝋弁花(とさみずき)
Hyuuga mizuki 日向水木(ひゅうがみずき)"from Hyuga"
shiromura しろむら
Corylopsis spicata


kigo for early spring

sanshuu no hana 三茱臾の花 (さんしゅゆのはな) Japanese cornel
Japanese cornelian cherry or Cornelian cherries
..... haru koganebana 春黄金花(はるこがねばな)"yellow spring flowers"

Cornus officinalis

Worldwide use

North America


Cornus florida
kigo for spring

Flowering dogwood blooms in the spring, as its new leaves are unfolding, and usually remains showy for 2-3 weeks.
Flowering dogwood occurs naturally in the eastern United States from Massachusetts to Ontario and Michigan, south to eastern Texas and Mexico, and east to central Florida. It grows in a variety of habitats throughout its range, but generally occurs on fertile, well drained but moist sites. Flowering dogwood is usually an understory component in mixed hardwood forests or at the edges of pine forests.


The bright red fruits ripen in September and are eaten by birds.
You can tell a dogwood by its bark...
Look at more pictures here:

and in this Plant Gallery


The flowering dogwood is the state tree and flower of Virginia, and the state tree of North Carolina, both southern states in the US. The dogwood flowers in mid April thru May in most Southern States.

The inflorescence ("flower") of the Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) is the official flower of the province of British Columbia.

"Dogwood, common name for a family of flowering plants distributed mainly in the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere, with a few species occurring in tropical South America and Africa. Of the 14 genera in the family, only the dogwood genus is native to North America. Members of the family are mostly trees or shrubs with simple, opposite leaves. Well-known exceptions, however, are the bunch berry, a perennial herb; and the pagoda dogwood, which has alternate leaves. Dogwood flowers are small and are produced in branched terminal clusters that are sometimes surrounded by showy white bracts. Thus, the so-called petals of the familiar flowering dogwood are actually bracts."


Many southern states have 'Dogwood Festivals'.

2004 Atlanta Dogwood Festival


Ireland (and the UK) :

Red Barked Dogwood 'Cornus alba Sibirica'
Cornus sanguinea "blood-red"

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Both are kigo for winter
The variety used in Europe is a shrub up to 1.50, possibly 2 metres tall at most. It is often planted as a hedge, or a copse along a roadside, and for most of the year is just plain shrubbery.

Once it has lost its leaves, it comes into its own, as its branches, all growing straight upwards and now becoming visible, are either red or brilliant yellow, and thus lend real beauty to the roadsides or hedgerows in winter.

Isabelle Prondzynski

Red Barked Dogwood 'Cornus alba Sibirica'
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Small, creamy-white flowers in May and June and oval, dark green leaves, which redden in autumn and fall to reveal bright, coral-red stems. This red-barked dogwood is perfect for a waterside planting. To achieve the best stem colour chose a sunny site and hard prune the stems to within 5-7cm (2-3in) from the ground each March.

Cornus sanguinea
Sanguinea means "blood-red" referring to the coloured stems of this species which is a native of England, Ireland and east to Russia and western Asia. It is found in scrubs and hedges, often on chalk.
The winter shoots of this upright, deciduous shrub are reddish-green, sometimes completely green and different cultivars are valued for the varied colours of the winter shoots.
The leaves are mid-green, ovate and up to 10cm (4in) long, turning red in autumn. White flowers are borne in May or June in dense, flat cymes, up to 5cm (2in) across.
The fruit are spherical, matt blue-black, bitter and inedible. Once used as a source of lamp oil, their oily nature led to the dogwood being called the “wax tree”.
It was also called the “dog-tree” and “dogberry” because its fruit was considered unfit even for dogs.
Shakespeare gave the name Dogberry to a character in Much Ado About Nothing, indicating the prominence of the dogwood in British life at the time


Dogwood Plants all over the World

Things found on the way

The archives of 'Dogwood Blossoms' an electronic journal of haiku,
created by Gary Warner
reference : dogwood blossoms


A dance of the Mountain Priests, Yamabooshi Odori

Photos : 山法師踊り


under the
flowering dogwood-
a chance meeting

Kate Steere


beautiful dogwood
with soft flower buds forming
lovely thoughts arouse



January sun.
dogwood tree flaming
with finches

Zhanna P. Rader
(Dragonfly, vol. 14, #7, summer 1987)


Though the sun bears down
the dogwoods among the pines
are turning red

Mark Snyder
WKD Facebook, August 2009

Related words

***** sanshuu no mi 山茱萸の実 さんしゅゆのみ cornus fruit
Cornus officinalis
aki sango 秋珊瑚(あきさんご) "autumn corals"
kigo for early autumn

***** mizuki no mi 水木の実 みずきのみ dogwood fruit, dogberry
..... hashika no ki 麻疹木(はしかのき)
tamamizuki, tama mizuki 玉水木 (たまみずき) Ilex micrococca
kigo for late autumn


***** Cornus florida
kigo for spring in North America

***** Red Barked Dogwood 'Cornus alba Sibirica'
***** Cornus sanguinea "blood-red"
Both are kigo for winter in Europe


***** doogwood winter, blackberry winter
kigo for spring
a term used by Southerners to describe a period of cold chilly weather that coincides with the blooming of the local dogwoods.
Typically the treess bloom sometime between mid-April and mid-May (depending on the weather variations of the season) and such a cold spell is often the last winter-like weather of the season.

blackberry winter: Grandmother's tears in her garden

One-line haiku by Chibi (Dennis Holmes)

About Japanese kigo for periods of cold weather in late spring
A cold spell and chil on flowers, especially the Cherry blossoms, is called " . hanabie ." flowers getting cold (花冷え).
Tsuyubie (梅雨冷え) means a cold spell during the . rainy season . , which is a kigo for Summer.

Another way to express the late cold is the use of various forms of . frost . , like parting frost, late frost and so on, as described as the kigo for late spring.

Etsuko Yanagibori


the corner newsstand
pointing at a sunday paper
with his dogwood cane

Jimmy ThePeach
Joys of Japan, February 2012

dogwoods disappear
trapped in a forest
without spring

- Shared by Jimmy ThePeach
Joys of Japan, March 2012

It’s spring again and the flowers are blooming. But one important harbinger of spring is increasingly absent from our Virginia woodlands — the flowering dogwood (Cornus florida). These beautiful native trees are succumbing to the dogwood anthracnose fungus (Discula destructiva), a non-native fungus that has killed over 95 percent of the dogwoods in some areas.

While the loss of the dogwood’s delicate spring blooms and deep purple fall foliage is upsetting, the loss of ecological function is cause for serious concern. Dogwoods are an important food source for wildlife and a significant component of the calcium cycle in eastern forests.
Virginia Department of Forestry
source : www.fairfaxcounty.go


early May
a dogwood blossom
on a manhole cover

- Shared by Gennady Nov
Joys of Japan, March 2012

. Manholes with Daruma だるま模様のマンホール .


. Trees blossoming in summer .




Divali (India) Ramayana

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Diwali, Divali , Devali

***** Location: India
***** Season: Autumn in India, 15. day of Kartika

..... Near the end of the rainy season in T&T
***** Category: Observance



Divali is an Indian festival and now celebrated in all Indian and Hindu communities worldwide.

Diwali (Deepavali, Deepavalli, Deepawali, Devali, Devalli, Dewali, Dewalli) is a five day Hindu festival which occurs on the fifteenth day of Kartika (for example November 12, 2004). Diwali means "rows of lighted lamps" and the celebration is often referred to as the Festival of Lights. During this time, homes are thoroughly cleaned and windows are opened to welcome Laksmi, goddess of wealth. Candles and lamps are lit as a greeting to Laksmi. Gifts are exchanged and festive meals are prepared during Diwali. The celebration means as much to Hindus as Christmas does to Christians.

Because there are many regions in India, there are many manifestations of the Diwali festival. In at least one area, the festival begins with Dhanteras, a day set aside to worship Laksmi. In the Indian culture, wealth is not viewed as a corruptive power. Instead, a wealthy person is considered to have been rewarded for good deeds of a past life.
On the second day Kali, the goddess of Strength, is worshipped. This day also focuses on abolishing laziness and evil.

On the third day (the last day of the year in the lunar calendar), lamps are lighted and shine brightly in every home. The lamp symbolizes knowledge and encourages reflection upon the purpose of each day in the festival. The goal is to remember the purpose throughout the year.
The fourth day of Diwali falls on the first day of the lunar New Year. At this time, old business accounts are settled and new books are opened. The books are worshipped in a special ceremony and participants are encouraged to remove anger, hate, and jealousy from their lives.

On the final day (Balipratipada) of the festival, Bali, an ancient Indian king, is recalled. Bali destroyed the centuries old philosophies of the society. However, in addition to this, he is remembered for being a generous person. Thus, the focus of this day is to see the good in others, including enemies.

Lakshmi, here are some LINKS with her pictures:

Here are some LINKS about the fireworks and how children celebrate Devali.

CLICK for original link: www.craftsinindia.com/
Significance of Lakshmi, Ganesha and Saraswati

In Hindu households the worship of Indian deities; Lakshmi, Ganesha and Saraswati is an integral part of the festival of lights ---Diwali.

Lakshmi signifies fortune and prosperity, Saraswati holding vina represents knowledge and learning and Ganesha symbolizes the vanquisher of all the obstacles. It is believed worshipping them during Diwali ushers in happiness, wealth, wisdom and prosperity in the family.
© www.craftsinindia.com


The Ramayana
is the epic story of Lord Rama's life. His story is acted out all over India at this time. In the evening of Divali devotees put out numerous oil lamps so that Lord Rama will find his way home.
You can view a short pictorial story of some of the highlights of Lord Rama's life.


Read about
By Aju Mukhopadhyay, INDIA SAIJIKI, 2006

The Ramayana is one of the two great epics of India and Nepal.

Rama with Sita

Sita is one of the protagonists and the beloved wife of Rama and the daughter of king Janaka. Rama went to Janakpurdham, current city of Janakpur, Nepal, and got a chance to marry her by lifting a heavy Bow in a competition organized by King Janaka. The competition was to find the most suitable husband for Sita and many princes from different states competed to win her. Sita is the avatar of Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu.

Sita is portrayed as the epitome of female purity and virtue. She follows her husband into exile and is abducted by Ravana. She is imprisoned on the island of Lanka until Rama rescues her by defeating the demon king Ravana. Later, she gives birth to Lava and Kusha, the heirs of Rama.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

days of harvest
night rest of puppet show
loyalty of Sita to Rama

- Shared by Mokhtar Sah Malik, Malaysia -
Joys of Japan, 2012

Worldwide use


Diwali (the Kenya spelling) is celebrated in Kenya, mostly by the Indian population. In Kenya, it is generally associated by all and sundry with fire crackers, which are popped all around the country for a few days, as soon as darkness falls.If one mixes a bit more in Indian circles, one might be lucky enough to be given the special sweets (only available for Diwali) and to see the rangoli (coloured patterns made with finely ground chalk) in the temples. There are special concerts (Bollywood music and more!) and no doubt plenty of other activities, including much socialising.

Isabelle Prondzynski



Divali, the Festival of lights; also spelt Deepavalee and Diwali - is celebrated around September or October. (It is not a fixed date but a lunar influenced date.) - by Hindus in Trinidad and Tobago. It is a Public Holiday. Hindus use this festival as a thanksgiving to Mother Lakshmi .Divali (the commonly used spelling) celebrates the legendary triumphant return of Lord Rama and Sita to their Village after many years, and many hardships, and trials in the forest; caused by an evil King. On their return to the village the villagers lit up the houses and pathways; as a symbol of victory of goodness over evil.


Today the festival's visible highlight is the lighting of deyas at night; Deyas are lit in numbers as many as thousands. Bamboo is an essential element in this festival, as the bamboo is split and bent to hold the deyas. Huge bamboo structures are built in interesting shapes to hold deyas, in homes as well as public spaces. Ghee (clarified butter) is placed in these little clay bowls and a cotton wick to turn them into lamps. When lit, in their vast numbers they are truly a spectacular display.

Although a Hindu Religious festival, it is shared as a community event and is very common to see people from all religous ethics coming out on the streets to light deyas as well as to view the Bamboo sulptures.


Gillena Cox

Things found on the way


deyas light the night
symbol of victory
good over evil

a twinkle of stars
in the dark night sky; beneath
deyas alight

tonight one tiny light
will spread through out the night in
millions of deyas
gillena 2001

in October
deyas and strings of holly
store decorations

gillena cox 2003


divaali fire over ~
butterfly sips moisture
from the earth

© Narayanan


Indian Children made Diwali Haiku

We made our own diva lamps and wrote haiku to celebrate Diwali. A diva lamp has a single wick and is usually brightly coloured.
(Unfortunately they do now show the haiku made on that day.)


CLICK for more photos

............................ Diwali 2006,
in memory of our dear member at WHCindia
Yajushi (Marella Ram Vinodh)

dark Diwali sky
has come down on earth-
one starry night

early winter night-
a patch of dark lurking
under each lamp

dark night-
tiny lamps take over
from autumn sun

Diwali night:
sparklers dazzling the dark
as they die

vishnu p kapoor


Fire and Lamps, starry sparks
illumine the hearts in Diwali

Aju Mukhopadhyay


deepavalli -
her face glows as she
lights the lamp

shivkasi -
little diyas send smoke tales
to the Gods

Shivkasi in interior Tamil-Nadu is famous worldwide as a producer of quality fire crackers and infamous because it uses child-labour.

Kala Ramesh


in the garden circle
first light

on the 15th October we held a National celebration, in the City's Promenade Gardens, on the first night of Diwali for the Festval of lights

under the evening sky
diyas cluster

Laxmi Ma
regal on her lotus
atop the van

There is usually a big motorcade procession of local Mandir on the second night of Diwali.

danielsgy, 2009
Kigo Hotline


new dress,lot of crackers - and
my parents' blessings

diwali started -
my wife prepares
for making sweets

sound of crackers -
birds flutter and
move from tree to tree

sky draped with
colourful sparks -
stars envy

Ganga Snaan -
remebering my
grandma's oil massage

(Ganga Snaan - taking bath on diwali day which inolves application of sesame oil all over the body and bathing with steaming hot water. It is believed that this bath on Diwali day is equal to taking a holy dip in the Ganges).

WHCindia, 2009


Deepavali is a festival of light; it has different connotations to different sections of the people. While for the children it is an occasion of joy and enjoyment, new clothes, fireworks and good food, the traders celebrate it as the beginning of a New Year. In most of the household men express their reverence to the departed parents and forefathers on this auspicious day. Ladies dress up in their best, and make the celebration grand by their innovative ideas and domestic backup.

In some regions like Bengal and Orissa people worship Mother Kaali, a form of Durga, who destroys all the evils and ushers good. In most part of the country, people worship, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. In Indian context, light stands for wisdom and enlightenment. Therefore, the peace-mantra from Rigveda is very relevant and apt for this occasion:

Asotoma sadgamay
tomosoma jyotirgamay
mrutyorma amrutoyagamay

(Lead us from unreal to real, from darkness to light and death to immortality.)

On this great occasion let us greet each other, wish each other for brighter and happier days, peace, joys and prosperity across the world.

festival of light --
kids light up the homes
built in each heart

- Shared by Kumarendra Mallick -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013

Related words

***** Deya ディヤー diya
a clay jar (about17 cm in diameter) used as an oil lamp during the festival of Devali.


***** House Cleaning for Diwali (saaf safaayi) India
The whole house is cleaned and scrubbed. . . till it SHINES!
The servant maid has to help with the cleaning - part of the unworded contract when one employs her!!!

Kala Ramesh


A Sanskrit mantra aptly describes the importance of light as emanated by diya on Diwali:

Asato maa sad-gamaya (Lead us from Untruth to Truth)
Tamaso maa jyotir-gamaya (From Darkness to Light)
Mrityor-maa-mritan gamaya (From Death to Immortality)
OM shaanti shaanti shaanti (OM peace, peace peace)

on diwali night...
the diyas eclipses the new moon
at their brim

- Shared by Neelam Dadhwal -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013


ディープ・ディパワリー祭 / ディパーリー祭
Enjoy the atmosphere of India, birthland of Daruma san.
. Daruma Forum




Daylight Savings Time (DST)

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Daylight Savings Time (DST)

***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Humanity


DST Daylight Savings Time, Summer Time

In Europe, I suspect that Daylight Saving Time refers (if at all) to Summer Time rather than Winter Time. In winter, we are following the "natural" time for this part of the earth -- the UK and Ireland reverting to Greenwich Mean Time, and Central Europe situated at one hour ahead of GMT. It is in summer that we save daylight by altering time, such as to have unnaturally (and beautifully!) long evenings...

In Europe (25 countries of the EU plus several additional countries), the start of Summer Time is the last Sunday of March, while the end of Summer Time / start of Winter Time is the last Sunday of October.

In the 80s, the changeover to Winter Time was at the end of September in most of Europe, with only Ireland and the UK changing at the end of October -- making October the month of the year when I used to ring people at particularly unsuitable times... ! Meanwhile, it has seemed somehow tempting to make Summer last for an extra month – and so October was co-opted into summer. Historically, the beginning of these time changes was in the 70s, if I remember well.

But there was an antecedent in the Daylight Saving Time of World War II in the UK. Iam rather vague here though...

Isabelle Prondzynski



Just as sunflowers turn their heads to catch every sunbeam, so too have we discovered a simple way to get more from our sun.
We've learned to save energy and enjoy sunny summer evenings by switching our clocks an hour forward in the summer.

Here is a link to learn more about the DST.
From Benjamin Franklin to the Present.

Worldwide use


In America this refers to the moving of the clocks back one hour on the final sunday morning of october. the days have been shortening, with later dawns and earlier sunsets. This shift backward of one hour allows for more 'daylight' when people are up and about. although i find it personally wrenching, as i follow the seasons closely, it does make for greater safety for kids walking to school and waiting for the schoolbuses, as passing cars have a chance to see the children!
the way we remember 'daylight savings time' and its counterpart 'standard time' is the saying 'spring forward, fall back'. this is a jokey way to remember which way to move your clock hands.

Susan Delaney

Things found on the way


daylight savings
the windshield bugs

susan delphine delaney


Sommerzeit, ade.
Heut verlängere ich denTag
mit Kerzenlicht.

Summertime gone
Today I prolong my day
With candle light

(Tr. Gabi Greve)

Elke Jagst

Related words


Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

WHC Worldkigo Discussion Group

Back to the WHC Worldkigo Index


[ . BACK to worldkigo TOP . ]

December (juunigatsu)

***** Location: Japan.
***** Season: Mid-Winter
***** Category: Season


Haiku juunigatsu in the Edo period relates to the climate of present-day January,
but some festivals are dated in our present-day December.

. . Names of Japanese months and their meanings . .

As the last month of the lunar year, it was also a month with preparations for the New Year.

The Twelfth Lunar Month 十二月 juunigatsu - 師走 shiwasu - .

in Edo


December, juunigatsu 十二月 (じゅうにがつ)

The name of the twelfth month according to the Asian lunar calendar:

December, "end of year month", shiwasu 師走 (しわす)
Explanations of this word :
The Japanese is a pun on SHI HASU 師走, calling the monks together to read the sutras for the End of the Year.
"Year coming to an end", toshi hatsu 年果つ.

"extreme month" gokugetsu 極月(ごくげつ)
"waiting for spring month" haru machi zuki 春待月(はるまちづき)
"first plum blossoms month" ume hatsu zuki 梅初月(うめはつづき)
"Three (all) winter month" mufuyu zuki) 三冬月(みふゆづき)

"Parent-Child month", oyako zuki 親子月(おやこづき)
"Month of the younger brother", ototo zuki 弟月(おととづき)
"Month of the younger child", otogo zuki 乙子月(おとごづき)

tairo 大呂 (たいろ) (old name for the 12th month)
second of the winter tones
It derives from the tones of classical musik (gagaku 雅楽), which was introduced from Tang China.

banshikichoo 盤渉調 (ばんしきちょう) Banshikicho
sixth of the winter tones

. . . . .

"month holding the years together", roogetsu 臘月(ろうげつ)
The word ROO means つなぎあわせる "to hold together"

. roojitsu 臘日 (ろうじつ) last day of the year  

. . . . .

The name of the eleventh month according to the Asian lunar calendar:
(now also used for November in haiku)

"frost month", shimotsuki 霜月 (しもつき)
"frost coming down month", shimo furi zuki 霜降月(しもふりづき)
"waiting for snow month", yuki machi zuki 雪待月(ゆきまちづき)
"looking at snow month" yukimi zuki 雪見月(ゆきみづき

"month with Kagura Dance performances", kagura zuki 神楽月(かぐらづき)

Mask used only in December performances

"Gods coming back" month, shinki zuki 神帰月(しんきづき)
(they have been away in October to visit the shrine in Izumo, see LINK below.)

"month with a day of the mouse" ne no tsuki 子の月(ねのつき)
(meaning the month with the winter solstice)

reference : 十一月 霜月 Juuichigatsu Shimotsuki November


December ―― Under the Weakening Sun

December is the month in which the sun is getting weak. The sunlight becomes weaker and the day gradually becomes shorter until toji, the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. The origin of Christmas is also said to have been a festival of toji. In the past, people who were afraid of the sun which was losing its power, prayed to God for getting its power back to all over the world.

As the sunlight becomes weaker and weaker, all things wither and the mountains, rivers, trees and plants look desolate and gloomy. At the same time the people's life is also much influenced by the weakening sun. As the day becomes shorter and rapidly gets dark, we feel restless as if our daily life is packed off away. The winter cold grows intense, chilly wind howled frightfully, and it begins to snow. We also see ice and frost around us. Under these conditions we have to adapt ourselves to the winter life. In Saijiki there exist many seasonal words about heating apparatus or outfit for cold weather. We have more days when we are forced to stay at home. In the northern part of Japan people are snowbound and obliged to stay inside of the house. That is because the sun has declined in power.

The characters of December are shown in such seasonal words as tanjitsu(the day getting short)and fuyu-no-hi (the winter sun), aren't they?

In gloomy winter, people have placed their lives upon the change of nature, having not only felt depressed but also found the beauty in the desolate nature. People have thus actively enjoyed the winter life. Probably because of this attitude, there are many seasonal words on the tastes in winter.At the end of this month many seasonal words on toshi-yoi (preparations for the New Year) greatly increase in number. This is one of the characteristics of December.

Inahata Teiko

Worldwide use

In the Southern Hemisphere, December is a
kigo for Summer.

The snow and cold related Japanese names would not work there. Haiku poets from the area will have to re-consider the "poetic implications" of this month.
But the meaning of "end of year" will be conveyed worldwide.

Calendar reference kigo are for example the names of each month and then the many festivals of a specific date and the memorial days. Japanese haiku poets up from the North of Hokkaido down to the South of Okinawa have no problem when using DECEMBER as a kigo within the convention of writing haiku, for example.

Calendar reference kigo and their use



December, January and February in Australia

Things found on the way

Poems, Quotes, Folklore Sayings, Links,
References Ideas, Garden Chores
Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo



a traveler's sky--
Twelfth Month
29th day

Kobayashi Issa

Comment by David Lanoue
The season word for this haiku is simply "Twelfth Month," a winter season word. The reason I don't call it "December" is because I want the reader to sense that, indeed, the Japanese traditional calendar is different from the Western one. The 29th day of Twelfth Month could correspond to a much later date in the modern calendar. For example, Issa died on the 19th day of Eleventh Month in the dynastic year that corresponds to 1827.

But, because the old Japanese New Year's Day comes later than the Western one, Issa's
actual death date is January 5th, 1828. This means, in that particular year, the 29th Day of Twelfth Month would have occurred somewhere in the third week of February, Western calendar.

Daily Issa by David Lanoue


December rain --
uncertain chess game
me vs. me

© JJ Dec 5, 2004


December Haiku by Victor P. Gendrano


December fog –
among the yellow leaves
a dead frog.

Michael P. Garofalo

Related words

***** Gods are absent (kami no rusu)Japan. Old lunar 10. month (now November)

***** Kagura Dance (Japan)

***** Year coming to an end . activities ... ... with many KIGO
preparations for the New Year, toshi yooi
cleaning at the end of the year, kure no sooji
cleaning off soot, susu harai
party to forget the old year, boonenkai
giving Year End presents, seibo iwai
paying the last tax money, nengu osame
"holidays for the Year End", nenmatsu kyuuka
.......... and many many more

***** end of the year ... SEASON kigo list

. . . . WINTER
the complete SAIJIKI

. WKD : December - KIGO CALENDAR .




Devil's Claw

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Devil's Claw (Proboscidea louisianica)

***** Location: Southwest USA
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Plant


When I lived in Oklahoma during my teenagedom, there was a plant called "Devil's Claw". It was a weed. I was often getting one or two catching on my boots as I did day hikes on the mesa.
There is a plant from South Africa having the same common name but a different variety that seems to be a herbal remedy for arthritis.
The plants seed pod is very malevolent looking!
I always associate it with summer in the Southwest, USA


The rather sinister common name of "devil's claw" refers to the inner woody capsule which splits open at one end into two curved horns or claws. Each capsule contains about 40 black seeds which are gradually released when the claws split apart. They are also called "elephant tusks" and readily cling to the hooves of grazing animals or your shoes if you happen to step on them. In some areas of the southwestern United States they are a nuisance to sheep ranchers because they get entangled in the fleece.

In his fascinating book, Plants and Planet (1974), Anthony Huxley (son of Julian Huxley) eloquently describes the hitchhiking pods as "hookers." The fresh green pods (and dried black seed capsules) were important items in the cultures of many Indian tribes of the southwestern United States, and are still used to this day for food and in basketry.
The plant is also known as "unicorn plant," referring to the large, hornlike fruit before is has split open.

South American devil's claws (Ibicella lutea). In addition to the long, curved claws, the capsule body is covered with prickly spines. This is one of the world's most durable and ingenious hitchhikers. It can also be one of the most painful if you get a claw imbedded in your hand.

Green fruits of the pink-flowered devil's claw (Proboscidea parviflora ssp. parviflora) hang on the branches like curved bean pods or okra. They are cooked and eaten as a vegetable by several Indian tribes of the southwestern United States and Mexico. The name "unicorn plant" is derived from the unopened pods which have a single curved horn.

Major Topics To Be Discussed on theses links:
A Brief Introduction To Devil's Claws
Dispersal Of Devil's Claws By Big Animals
Devil's Claw Species In The Americas
Use Of Devil's Claws By Native Americans
Devil's Claws In Death Valley, California
Cultivation Of Devil's Claws
Where To Purchase Devil's Claws
References About Devil's Claws

Worldwide use


Die Teufelskralle - Harpagophytum procumbens

Die im südlichen Afrika beheimatete Teufelskralle wird schon lange von den einheimischen Völkern als Heilmittel gegen Fieber, Magen-Darmleiden und Schmerzen verwendet. Mittlerweile ist der Bedarf gerade in Deutschland so gestiegen, dass durch schonende Sammlung und Kultivierung der Bestand der Heilpflanze gesichert werden muß.

Plant of Southern Africa. Used as remedy against fever, stomach aces and pain. Used widely in German natural medicines against rheumatism.

Things found on the way

A page with pictures called HAIKU PLUS features the Devil's Claw.



devil's claw! the red clay also sticks to my boot

a snake suns on the gypsum outcrop -- devil's claw

devil's claw in the rat's nest -- dust devil

3 one-line haiku by Chibi


in the shadow
of the scarecrow
devil's claw

Geert Verbeke

Related words


Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

WHC Worldkigo Discussion Group

Back to the WHC Worldkigo Index


Day of Desolation (Yom haShoah)

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Day of Desolation (Yom haShoah)

***** Location: Israel
***** Season: Spring, 27 of Nisan
***** Category: Observance


This day is the anniversary of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto.

Yom haShoah is a fixed date in the Hebrew calendar (27th of Nisan), but since that calendar does not coincide with the Gregorian, the day will occur on various dates in April or May:

18 April 2004 (27th of Nisan, 5764)
06 May 2005 (27th of Nisan, 5765)
25 April 2006 (27th of Nisan, 5766)
15 April 2007 (27th of Nisan, 5767)

Norman Darlington

The people in Germany (and in other European countries) think at the “Holocaust Day” of the liberation of Auschwitz (Januaray 27) and the Shoa and all victims of the National Socialism.

Gerd Boerner

I invite those of us for whom the phrase Holocaust Day is not yet set in stone to consider using the Hebrew name, Yom HaShoah ("Day of Desolation"), as an alternate, if not more correct, appropriate, phrase. (A holocaust = a burnt offering as a sacrificial ritual.)



Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Yom HaShoah - How To Remember The Holocaust (I:17)
Yom HaShoah and Lessons to be Remembered (II:7)
Community - Then, Now, and Forever
The Sound of Silence
A Vital Transmission

Yom HaShoah
This day, which was established to remember the Holocaust and the six million Jews who perished, is the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, .


Jom ha Shoa (18.April 2004)
In German.

Worldwide use

Links about the Holocaust
maintained by Al Filreis

Things found on the way


.. .. .. .. .. Shoah by Gerd Boerner 2003

Die bleichen Kinder
küssen die Erde - nun
vor den Öfen

Before the ovens
they kneel and kiss the ground –
those pallid children.


foreign workers
party on the beach
Yom haShoah

Yom haShoah
the swimming pool

Norman Darlington


flowers fenced
with barbed wire
Yom HaShoah

on Desolation Day
he clears snow

Geert Verbeke

Read more of Geert's Haiku on this subject here:


Related words

***** Holocaust Day

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

WHC Worldkigo Discussion Group

Back to the WHC Worldkigo Index

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