***** Location: Japan
***** Season: New Year
***** Category: Heaven
初日 hatsuhi : first sun, first ray of sunlight
初日の出 hatsuhi no de:
first sunrise of the year
..... New Year's sunrise
. gantan 元旦 first day (sun) of the New Year .
ganjitsu 元日 "first day"

Amaterasu Oomikami and Dainichi Nyorai, The Sun Gods
On the first day of the New Year, the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Oomikami is worshipped in many places of Japan. During the Edo period, is was customary to bow and clap your hands in prayer to the sun, o-tentoo-sama, every morning and also make offerings to the numerous Shinto deities at the small shelf for the Gods (kamidana) in every home.
The Sun Goddess, Queen of Kami, She Who Illuminates the Heavens, the Supreme Shinto Deity. Amaterasu is the child of Izanagi and Izanami (creator gods of Japanese mythology). Japan's imperial family claims direct decent from her line; the nation's flag symbolizes the sun; the name of the country means "Land of the Rising Sun."
Emperor Akihito (the current emperor) is said to be the 125th direct descendant of Emperor Jinmu, Japan's legendary first emperor and a mythical descendent of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess.
In her Buddhist version, she is adressed to as Dainichi Nyorai, the Great Sun.
He whose name means "Spreader of Light in All Directions." In Japan he is the "Great Solar Buddha of Light and Truth," "The Resplendent One," the "Radiant Preacher."
To worship the sunrise on the first day of the New Year will bring good fortune and health to the human being. Temples and shrines on mountains and at the seaside are crowded with people who keep alert the whole night, warming at large bonfires, trying to catch a first glimpse.
For Japanese, first sunrise of the year is special. It is a kind of spiritual event called "Hatsuhi-no-de" in Japan. Many Japanese wake up early in the New Year's morning to watch the first sunrise and pray to sun for their annual fortunes or wishes. Many places which have a great view of sunrise are always crowded with many people at New Year's Day in Japan.
Here is a link with the above quote and a first sunrise in New Jersey
Awakening before sunrise is also considered important, as viewing the first sunrise of the year is thought to be a good and proper start for the New Year. Again, the T.V. networks which have been broadcasting continuously throughout the night, show pictures of the first sunrise breaking at various locations in Japan.
Read more about the New Year customs here !
. Amaterasu Oomikami (Omikami) 天照大神 .

"Sunrise on New Year's Day at Susaki"
Utagawa (Ando) Hiroshige
observance kigo for the New Year
himachi, hi machi 日待 (ひまち) waiting for the sun
on the first lunar month
On the last day of the year, people stay awake and wait for the first sunrise.
This used to be done also on the first auspicious day of the fifth, ninth and tenth lunar month.
In the first lunar month, this could be the third, 13th, 17th, 23 or 27th night.
People would not eat that night until the first sun of the year was out on the next morning.

special sake for this occasion.
Mt. Fuji
seen from Temple Minobu-san, a famous place for looking at Mt. Fuji and other Fuji LINKS

More links with wonderful sunrises, there are more than 40.000 hits if you google.
….. in Matsuyama, the town of Shiki, Shikoku
Things found on the way
Great picture gallery of Okinawa
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. First Sunrise 2005
Haibun by Gabi Greve
cross my heart
it looks huge...
the year's first sun
-Issa, 1820
Tr. David Lanoue
hatsuhi izu
shio todoroki no
taenu naka
….. Tohyu
New Year's sunrise
in the roaring sound
of the breaking waves
From the Kyoshi Group of Inahata Teiko
sora chikaku amari mabayuki hatsuhi kana
.......... the sky draws near
.......... such a bright sunrise
.......... New Year's Day
Shiki Archives
first sunrise
over woods and hills
drifting clouds
Isabelle Prondzynski
First Sunrise 2012
first sunrise -
the clouds and I came out
to see it
first sunrise -
I almost
saw it
To conclude:
first sunrise -
the clouds had
the better view
Pia So'Sua von Prondzynski, Ireland

A Beauty Looking at the First Sunrise
Eishosai Choki (active 1789 - ca. 1807)
Related words
***** First lightness, first light of the year
(hatsu akari) 初明かり
kigo for the New Year
The first appearance of dawn, before the first sunrise of a new year on January first.
This is very close to the following, first light of every day.
*** first sky 初空 hatuszora
on the first day of the new year
hatsuzora no hazure no mura mo samui gena
the first sky
of this remote village
must be quite cold
Kobayashi Issa
gena, old version for for rashii.
***** First light (of every morning)
non-seasonal topic.
first light is the first lightening of the sky. it is colorless and comes 20 minutes before the rosy light of dawn. the actual sunup, the sighting of the sun, comes later yet.
first light
a frost star
in the birdbath
first light
crosshatched with snow
first light
venus and Jupiter
in a tight embrace
first light
distant suns
susan delphine delaney

like Buddha Amida
coming over the mountains -
First Sunrise !
Gabi Greve, 2005
taiyoo 太陽 the sun - die Sonne

solar wind...
echoes passing
through me
photo : SDO/AIA (12 March 2012)
a wind stream from this coronal hole could reach Earth on March 16-17
- Shared by Louis Osofsky
Joys of Japan, March 2012
. Sun and Moon Deities of Japan .
Dainichi Nyorai The Great Sun 大日如来
Nitten, Sūrya, Āditya 日天
. Solar Eclipse May 22, 2012 .
kinkan nisshoku 金環日食 golden ring eclipse
. Sun (dinesh) . India .
. Dawn (akebono) in all seasons
. Equinox in Spring and Autumn 彼岸 higan .
. Stars in various kigo 星 hoshi .
. Astronomical Saijiki .
by Shawn Lee Whitney, USA
first sun ~
old mountain slowly
reborn in light
First Sky , another kigo of this group:
the year's first sky's
first blemish...
hatsu-zora ni haya kizu tsukeru keburi kana
by Issa, 1817
another step
closer, to the end . . .
year's first dawn
Season word: year's first dawn (summer in Australia)
Richard Kay, Australia 2007
cheering the year's
first sky...
even sparrows!
hatsu-zora o hayashi koso sure suzume made
by Issa, 1817
Or: "even a sparrow." Shinji Ogawa explains that koso sure is an emphatic expression for "do."
Tr. David Lanoue
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