
MidLink Magazine
Halloween, Hallowe’en
***** Location: North America
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Observance
Hallowe'en is a folk festival which upon Christianisation became loosely attached to All Saints' Day. In Germany, the same day (31 October) is the Feast of the Reformation, being the anniversary of the posting of the 95 theses of Luther .
In Ireland, there are great customs of Hallowe’en, family festivals pre-dating Christian times, which have been "modernised" and secularised and commercialised in the USA in particular, modifying customs brought by Irish emigrants. If Hallowe'en is "celebrated" in Ireland nowadays, it is the American version rather than the Irish version which is used.
Isabelle Prondzynski
Other kigo related to Haloween are:
jack o lantern, trick or treating, black witch, black cat, ghost, haunted house and a few more.
Worldwide use

Halloween -- The History and Customs of Halloween
Halloween Online - Your Guide to Halloween
Halloween Central - All About Halloween!

harouiin ハロウィーン / ハロウィン Halloween
In Summer in Japan
it is custom to tell stories about ghosts, kaidan 怪談, and gruesome events, so people will get a chill from it to keep cool.
And haunted houses, house of horrors, obake yashiki お化け屋敷 are a treat for kids during the summer holidays.
. Monster festival (bakemono matsuri 化物祭 )
kigo for early summer
This refers to a local festival at the Tsuruoka Tenmangu in Yamagata. People are free to dress up and wear masks, so nobody knows who the other might be. One traditional style is seen in the photo below.

Gabi Greve

. . . CLICK here for Photos - manekineko !
... ... ...
suiboku no Yostuya kaidan nowake tatsu
an ink painting
of the Yotsuya Ghost Story -
Typhoon is here
千﨑 英生
Yotsuya Kaidan, the tragic ghost story of O-Iwa and Iemon, is maybe the most famous of these summer ghost stories.
A long, long time ago, a woman named Oiwa was married to a man named Iemon and they lived in Yotsuya. One day, a rich lady fell in love with Iemon and captured his heart with her money. Iemon ordered his servant "Put a little of this medicine into Oiwa's every meal".
Day by day, Oiwa grew weak, lost her hair and the right side of her face became deformed. After this she was treated cruelly by the people around her and she died holding a grudge against them. After her death many strange things happened and all of the people who had mistreated her died.
The ghost play "Tôkaidô Yotsuya Kaidan" was staged for the first time in July 1825 at the Kabuki Nakamuraza. It is performed to our day to give us a chill during the hot season.
For more about Japanese Ghosts, check my articles on
Oni, Japanese Demons .
We have quite a list of mythic monsters in the Philippines, some less fun more insidious goblins, some kind of a vampire often sighted but never proven in Manila even, a centaur-like amorous monster said to impregnate virgins as easily as through clothing left out at night, old witches as ordinary as a neighbor said to have the power—an always evil spell, among many others. These kept us indoors as children though I remember most the horse-riding marauder who abducted children, and whose blood would be used to pave mountain trails. I chose ‘kapre’ the giant known to live in a tree under our tower whose blossoms had the most repugnant smell ever. When it blooms, the old folks say, that’s when the kapre rises; the tree has long been felled.
a throaty rustle
with his repugnant scent
the kapre takes me
- Shared by Alee Imperial Albano-
Joys of Japan, 2012
Kapre (related to the Agta in the Visayan languages)
is a Philippine mythical creature that could be characterized as a tree demon, but with more human characteristics.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. WKD : Philippines Saijiki .
Things found on the way
Daruma San and Halloween

- Photo Reference -
haunted house
the photograph
of a blue blob
Deborah P Kolodji

lonely graves
spooking away the ghosts -
Summer in Japan
Gabi Greve
Ghost Stories お化けの話
Some links to Halloween Haiku Pages

Contest at the Star Gazette
Canadian Zen Haiku Halloween 2004
Halloween haiku
Halloween Haikus
shiki.archive.9810: SHIKI Halloween Haiku -
There are a lot more, google yourself!
clouded skies
light rain
Kenneth Daniels (GY)
halloween -
grandma is searching
for her nightdress
halloween -
under one umbrella
two boggles
Heike Gewi, Yemen
the goblins go back
into their books
Alan Summers, England
The Haiku Calendar 2010, Snapshot Press
Haiku Friends 2
ed. Masaharu Hirata, Osaka Japan 2007
halloween curry takeout
a ghost spine T-shirt boy
gets his mom to order
Alan Summers
Kigo Hotline 2009
horror night -
children eat
too much candy
Alex Serban
Romania, 2010
Halloween night...
an eerie feeling
stalks me
Halloween night…
a stray black cat
crosses my path
Halloween night...
candles and flowers
for the tomb
Willie Bongcaron
Philippines, 2010
a boy lies
in the casket on my porch...
Halloween night
Chen-ou Liu
Candad, 2010
Halloween night
children dressed in costumes
for their "trick-or-treat"
Witches and warlocks
costumes aren't too scary
on Halloween night
white clouds
lighted white candles line up
on unpainted tombs
early morning queue
an altercation ensues
at cemetery's gate
a throng of people...
candles and flowers sell
like hotcake
Willie Bongcaron, Manila

from facebook 2012, Joker,Smoker & Midnight Toker
Related words
***** allhallowmass
All Saints' Day (in the Roman Catholic Church officially the Solemnity of All Saints and also called All Hallows or Hallowmas), often shortened to All Saints, is a solemnity
celebrated on 1 November by parts of Western Christianity, and on the first Sunday after Pentecost in Eastern Christianity, in honor of all the saints, known and unknown.
allhallowmas ...
the goblins go back
into their books
Alan Summers
Publications credits: The Haiku Calendar 2010
October blue sky---
a witch buys a new broom
for Halloween
Fred Masarani, New York - 2013

source : ameblo.jp/dan-yormun だん
Fudo Myo-O on his way to a halloween party
***** All Saints’ Day
***** Pumpkin (kabocha)
Read a comment on the Haunted House kigo discussion by Bill Higginson here:
yamagata no obake maturi ha
omosiroi desu ne.
doumo arigatou gozaimashita.
Halloween -
a child smiles back at
jack o' lantern
Janice Rosenberger
who cares
about halloween ? ???
kotatsu time
Check out my halloween party 2014 !!
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