Egg Nog, Egg Nogg, Eierlikör
***** Location: USA, other countries
***** Season: Winter
***** Category: Humanity
Eggnog (eggs beaten with sugar, milk or cream, and some kind of alchohol)
It is a traditional holiday drink reserved almost exclusivly for Christmas and New Year's parties.
Michael Baribeau
Egg-flip, Egg-hot, Egg-nogg:
The History of Egg Nog
From Buckingham Palace to the White House to New England homes everywhere, toasting the holidays with egg nog is a custom rich in tradition. Historically, egg nog is first mentioned in the early part of the seventeenth century as a beverage used to toast one's health.
Many believe that eggnog is a tradition that was brought to America from Europe. This is partially true. Eggnog is related to various milk and wine punches that had been concocted long ago in the "Old World". However, in America a new twist was put on the theme. Rum was used in the place of wine. In Colonial America, rum was commonly called "grog", so the name eggnog is likely derived from the very descriptive term for this drink, "egg-and-grog", which corrupted to egg'n'grog and soon to eggnog. At least this is one version...
Other experts would have it that the "nog" of eggnog comes from the word "noggin". A noggin was a small, wooden, carved mug. It was used to serve drinks at table in taverns (while drinks beside the fire were served in tankards). It is thought that eggnog started out as a mixture of Spanish "Sherry" and milk. The English called this concoction "Dry sack posset". It is very easy to see how an egg drink in a noggin could become eggnog.
Eggnog, in the 1800s was nearly always made in large quantities and nearly always used as a social drink. It was commonly served at holiday parties and it was noted by an English visitor in 1866, "Christmas is not properly observed unless you brew egg nogg for all comers; everybody calls on everybody else; and each call is celebrated by a solemn egg-nogging...It is made cold and is drunk cold and is to be commended."
Our first President, George Washington, was quite a fan of eggnog and devised his own recipe that included rye whiskey, rum and sherry. It was reputed to be a stiff drink that only the most courageous were willing to try.
Read more here:
Advocaat, Adwokaat, Egg Flip, Egg Nog, Eier Cognac
A creamy sweet drink known widely, the common elements being egg yolks, sugar and high-proof alcohols.
Worldwide use
The most famous was the Advocaat.
Advocaat is a dutch liqueur, made from a rich and creamy blend of unpasteurised egg yolks, sugar, aromatic spirits, and grape brandy with a hint of vanilla. It has a distinctive smooth yellow consistency with a strength akin to fortified wine.
This is not to be an advertisement, just an information about a German custom to drink this during Christmas times.
We had special wide glasses with a short stem, a heirloom from Grandmother, to lick it off leisurely. These glasses were packed away after January 6, when the Christmas season was over.
We also have special Eierlikör cakes and cockies and other kinds of cocktail drinks.
There is even a mix with Japanese tea "sencha" and egg nog aroma, bee pollen, malve flowers, sunflowers and orange flowers, which to my palate sounds terrible.
... www.tee-katalog.de/
Things found on the way
Eggnog, a Haibun
Everyone in the department brings their seasonal food for the daybefore the end of the year holiday break. There are dishes fromIndia, Africa, China, Brazil, Germany, France, England, Denmark,Italy, and America. I am ashamed to say I went through the line morethan once!
rum is not allowed
at the office
... WHChaibun
egg nog-
dogs bark
at the television
Kate Steere
everyone stops to watch
the toddler's first sip
Why? The stuff tastes nasty, that's why!:-)
Michael Baribeau
Related words
***** . Hot and Cold Drinks - SAIJIKI
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