Daphne (jinchooge)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: Mid-Spring
***** Category: Plant
Sweet Daphne, Daphne odora, jinchooge 沈丁花, jinchoo 沈丁,
Daphne , zuikoo 瑞香, unkoo 芸香、choojigusa ちょうじくさ
The smell of the fragrant Daphne in early and mid-spring in irresistable. You stop your feet and sort of listen with the nose...
The origin of this lovely flower is in China, but now it is loved throughout Japan since the Muromachi Period.
In haiku, its smell is mentioned more than the blossom itself.
Gabi Greve
This group consists of about fifty hardy and tender, evergreen and deciduous shrubs from Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Most of these shrubs are small, but some grow quite large and some are prostrate plants suitable for the rock garden. Daphne produce fragrant, tubular-shaped flowers that come in a variety of colors. They are suitable for cutting, though the scent, if placed in a small space, may become overpowering. Take care when children and pets are around as these plants are poisonous if ingested.
D. arbuscula is a small, evergreen, alpine plant that forms a round shrub with thin leaves and rosy-pink flowers from late spring to early summer. The blossoms are followed by brownish-yellow fruits. D. burkwoodii var. Carol Mackie is a hardy, small, semi-evergreen shrub having green leaves margined with yellow that eventually turns white.
D. cneorum (Rose Daphne, Garland Flower) is a hardy, prostrate, deciduous shrub that bears fragrant clusters of rosy-pink flowers from mid- to late spring. This shrub needs particularly cool, moist conditions with soil rich in leaf mold or peat moss. D. laureola ssp. Philippi is a dwarf, evergreen shrub with leathery, shiny green leaves. In late winter to early spring, yellowish-green flowers are borne in thick clusters. This variety is excellent for a shady spot in the rock garden. It may cause skin irritation.
D. Valerie Hillier is a dwarf, evergreen, spreading shrub. Its fuzzy shoots are clothed with oblong, shiny green leaves up to 2 inches long. Terminal clusters of flowers are produced on the young growths from late spring to autumn. They are purplish-pink in bud, opening to light pink and fading to white with pink-edged lobes. The throat of the flower is pale pink fading to green at the base.
More facts about Daphne odora
Nice picture of the blossom
Japanese link with many pictures
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
fragrant daphne <>
the money collector stops
before he knocks
They bloom right in front of our entrance door, so going in and out is a special pleasure at this season. And today was the day of the Gasman collecting the bills...
Gabi Greve 2005
Related words
***** Trident Daphne, Mitsumata no hana 三叉、三椏 (みつまたのはな )
musubiki no hana 結香の花(むすびきのはな)
This plant flowers in mid-spring too. The slopes of our mountains are covered in yellow these day. Mitsumata is the source of a kind of handmade Japanese paper, so in some valleys it is grown extensively for this purpose. Each branch leads to three new branches, hence the name.
I have written about the Japanese paper elsewhere, please refer to this link:
Washi, Japanese Paper
Mitsumata belongs to the family of Daphne (jinchooge above). Edgeworthia chrysantha.
Here are a lot more photos of the plant.
三叉や 和紙の里にも 笑顔あり
mitsumata ya
washi no sato ni mo
egao ari
Trident Daphne -
in Ricepaper Valley
everybody is smiling
Gabi Greve
.. .. .. .. Washi Japanese Handmade Paper

WASHI Paper : Reference
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1 comment:
Beautiful photographs, Gabi ... I admire your camera and your sense of timing!
:>) Ella
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