Advent Season with various kigo
***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Early Winter.
. . . . . . Summer in the Southern Hemisphere
...................... Late Tropical Wet Season
***** Category: Observance

Advent Wreath / Adventskranz
(The word WREATH リース by itself is not a kigo, since it could be for a funeral or other occasions.)
Christmas wreath クリスマスの花輪
advent, taikoosetsu 待降節 (たいこうせつ)
The season of advent (Latin Adventus, sc. Redemptoris, " the coming of the Saviour "), is a holy season of the Christian church, the period of preparation for the celebration of the nativity or Christmas.
In Eastern Orthodox churches -where it is also called Winter Lent- it lasts 40 days, beginning on November 15, and in other churches from the Sunday nearest to St. Andrew's Day (30th of November) tillChristmas. From the 6th century the season was kept as a period of fasting as strict as that of Lent; but in the Anglican and Lutheran churches the rule is now relaxed.
In the Roman Catholic church Advent is still kept as a season of penitence. Dancing and festivities are forbidden, fasting enjoined and (in accordance with the symbolism of liturgical colours) purple vestments are worn in the church services.
Worldwide use
Advent begins with the Sunday after the 26th of November.
Catholic Advent in Germany
According to "Gotteslob, katholisches Gebets- und Gesangbuch" :
> Der Advent
> Der Weihnachtsfestkreis beginnt mit dem Advent. Er umfasst drei bis vier Wochen; beginnend mit dem Sonntag nach dem 26. November. In diesen Wochen soll sich die Gemeinde vorbereiten auf die beiden weihnachtlichen Hochfeste, an denen das erste Kommen des Gottessohnes zu uns Menschen gefeiert wird.
> Dadurch wird unsere Erwartung auch hingelenkt auf die zweite Ankunft (lateinisch adventus) Christi am Ende der Tage. Unter beiden Gesichtspunkten ist der Advent geprägt von hingebender und freudiger Erwartung. Die Gemeinde versammelt sich zu werktäglichen Gottesdiensten, meist "Rorate" genannt. Die Familie sammelt sich um den Adventskranz, dessen Kreisform den Zusammenhalt und dessen wachsendes Licht die zuversichtliche Erwartung der Gläubigen im Advent ausdrückt. In manchen Gegenden gibt es den Brauch des "Frauentragens". Ein Bild der Gottesmutter wird jeden Tag zu einer anderen Familie gebracht.
> Die Adventsonntage
> Der erste Sonntag im Advent ist in seinen Texten geprägt von der Wiederkunft Christi am Letzten Tag. Am zweiten und dritten Sonntag steht die Gestalt Johannes des Täufers vor uns, der die Wege für das Kommen des Herrn bereiten will.
Der letzte Sonntag stellt uns Maria vor Augen, die Mutter und Jungfrau, die uns Christus geboren hat. Die erste Lesung ist in den Adventmessen regelmäßig aus den Büchern der Propheten genommen, vor allem aus Jesaja.
Links to some nice Advent decorations.
All the word mentioned below would make a kigo for advent time haiku.
Beautiful handmade decorations
an Online shop
A large catalog. You have to click Weihnachten on the right sidebar to go to these or try some of the items I choose below.
Adventsleuchter candle stands
Baumbehang christmas tree decorations
Engel und Bergmann angels and traditional mine workers
Engel angels
Fensterbilder pictures for the window
Kerzenhalter candle holders
Lichterbogen light decorations
Lichterhauser light houses
Miniaturen miniatures
Nussknacker nutcrackers, speciality of the area
Weihnachtspyramide christmas pyramid !!!
Rauchermann smoking dolls, speciality
Spieldosen little organs and music boxes
Weihnachtsfiguren christmas dolls for the barn
Krippe barn of Jesus birth
List of Advent - related words from Luise:
Christkindl .. Christ ChildChriststollen .. Stollen, famous German cake of the season
Bescherung, Bescherabend .. Giving presents to the kids on 24th of December evenign
Lebkuchenmann .. Gingerbred man
Lebkuchenhaus .. Gingerbread house (there are other gingerbread figures too, so GINGERBREAD is the kigo)
Hutzelbrot .. spiced currant breat (regional speciality)
Krippenspiel .. nativity play (very common is churches and schools)
Rauhnächte ( vom 25. Dezember bis zum 6. Januar) .. nights from december 25 to January 6
Dreikönigsfest .. Three Holy Kings Festival (January 6)
. Advent in Kenya
dangling torn
ribbons on shop windows--
Moi Avenue
another tailoring shop
opens on our street
chicken feathers
littering Soweto Market--
Christmas Eve
chicken sellers
re-stock their cages--
Patrick Wafula, 3013
Things found on the way
famous German Advent Poem from Rainer Maria Rilke
Es treibt der Wind im Winterwalde
die Flockenherde wie ein Hirt
und manche Tanne ahnt wie balde
sie fromm und lichterheilig wird;
und lauscht hinaus. Den weißen Wegen
streckt sie die Zweige hin - bereit
und wehrt dem Wind und wächst entgegen
der einen Nacht der Herrlichkeit.
The wind blows in the winter forest
a herd of flakes like a herdsman
and some fir anticipate that soon
she will be godly and holy lighted;
and listens into the far.
She stretches her twigs
towards the white roads - ready
and fights the wind and grows towards
the one night of holiness/glory.
First Advent Sunday
a flame flickers
atop one purple candle
first Advent Sunday
first Advent Sunday
a child hangs an ornament
on the Jesse tree
Gillena Cox, 2004
Advent Wreath
advent wreath
a glowing ring
of faces
Michael Baribeau
Erster Advent
mein Schatten überquert
den Zaun der Nachbarn
.. .. .. first advent
.. .. .. my shadow crosses
.. .. .. the neighbors' fence
* * * *
ein Alter mustert
den Arsch der Verkäuferin
.. .. .. xmas sale
.. .. .. an old man studies
.. .. .. the shopgirl's behind
Dietmar Tauchner
Adventskranz -
von der ersten Kerze
ein Stumpf ohne Docht
.. .. .. advent wreath
.. .. .. from the first candle
.. .. .. s stump with no wick
Luise from Italy
eine Motte kreist um ihn;.
lass sie leben, Dirk.
.. .. .. advent wreath
.. .. .. a moth circles aroud it;
.. .. .. let it live, Dirk.
Erika Schwalm
Advent haiku 2011
Patrik Wafula, Kenya
Isabelle Prondzynski, Ireland

- Photo: Bing images, public domain -
Advent wreath . . .
one lit candle casts
flickering light
- Shared by Elaine Andre -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
Related words
***** First Advent Sunday
First Advent Sunday is 'The First Sunday of Advent.' The First Sunday of Advent; in the Church Calendar is called "The 'First Sunday of Advent'. This Sunday also marks the Church's new Year. The word advent means ' a coming or arrival of any important event or person. '
Advent is the season of preparing for Christmas when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. There are four Sundays in the season. On the first Sunday the Advent Wreath (which carries five - one in the center and four outer candles ; one of which is pink); is placed near the altar and one of the outer candles is lit on each Sunday in Advent. The pink candle is lit on the third Sunday.
Gillena Cox
***** Advent Wreath, Advent Candle
In Germany, I remember all the candles on the wreath are bright red or sometimes homemade from bees wax, then they are a gentle yellow. The wreath itself is also often homemade. I remember my grandfather preparing one for each of his childres's families as a special gift on the first sunday of advent.
On the following links, we can read about different colors and meanings of the candles.
Gabi Greve
Advent – Preparing for the Lords Coming
Over the weeks coming up to Christmas we are lighting the candles of our Advent wreath. The wreath is a very symbolic thing. It is round, with no beginning or end – reminding us of God’s unending love for all creation. The wreath is ever green – recalling that our faith, our hope and our love never die, when they spring from Jesus. The candles themselves - purple to celebrate the coming of a king – represent the light that comes into the world with Jesus. The pink candle on the third Sunday in Advent symbolises “joy” – and traditionally was a Sunday that was a break in the serious preparation for Christmas. The large white Christ candle in the middle of the wreath symbolises the one who said “I am the light of the world.”
The center candle is white and is called the Christ Candle. It is traditionally lighted on Christmas Eve or Day. However, many light it on the Sunday preceding Christmas, with all five candles continuing to be lighted in services through Epiphany (Jan 6). The central location of the Christ Candle reminds us that the incarnation is the heart of the season, giving light to the world.
Read a detailed description of the meaning and symbols of the wreath, the colors of the candles and Advent in general.
Advent Wreath
The Advent Wreath is a simple way to honour Advent. By using the symbolic power of candles within the four weeks of Advent, we illustrate that Advent is a time of solemn preparation, that during this time, we are awaiting the Light of the Word and the Dawning of Hope.
Advent Wreath
The origins of the Advent wreath are found in the folk practices of the pre-Christian Germanic peoples who, during the cold December darkness of Eastern Europe, gathered wreaths of evergreen and lighted fires as signs of hope in a coming spring and renewed light.
Christians kept these popular traditions alive, and by the 16th century Catholics and Protestants throughout Germany used these symbols to celebrate their Advent hope in Christ, the everlasting Light. From Germany the use of the Advent wreath spread to other parts of the Christian world.
The Wikipedia about the Wreath
Picture of Special Advent Candles
***** Advent Calendar
A German Advent custom is the Advent calendar, with 24 little numbered doors in a picture of a Christmassy scene, one of which can be opened on each morning in December. The more luxurious calendars have pieces of chocolate hidden behind the little doors!
Adventskalender from Sharelook
Adventskalender from Yahoo
Adventskalender from Richard Sellmer
Adventskalender für Garten-, Natur- und Pflanzenliebhaber For Nature Lovers
Adventskalender der Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin - A Winter Tale Calendar
Plenty more of the German Advent Calendars
This one is just starting in 2004, to check online every day
***** . Santa Claus St. Nikolaus, Santa san
***** . Christian Celebrations in Winter
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